Survivors only

This thread is for the ones who will keep this board alive.

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Elucidate me. Is this the endgame?

You can't escape it.

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tfw I actually get the inside joke
Thanks ccna

cisco bro unite
Shame immature have to kill you now you mangy bastard

Guys? Am I ok? I just woke up. Someone check my temp?

names good you're good.
for now, anyways.

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Still here..

immunity across all boards

Attached: Prophet+of+kek+you+have+been+baptized+by+the+7+_1f6db756cb2bdcc9f752ec0d877526b0.jpg (326x243, 22.34K)

sweet, nice one for the irony collection.

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im broad casting! im broadcasting!

Your mom will coof and die in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post.

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Indeed we need to tell the world

Q loves us


>Please stay at localhost
>Don't be broadcast to current network
Nigger what

I have corona

>tfw you're not going to make it

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Infectedfags are getting BANNED

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>you're fine user
Hitler passes you fit and well!

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Uninfected master race here. Fuck coofers.

I'm fine


Dabbing on weak coofers

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Weebs go home

superspreader CHAD reporting in


Based and cullpilled

Same fuggin id# everywhere

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Am i infect

Whadafug?? I never replied to infected post. How did I get sick??

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All of you niggers can tongue my anus

dont make my mistake and wait too long before trying for your CCNP. once you got the basics the rest of it rather does fall in place.

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dont get the coof here, i am immune

G-guys? Is it safe in here? My throat may be a little itchy but it'll be ok with you?

What up coofers

Thank you king.

Those who dont adapt die

coof coof

What is this diseased meme?

I'm feeling better already. All I needed was a nap and lots of coofing. I think I'll make it.

Close the thread, user! There’s too many infected inside already!

How tf does this work? Just woke up.

you're fine, but for how long?

Don't do it, bruther!!!

I'm okay....

I’ll be alright.

**check temp in anus**
You are fine faggot, please go on

Was funny at start till the retard squad arrived
Forget Yas Forums for today guys lol
good chance to go outside
>oh wait

Am I sick?

Been avoiding Asian pussy, I’m good

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greenest I've seen yet

I will keep shitposting in the memory of my fallen loved incels.

loopback and broadcast address? t. IT failure who works in warehouse now

you want to know how to post green?
better go back to sleep princess


coooooooooof all over your subnets


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I'm almost out of deenz

Am I OK?


Attached: Aki-someone's about to get bummed!.jpg (480x640, 53.88K)


You’re fine, friend. Here, take this rifle - we have to hold the line.

Nah, I'm feeling better now. Really. I think I'll head to work tomorrow. No need for false alarms.


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Greens are pathetic
Don't @ me

Oh god, they're breaking in!

I'm not sick, I swear!

This infection thing is the weirdest Yas Forums game yet.

yes. we in the coofening sage.

Hail Hortler