Anyone infected ITT will be lit up

Anyone infected ITT will be lit up

Attached: B893919C-6C50-48B0-9899-768981765353.gif (540x378, 2.43M)

Like your mum's ass, memefag

press f

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Good thing I’m healthy

Hah your flames do nothing

Time to burn some Muslims

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am I infected?

Anime is for kike loving faggots.


Got a light?

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Attached: melting.png (400x261, 273.24K)

Says the glownigger flag

Halp me

suck my ass

I'm already lit senpai :100%: :fire: :100%:

holy based


>says the blacked loving pedarist

Attached: 2705F069-AD99-4CB6-98DC-9BE457F9BDB1.jpg (980x793, 155.27K)

zalgo grant me immunity from this moose scourge... every user knows is originated in canada

Start by realizing moose are stupid Moose are a parasite. Moose are a disease. Moose are a spreading plague. Moose eat all the greenery, Moose stand there like retards in the road. Moose charge at headlights. Moose get worms in their head that destroys their flight/fight response. Moose bumble around like retarded blimps on toothpick legs - just waiting to fall perfectly onto the hood of a vehicle. Moose breed too much and shit EVERYWHERE. Moose run through a mile of deadfall and brush after taking a bullet to the lungs. Moose are a fucking CANCER. But retard new canadians and toronto types are like "Hurr durr moose are precious symbol of Canada. Let's auction off a retardedly small amount of tags every season so that any time one of us city folk go north of Lake Simcoe and have no idea how to drive on county roads we can get in lethal accidents that clog up the road for hours because we smashed the little twig legs of our precious "symbol" and a 1200lb bag of beat crushed us as it rolled over the hood of our compact."

I fucking HATE moose, and I fucking HATE toronto.

Don't let them reply to you! You'll get infected!

herd immunity

lmao checked



Burn you sick whores

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Can we kiss user?

Attached: images (10).jpg (530x579, 31.93K)

I don't care anymore, just kill me already so that I feel something again

Attached: rich.jpg (816x640, 57.95K)

thank god im not infected and im not jewish

do it


Exactly, you have to be careful in times like these

How's the infected game work anyways?



I am therefore I glow

Checked and --
coof, coof

Time to control this spread....China style

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Anyone infects me gets an elbow to the temple

coof coof, look mum im coofing like everybody else coof coof

Fire can't save you subhuman non infected.

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Cleanse me with your fire.

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No more infected posting, only flames

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exterminatus NOW

Attached: guardsman.png (994x755, 883.36K)

try it faggot

Attached: infected tamplate.png (1002x760, 433.3K)

i think im gonna.... coof

You must go

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Im clean


>says the weeabo pedophile

Hitler approved anime waifus, my treenigger friends told me so.

kill me i'm too much of a pussy to do it myself

Plz no

Pls nooooooo
Have mercy :(

based frog

All clear here

It’s for the greater good user

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fpbp. Can confirm. OP's mom is an insatiable anal slut.

Ah Ch(you)

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niggers fuck your mom OP you fucking subhuman cunt KYS

No more shit posting, just cries of pain

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As if the board wasn't shit before this

i hope we all make it

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You look feverish user, are you ok?

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This war is a disease, and the cure is flamethrowers!

Attached: yeehaaa.jpg (600x376, 43.21K)

Clense me with flames daddy

I'm going to finger your ass like you did to that loli you pedo

Thank god im ok

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fuckfuckfuck who coofed on me
i was clean

Attached: fuk.jpg (1200x673, 100.15K)

I am using my phone so I am healthy and uninfected regardless.

can't touch this

Well fuck


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What's this all about then?
