Why are Slavs so shit?

Why are Slavs so shit?
>rampant corruption
>unbelievable levels of alcoholism
>most abortions on earth
>women are ultra whores and gold diggers
>easily fell victim to communism whereas other countries like Germany and France resisted them
I've seen plenty of documentaries about their oligarchs and street children and honestly it makes me fucking vomit.

They're the proof that whiteness is a big fucking meme. Yeah they're white but also fucking subhuman. There is no difference between Slavs and rats.

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I agree on every fucking thing you just have wrote here

Why are Germans so shit ?
>rampant cuckolding
>unbelievable levels of drug addicts
>most abortions on earth
>women are ultra whores
>easily fell victim to open border policy's whereas Slavic countries resisted them

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G*rms are trash as are all Slavs.

and yet they beat the shit out of you in ww1 and ww2 and ruled you over for decades trying to get you to stop being such a massive faggot state

papa Adolf was right all along

Ukie... I

We defeated Russia in WW1.
We were defeated in WW2 because literally the entire world ganged up on us. If it were 1vs1 us against Slavs they would have lost.

I think Slavs should just zerg rush Ukraine, Belarus and western Russia for a new homeland and leave "Europe" to the westerners.

>I think Slavs should just zerg rush Ukraine, Belarus and western Russia for a new homeland and leave "Europe" to the westerners.

Westerners don't want land,they are giving even the land they have to africans.

a german and a communist is an equal savage.

We, for example, defended Europe from communism while germ rat has armed him and cooperated with him.

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(You) included, beaknose

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>Westerners don't want land,they are giving even the land they have to africans.

It's so "Europe" can be made into another battlefield for mass death while you Slavs just chill out next to Russia. And you're closer to Russian civilization than European civilization anyway.

>germans resisted communism?

This is a bait thread.. Marx, Engels, East Germany - DDR

Germany has been trying to destroy Europe since like forever.

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They are mostly worthless third grade European hapas living in the shadow of the Western Europe whose culture never developed past imitation and resentment and their society past barbaric oppression, corruption and terror. It takes one talk to any these faggots to make oneself aware of their ignoble character. It's like nature made them due to some chance aberration and forgot to flush.

Digits and Slavic world domination by 2030

Who are you referring to?

>Marx, Engels, East Germany - DDR
Why is feeble slavnigger mind always filled with sewage? M&E are kikes who lived for the most part of their lives in England. DDR is a creation of the Kali Yuga era where Germans lost and was handed over to the Eastern ZOG.

Because communists have killed the intelligenzja in these countries. Slaves had beautiful art and architecture before 1920s, russian writers like Tolstoi, or composers like Chopin. Of course way below germanic peoples but on top of most other races.

East Slavs, Balkan Slavs.

SlavPower 2030 confirmed.


Don't like yourself that much?

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no such thing

Not all slavs are bad, they're just misunderstood

Tolstoi was a repressed homosexual who doubled down on Chr*stian sermons and prayers to stop lusting after cock. Igeologically, he was also a proto-SJW as a result of gobbling up the t*lmudic variety found in the b*ble. Same story with Chopin. If anything, it proves that Russian culture is a barren landscape where natural talent can't be found.
Cope, tranny.

At least we are not cucks like you Westeners

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You're not a slav?

I really like Slavs and most of my family and friends feel the same. I think most of the problems you've mentioned originate because of the increndibly large lower class in slav countries, which is a direct consequence of corruption.
But nevertheless, the kind and honest slavs I've met yet, are way better people compared to the average German and of course a whole different level than turks/arabs/niggers.

all the native young germans ive met were the easily offended sjw type
the only person i could talk to was a turkish girl that went to college there, she mentioned that you have gender neutral bathrooms and trannies too?
is it really that common

>unbelievable levels of alcoholism
>most abortions on earth
>women are ultra whores and gold diggers
these are mostly describing russia and ukraine probably
countries like us or poland have very low abortion levels , lower than germany
your women are all whores tho, you dont even need to have any money just be brown

sure thing AhMed

Well, don't talk to Germans living in cities, they're completely degenerated, even talking like turks. These kind of people also accept everything pushed by the media, so expecially university students are mostly crazy SJW/Antifa.
DESU I haven't seen any gender neutral bathroom myself yet, but I also rarely leave my village, because I work from home. I'm sure they already exist and will spread, especially in big cities.

Based slovak


atleast you dont have to deal with these degenerates
but all the (((american))) trash eventually comes in europe too


That's for sure, It's sad, but there's nothing we can do about it. I hope slav countries stay strong long enough.

Pls dont hate me and send me to concentration camp frens I know Im worthless compared to germans but Im loyal and Ill hunt jews like animals for u.
Heil Hitler !

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Slavs aren't shit
Germans aren't shit
even Meds are alright
stop d&c-fag-threads
the true enemy lies far and middle east

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coof coof
love to coof on untermensch
filthy germs
coof *coof*

>rampant corruption
>implying you wouldnt take the money if you could get away with it
how else would pesants cope with the situation in the region?
>most abortions
Who the fuck would want to have a kid in these shitholes?
>women are ultra whores and golddiggers
thats the same all across the western world
>fell victim to communism when germany and france resisted
A bunch of literal who states had to kneel before the USSR, who would imagine. Those who tried to fight it paid a big price and still failed. And what is the GDR if germany resisted?

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It's always these kind of threads that make me question whether or not Slav haters are even white.


correct assesment - we aren't much better off than the east - in parts we are worse - we only have a higher standard of living and more money to spend on consumerism to delude ourselves from the real threats -
next time let me ride with you on your assault helicopter to defend borders Bulgary bro
(you're lovely people studied with a few of you at uni - loved how you hated on the greek)

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Truer words have never been uttered. Literally the first ally to the commies. They even sold the Finns to the soviets, if it weren't for molotov ribbentrop they wouldn't have invaded. Total cuck Hitler.

how is the weather in tel-aviv behind your proxy jidf?

literally everything you wrote is a direct opposite to reality.
More abortions in Poland than in Germany? Really? Are you retarded?
>easily fell victim to communism whereas other countries like Germany and France resisted them
No, America resisted them. You are still an occupied territory.
>street children
the fuck? Russia isn't even slavic, they are a mix of slavs and mongols
it's self-evident just from looking at their faces

Not all Slavs are Russians and Ukrainians.

Poles are decent people. Unless they live in Western Europe, then they are niggers.

>course way below germanic peoples
who was favorite Goebbels writer?

mutt law

meanwhile in germany

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We got a lot of alcoholics desu. Probably because our vodka tastes so good though.

>>easily fell victim to communism whereas other countries like Germany and France resisted them

number of Jews in Germany in East Europe?

Our beer is also superior to German beer.

>I've seen plenty of documentaries about their oligarchs and street children and honestly it makes me fucking vomit.

Khodorkovsky is grateful to Merkel and Genscher for participating in his fate

>street children

there no street children in Russia,it was solved when Putin came to power

heard about Brusilov offensive?

Wrong map faggot

fucking kek

who the fuck drinks Polish "beer".

are those kids off to the gulags?

serbs should genocide albanian kebabs in kosovo

oprrah houses where they are taken to normal families


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wow unmotived under equipped low morale army vs highly motivated savages.

post the second war.


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It's the Mongol genes. They cannot help being sub human.pity them.


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