Why didn't you join the Army Yas Forums?

I didn't because of a minor physical defect in my body, my feet is flat

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I had no white flag with me

Bone spurs.

I didn't want to kill peasants 5000 miles away

I have horribly flat feet and enlisted in the Marine Corps with no problems at all

When they asked how many times I smoked weed I answered a few thousand, and then they said they didn't want me anymore

why would i want to die for some other guys financial profit?
thats cucked bro

Yas Forums I really really wanted to be in the army. Being in the army here is a good life, also I wanted to join as a lieutenant meaning by 24-25 I would be Captain, would have the opportunity to command a post of the platoon but I failed the bearing test. My feets are flat


Being in the military as a officer here is a good life, good pay. When you command a platton you will get a driver, chefs , assistant and so many perks. Also my country isn't at war so you get paid for doing nothing.

But I didn't got in, I am borderline depressed because of m rejection. I idon't have motivation to do anything

How do I learn to let it go Yas Forums? I get depressed when I see someone in the uniform. I just cannot cope.

Is this some kind of weird larp?

I wish it was but it isn't. Army has been a integral part of my life. I always wanted to be in the army but I won't be able to fulfill my dream.

I just want to join the army because of the power and benefits the army here has to offer. In which job would you get 500 of idiots that will do anything for you.

> Imagine getting to command 500 fags at the age of 35

I did, it was fun and it paid well, you should probably consider it, all you will do is sit on your ass all day and go camping a few times a year.

Being in the army sucks.
Prefer to make money than serve my country.

Even if you did have a white flag you wouldn't know how to use it lmao or they would only give you one white flag for every two soldiers lmao

Soldiers are mostly gay. I don't want to be raped by faggots in my platoon.

Brain issue

Because I’m blind in one eye plus every army in NATO are just stooges for the zionists

> I just want to join the army because of the power and benefits the army here has to offer. In which job would you get 500 of idiots that will do anything for you

You have no idea what being in the army is like (as an officer too) . Unless you are a top general you are just following orders from your higher ups. And all sorts of rules and regulations bind you too. Your soldiers won't "do anything for you". You will rarely decide anything yourself as a part of such a huge institution. If you wont do what you are told by your superiors you are finished
If you dont follow regulations you are finished. If your soldiers record you hazing/abusing them or breaking some of the innumerable "rules and standards" that bind you they will sue you and you are finished. And your soldiers arent idiots since IQ testing is normal in modern armies.

Its great that you wetent accepted, you sound like a delusional moron on a power trip.

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You don't have to be in the army to command 500 people

also this
wtf is wrong with you


I actually am. How do I change bros? But being in the army here is a fucking good life, all the corporals and other lower rank are your slaves

>How do I change bros?

Dont, at least you are entertaining, otherwise you would just be a moron

>all the corporals and other lower rank are your slaves

No they arent, read my previous post

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I tried when I was 26. They said ok boomer, fuck off. You're to old.

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I wouldn't necessarily have a problem with being a soldier. The thing is I have no interest in working for our current government.


Mentally ill and have vision migraine problems. Also I have no interest in serving this shithole, rather fight in an army for a cause I support rather than nigger dick and gays.

Eye condition, fully corrected with contact lenses but an instant disqualification, even for something like an engineering apprenticeship. I'm glad I didn't sign up for ZOG but I still wonder what could have been.

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>my feet is flat
post pic

>Bone spurs.
me too. its one of my feet. cant remember which though.

Based gangweed man ,when will this opresion of gamers end

also you dont have testicles

found the foot fag

I was but mostly its a waste of time.

Nigger, I joined the Time travel corp, spent an eternity in a hyper cube, got framed by the government and still did not get paid. To top it off they took an alternate timeline child version of me, gave it transgender surgery and tried to get me to marry it. So, fuck the government if you join it you're a fool, fuck the Rothschilds and absolutely fuck the crown and Israelis. They perform psy ops on civilians to push political agendas and fuck Obama too. He tried to frame me for possession.

To busy drinking and smoking weed. Wish I went the army route

>I still wonder what could have been.

You would have been kivked out for calling yourself a patriot (top left corner, a very nazi thing to do)

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ZOG Force of germany

of course and as a proud dutch i like when they are FLAT

>The best of the best
>Serve the people
Oh, forgot to mention, if you die in service and were any good, they'll copy and upload your brain into a droid. Bam, there goes your free will. Forget the fact they inject you with those nanobots in M.E.P.S. Any ways, so it was already gone. If you fucking new the half of it you'd never get out of bed, not worth it.

Being A Low Level Grunt Won't Satisfy My IQ
Gottsa Go to college first.

My Grandpa Was a Logistics Officer during ww2 Fighting in Europe
I Have Perfect German Genes.
From Midwest originally

Yeah you're right, eventually my power level would have been revealed.

Fucking cringe image, I wasn't aware of just how pozzed my army is

You're better of with your freedom intact. If you care about people, volunteer.

I was classified as insane. :-(

They even have trannies there now. Your eye condition is a DQ but a guy with mutiliated genitals, taking hormones, wearing a wig and LARPing as a woman is just fine

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I encountered female NCOs before shipping, no thanks.

Very true, no it's not that I wish I could say that is the reason. More for the soldier training.

I joined the KISS Army. Because like to party every day.

absolutely based

Bruh I went through boot with a 33 year old, but he was prior enlisted. Anyway he passed with flying colors.

Maybe it was different in leaf army back when he tried to enlist, these thigs vary between countries and change with time

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user please tell me thats just schizo talk...

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Buddy, you got bots.

Propably yes but will propably become standard onve these technologies get cheaper. U gonna get chipped, soldier

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If you're just doing 4 yrs, I'd act retarded but passing for your job.

Always, pass. But never, and I mean NEVER show off. They'll fucking Borg you.

Buddy, they print the cash

>If you're just doing 4 yrs, I'd act retarded but passing for your job.

I already do that, and my pt scores are mediocre at best. Thanks for the advice user.

No problem

If the government can just print money why does it tax people?

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Psoriasis, it go away if I wasn't stressed but I seem to always be stressed so a more stressful situation would just make it worse.

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Hoooly fuck.... That's fucking pathetic.

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Because the logistical continuity of Time Travel is a nightmare, you can not be in the same timeline with yourself and be aware of it. You go insane. For all our technilogical advances, creating souls is not one of them.
TL;DR It's easier

>die for israel, goy

>Why didn't you join the Army Yas Forums
Because I'd rather make a lot of money and live a comfy life than die for some retarded cause in a retarded war that makes no sense, for a country I ultimately don't care about.

>the criteria Tobe a 2020 nazi is just speaking truthfully about the problems that plague your country and its perpetraitors
Haha this like sniffing a RP from afar, most gamers out there will have a bingo In this field. Buncha Poofta cunts

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