When this is all over, what should be the final solution to the Chinese question?

When this is all over, what should be the final solution to the Chinese question?

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We must work for kikes, and help white women racemix. It is the only way user.

Found the kike
Only solution is: death to la creatura

Nuke America?


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Becoming a republic

Looks like the Jews spread the virus. Sigh.

Also: coof coof

Um first of all there isn't a 'Chinese question', shit bird.
Second of all the virus does not discriminate, as you may have noticed in the past few months. It infects everybody regardless of nationality.
It's everyone's responsibility to contain the crisis



Complete economic and political isolation... a quarantine.

Unlubed Anal for Xi Ping till his whole colon prolapses out of his ass

Replyfags are as good as dead. Get ready to start coofing.

Go back to the_donald faggot

Give them a memorable 4th or July

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Outlaw travel to and from China.
Outlaw trade with China.
Blockade China.
Cut China's internet access.
Cut diplomatic ties with China.

A wall around their country, all trade should be stopped and chinese banned from travelling for 100 years, they are simply too disease ridden to be allowed to move outside of China

Fuck off, Chink.

Attached: average--chink-man-meme-28362.jpg (600x481, 35.82K)


Tactical nuclear strikes.

Shut up you aren't going to do anything.

will manufacturing realistically move back to the US?

hydrogen bomb the chinks
>supporting communism
ok faggots

China declared WAR on the entire world, we should return the favor

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An angry letter



Why would you want to nuke yourself?

Chinese women cannot wear clothing ever again.

Problem solved



Angry is too much. They might cut off our fidget spinner supply.
Let's go with a strongly-worded letter and then quickly give them some concessions.

Coof coof
We sell China

>Confederate flag

global thermonuclear war

90% are squat shaped retards with thick legs, why the fuck would you want them naked?

You aren't going to do shit.

the answer is simple, sesame chicken > general gay chicken


Roll over and just take it.

High test bros require stubby legged girls with fat asses

Italy signed a trade deal with China.

>Blockade China
Bruh the computer/phone you're posting on is most likely Chinese. The American economy would go to shit it they cut off trade with China.

The best way to punish the CCP

1. Take them to court not war.
2. Support the Rebels in Hong Kong, Tibet and Taiwan.
3. Boycott all business with China.

Your racist fear mongering isn't working.

Don't use the term "chink."

America virus made it America lab China numbah wuan

You're not going to nuke anything.

mushroom cloud rising over beijing for new years

Come to Dixie, you can hug Trees here too, while you pick cotton with jamal.
Good news for you , you now eat vegan , ran them over 3 days ago, they should still be good

mass gassing

Reminder that NatBol is a form of communism, retard.

based quads

Send all cute Chinese girls 17 - 40 over to me. Do whatever you want with the rest.

Sure they did, CIA.

Seething Mutts Spotted

American virus

Made in America

American virus

America would lose.

Okay. And?

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Why not Jews and the Chinee. Both are parasites. Btw fuck off infected green niggers

fuck kikes and chinks

A new Round Of Treaty Ports?

Attached: Treaty Ports.jpg (638x479, 127.66K)

>punish the CCP
Why? America created the virus.
>Take them to court
Your international courts don't mean shit
>Support the Rebels in Hong Kong, Tibet and Taiwan
Firstly, the Hong Kong protests are already being funded by the CIA. Secondly, the people of Tibet are happy to be a part of China. Thirdly, America has no diplomatic relations with Taiwan because they aren't recognised as a country.
>Boycott all business with China
That would damage America more than China.

I would Like to Take the Island of Taiwan as Just Compensation.

Attached: Taiwan Isalnd.jpg (1680x1050, 447.12K)

>America created the virus

Never gonna happen, LARPer.

>tibet happy
yeah im sure they're happy being bred out of existence and absorbed into the han borg

How about killing yourself, CIA shill?

Attached: fuck-america.jpg (800x480, 136.19K)


Posting with a Confederate flag is cringe af. It shows that you're a degenerate redneck.

as Well as the Spratly Isalnd Chain, Parcel Island Chain, Hainan Island, Hong Kong, Macau, and Port McArthur

Chinese will rule the world

t. chink living in sweden

The only parasite here is you.


seethe harder faggot.

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Fuck you.

pentagon shill please kill yourself

Unit 731 v2.0

chink chonk triggered lol

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>what should be the final solution to the Chinese question?

The chinks infected us with their plague, we should infect them with ours. The United States should send all of its niggers and jews to China.

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Other waves of virus will take care of them

>a fucking leaf
>supporting chinks

ok. yellow subhuman nigger faggot will be fine then.

America has more cases than China. Not to mention American refuses to take action against the virus whilst China is leading the fight, investing in scientific research and sending foreign aid.

copy and paste these quotes to help spread the Green Seed

Attached: file.png (384x309, 136.58K)

Silly anglo

Youve tried to desyroy glorious China again and again.

You are no match for the oriental dragon.

>bred out of existence

Total war


I'm not triggered.

>america has more cases than china
fuck off, rice jew
>Not to mention American refuses to take action against the virus whilst China is leading the fight, investing in scientific research and sending foreign aid.
t. rice kike
china's foreign aid is broken as fuck

trusting ccp.

big brain time yellow man.


How do you get rid of an anthill

There shouldn't be a China left.

Nobody believes your bullshit, CIA.


1. Bring back all companies that got outsourced to China

2. Ban chinese products (I don't give af if things end up costing more, Im not a poorfag)

3. Do all this until China makes a compromise to improve their sanitization standards and get rid of all their wetmarkets

3.5. And stop being commies

4. Start manufacturing things in USA, produce in USA, we have enough land and resources to be self sufficient without relying on shit countries.

chinese are a Form of live too.

still worthless.

>Not posting an argument
>Resorting to insults
The classic move of an idiot.