I am a right-wing gay guy and I am genuinely curious how Yas Forums feels about me...

I am a right-wing gay guy and I am genuinely curious how Yas Forums feels about me. I love my boyfriend and we are both threatened by liberals who want to take our guns, cuck our cars, waste our money, and further ruin our public image. We were born in a shitty blue state and we will be leaving after we graduate college. I am a rather private person, so you would not know unless you got to know me well. I do not think that I am all that unusual. The left has twisted how I am seen by amplifying the bad gay people, ignoring the normal ones, and lumping me in with degenerates who have nothing in common with me. All white people are already familiar with this treatment.
>inb4 kys fag, fpbp

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Sound cool
Shame ur a poof
Good luck in life

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You’re probably ugly. The only hot right wing fag is Dave Rubin. The right wing will accept you during election season and dispose of you when not needed.

Thanks ausfag but I have come to appreciate it because I don't think I could ever have as much in common with a girl.

Left wing gay. Are you a thick bottom who likes rough tops?

If so, you're okay with me. If you're really hot you can fuck me.

Beeing gay doesn't make you a faggot.

It actually does though, all gays are faggots, but not all faggots are gay.

>I am a right-wing gay guy
So are most of them.

Right wing
Pick one retard

Nope. I think the whole top/bottom dom/sub thing is pretty forced.

is this a larp? why even refer to yourself as a "gay retard" ?

If you engage in sodomy you get the rope.
Only acceptable form of homosexuality are frotting and handjob.

dont care didnt ask plus you're gay

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I hate all faggots, including you

I mean, you still get fucked in the ass.

OP is a faggot.

Why are you gay?

Based Indian!!

I think that most gay people are normal people who go unnoticed, and that the minority who are fags are amplfied by the media because it serves their purposes.
Everybody is told all our lives that being a fag is simply how all gay people act, so some gays consciously start acting this way when they realize that they are gay, because:
A. they are NPCs who follow their programming or were GROOMED by pedos,
B. they have a weak personal identity so they reinvent themselves to make their sexuality their entire identity,
C. they can get craved positive/negative attention, or
D. so that other gay people can find them
Liberals are benefiting from this and they have us under a magnifying glass with their brainwashing.

Why do liberals do this? Maybe they want voters, or simply want to do anything that damages traditional masculinity. Most of what they do really hurts us normal gay people. We do not benefit from it.

I have a sense of humor, user.

I think you should be put to death.

Are you just not attracted to females at all? Were you always that way?


You're fine as long as you marry your boyfriend and are monogamous with him.

For me I kinda like tits but idk if I'm with a girl I can't stay hard or get off from her at all.

Posting this unironically for the first time

a poof gets the coof!!!
>Anonymous (ID: 3qN6NUDt) 04/01/20(Wed)13:11:48 No.2513655

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die faggot

Speaking as a homosexual, I have to concede that most faggots are decidedly NOT normal. Libertine sexuality is endemic, and I blame the influence of the subculture as a byproduct of social exclusion for it.

I am attracted to girls although I have been more attracted to them in the past. Sometimes I watch straight porn. I just have a pretty good preference for guys. It changed this way when I was 15 or 16.

That's the plan

if you have to ask you know the answer

why are you gay

GAYreek hahah no wonder turkey is conquering you guys

Faggot here.
Don’t blame the media for pozzing the image of gays.
Blame your own people and their behavior for that.
Refusing to call out your own people is what niggers do.

Have you considered the possibility that you’re more attracted to men now due to a long term homosexual relationship?

There's a Turkish migrant behind every other Belgian flag, stop pretending that you are not among them.

Gay people are fine by me, I dont care what consenting adults do in their spare time

My only real hard line NOPE's are most trannies, and people who believe everything the news tells them, hook line and sinker

>during the 2016 election, there was this guy who was GAY AS FUCK who would sasche up and down a very busy road wearing a giant Trump billboard, every day.

He was ballsy as he was fabulous, I had alot of respect for him. That strip of road was his fashion runway and he was straight killing it, in front of thousands of people, everyday.

Godspeed, based homo

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gayreeks get the coof!! now go take of the corona invested mudslimes on your Lesbian islands!! (i'm actually Jewish)

In the same boat as you.
We have everything in with "the right wing" except one detail, make sure it is one detail and not your entire persona and political views.

I think our responsibility as faggots is to denounce and call out the degeneracy and not passively allow it.

Jewish induced liberal/progressive ideology is the core issue, they create much of the perversion, us gays are only a vehicle and a pawn in their game.
Had it not been for globohomo I think we would not be frowned upon 10% as much.

BTW the shills try to radicalize, polarize, divide and provoke by only focusing on the ultra fags and trannies.

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faggots should be executed in public /thread

There are certainly many fags who act like fags, but they are a very vocal minority who have mostly fallen for the liberal psychop or have been indoctrinated by the mainstream "gay community" which really only consists of these fag types. You will only find them in big cities, but there are gay people everywhere.

Fecal Pajeets are worse than the fisting leather daddies from the basements of Berlin.

Facist/Nazi/right wing faggots unite against globohomo. Call them out, they hate when their little pets get out of hand.

>It changed this way when I was 15 or 16.
Interesting. It just changed overnight for no reason? Would you agree with people who say it's a "choice" to be gay?

Swedeshit going: fuck pajeet like my boyfriend paki fucks me!!!! disgusting börknigger!!!

Thanks for seeing things clearly.

I cant stomach the fems and queers as a faggot, but in your example it is hilarious and based to overdo the faggyness while holding a giant Trump sign to dispel leftist myths and take away their exclusive rights to us as pets.

In my honest opinion there is no such thing as homo conservative. At best you're a disaffected liberal at worst you're a pleasure addicted pervert.

If you want the nightmare to end stop being addicted to your pathos.

Our world is dying because people like you allowed themselves to think being gay is normal.

Its not and it has lead to massive amounts of death by disease , pestilence, famine or war more than once in history.

Hey OP, here's a puzzle that I've been meaning to ask a gay for ages.
Suppose tomorrow a well known and trustworthy scientist called a press conference to announce that he had successfully identified whatever it is in a man's brain that makes him gay, and he had produced a treatment. The treatment is, say, a course of pills taken for three weeks. He intends to make these pills available for doctors to prescribe to homosexuals who want it. The pills have no adverse side effects and turn a man completely permanently straight.
Assuming it is within your means to access these pills, would you take them?
No wrong answer, genuinely curious.

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yea last two world wars are directly linked to two german gay men with an inferiority complex the leaf speaks truth

That LGBTQWERTYUIOP+ bullshit is part of it. Tranny/queer/non-binary whatever.
Everything after the B is completely unrelated to gay people, and they lump themselves in with us to confuse people and steal mainstream acceptance and in the process they tarnish our reputation.
These groups make the claim that they ARE something, we only claim that we LIKE something.
These degenerates demand special treatment and/or societal change, and either harm themselves or others.

The two witnesses dying in revelation refers to hebrew marriage ritual and eludes to the concept of gay marriage being the harbinger of chaos in a society.

It was more about the Jews raping little boys for fun in Berlin but hey tomato tomahto

Gay =/= Faggot
You're cool with me buddy


I it is at least partially a choice on some level. People do not understand the level of control they have on their own minds, and prefer to think of themselves set in stone. It started when I got a crush on a boy at school.

pretend to be normal all you want but in the end your dick still smells like shit degenerate

Superpower 2020
Shit in street
Pick one poo

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As long as you keep your faggotry to yourself (and other fags), I don't care.

kys fag

Not OP but I absolutely would.
In fact, I know what makes me gay and I am trying to heal it.
Being gay is shit, we are attracted to straight men. We get with other gays as a last resort. It's a fantasy.
Any gay who disagrees is coping.

It is about disrupting the family model fren, and as a virtue signal as the "most tolerant, noble and best ideology".

One thing though, many fags become fems/queers/flamers due to them being different as kids, and sometimes slightly different is enough.
They get shunned by male peers because they pick up something is off.
Women will accept them however, as total supreme masculinity is not such a big thing for them.
This creates a positive feedback loop of faggyness and reinforces the behavior, the guy gets conditioned to behave and blend in with women, as he yearns for friendship deep down.

Many of the fems I dislike myself are actually really broken and lonely boys robbed of male peers/company and possibly a male role model in the family.
All they wanted was to be with the other boys and could not figure out why they got shunned until when they grow older and figure out their sexuality and self reflect.

Still do not like the fems, but I feel sorry for them, the bullying stories I heard... People having "FUCKING FAGGOT" yelled at them from across the town square while with their parents by other kids from school etc.

Not correcting your otherwise interesting analysis. Just adding an angle I feel gets left out.

No, I highly value my relationship with my boyfriend and I would not change that. However, if I was single I would consider it at least a little bit. But it would take an extremely rare woman to have as much in common with her as I do with my boyfriend. Additionally, I if I really really wanted to, such as to have kids, I would not have any issue dating a woman as it is.

In this context please think of god as

>the way things work

Now remember, all homosexuality is an affront to God.

Biblically , woman was created from man and when you engage in sex you cleave into the woman and become one flesh.

The whole point of marriage is spiritual ascension by returning to the form God intended us to take.

A perfect harmonious balance of Male and female .

not caring will cause your children to turn out into faggots, have fun at the gender reveal fucking atheist slaveshit.

Where you abused as a child and how is your relationship with your father

>One thing though, many fags become fems/queers/flamers due to them being different as kids, and sometimes slightly different is enough.
>They get shunned by male peers because they pick up something is off.
Correct. Fags need help, not culling.

Also you're a liberal kys

And how would you say both of your views reflect upon the gay community at large?

Do these types of discussions ever take place, or are you largely silent for fear or social consequences? Is there anyone in your community you feel represents your views?

What is your take on TERFS?

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gayest country in the world does not know how to cure faggotry obviously.

It's the same as any other form of degeneracy...keep it to yourself and out of the public eye so we don't have to discuss it. That's literally it. People in traditional times engaged in no shortage of debauchery, but they made sure it keep it behind closed doors and had a strict sense of formality and decorum in public. Anybody who tells you that engaging in any form of degeneracy at all makes you irredeemable is not worth listening to, the only people who have proven that they were truly non-degenerates were saints and saints will not ever claim that you are subhuman for being flawed.

Anyway, the point is, nobody is going to judge you for some shit that they don't know about. That's where in the problem lies, shortly after WWII we decided to encourage people to "let it all hang out". When everyone keeps their personal bullshit to themselves, all that is left for the public sphere is the idealization of humanity based on impersonal, objective virtues. That's the primary difference you see between modern society and past societies.

The treatment of right wing gay people as irredeemably bad or evil is just stupid, the right wing only hurts itself by isolating these potential voters. Gay people are going to do whatever it is they do whether there's right wing death squads marching about or not, but their votes we could do with. There's no reason just to hand those votes to the left for no practical benefit in return.

And I'm completely OK with gay people who are more conservative, not all gay people are like the degenerates played up by the left. My only real remaining concern is raising of children in a 2 female or 2 male parent household, even if they're conservative I don't think that's healthy for the child.

this is a gay board, of course it's cool

this mindset is what created "elite" pedophile rings and you know it, you fucking disgusting pervert.

I will give you an honest answer, in case you are not some sort of market research.

I used to be a far left anti-war activist and pro-union ideologue. This was a decade before the SJW menace ruined left wing protest, changing it from a confrontation with warmongers and the powerful into instead confronting your fellow man for having a different vocab or mindset than you. This is the opposite of the liberal ideals the dems used to represent to me.

Back then I thought right wing fags were absolutely and completely insane for supporting the right wing. I could see nothing crazier. And back then it was basically true, as the right wing was still in it' [totally fake] religious conservative phase. Now that enough boomers died, the GOP is embracing hispanics and other groups in a desperate bid to keep its voting base.

So, let me say. The left vs right debate is now meaningless in any party sense. The parties do not represent any sort of political ideology beyond looting the country as it burns. They also lit this fire.

Anyway at this point anyone still sticking to the left\right paradigm, or worse yet, the 2 party system is a total idiot and is complacent with what can easily be termed the total destruction of the western world. I am afraid the stated beliefs of the 2 ideologies are misleading and never meant anything except in the minds of philosophers.

We are fucked, and left\right divide is what got us here. It cannot get us out.

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Show butthole

>One thing though, many fags become fems/queers/flamers due to them being different as kids, and sometimes slightly different is enough.
>They get shunned by male peers because they pick up something is off.
>Women will accept them however, as total supreme masculinity is not such a big thing for them.
>This creates a positive feedback loop of faggyness and reinforces the behavior, the guy gets conditioned to behave and blend in with women, as he yearns for friendship deep down.

I really agree with this user and I have seen it happen. I think it also is caused by other fag in addition to women. No gays would act like a fag if they did not know how a fag acts.

This is a Christian board. Youre a sodomite.


how about you faggots breed some children instead so we dont have companies importing niggers and spics??