Is James Woods right? Is Covid19 a #Bioweapon?

Is James Woods right? Is Covid19 a #Bioweapon?

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I’m sleepy

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youre a spastic james stop shilling yourself here

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like wmds was a 'weapon'

like anthrax was a 'weapon'

rinse, repeat

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COVID-19 is a bioweapon created by the US government.

Shut up Chink.

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Don't use the term "chink."

>Is James Woods right?

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Stop squinting and don't tell me what to do Chink.

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America is problem, solution.

We only have on solution to all problems, bombing.

Who killed the 100,000 Americans with a bio weapon? China is who!

That is going to be the story of why we went to War with China.

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No. China and the Chinese people are our friends. They would never purposely infect us. You must be tired from all that posting, time to go to sleep.

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>No. China and the Chinese people are our friends. They would never purposely infect us. You must be tired from all that posting, time to go to sleep.

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chinks created the wuhan coronavirus

Fuck off faggot


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Stop using the term "chink." I'm warning you.

I want James Woods in my ass. Does that make me gay?


Rather not. I like laughing at you incels.

It's true.

The Chinese internet has the truth that's been scrubbed here.

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Stop shilling yourself faggot

>The Chinese internet has the truth

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Chunky chinkster

If it was America that did it to China, why would they drop it only in one city for the Chinese to easily manage?

Yas Forums confirmed this weeks ago nigger

chinks are leeches

I think everyone should have James Woods in their ass, but I don't think that makes you gay. Its all the dick sucking that makes you gay

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You posted this in a different thread fuck off already

You had the FBI documents about the specific incidents which were only published today, weeks ago?

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>Don't use the term chink.

Comes to politically incorrect and attempts to correct.
You're in the wrong neighborhood chink faggot.

Not an argument.

I love James Woods

because they'd prefer it like this...everyone blames china, don't they?

>If it was America that did it to China, why would they drop it only in one city for the Chinese to easily manage?
>Add to this China’s history of similar incidents. Even the deadly SARS virus has escaped — twice — from the Beijing lab where it was (and probably is) being used in experiments. Both “man-made” epidemics were quickly contained, but neither would have happened at all if proper safety precautions had been taken.

>And then there is this little-known fact: Some Chinese researchers are in the habit of selling their laboratory animals to street vendors after they have finished experimenting on them.

>You heard me right.

>Instead of properly disposing of infected animals by cremation, as the law requires, they sell them on the side to make a little extra cash. Or, in some cases, a lot of extra cash. One Beijing researcher, now in jail, made a million dollars selling his monkeys and rats on the live animal market, where they eventually wound up in someone’s stomach.

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Link doesn't work.

James Woods is a literal fucking genius. Fuck off

Its a bioweapon maliciously released in china by a falun gong agent

Clover Virus on the other hand

Woods is regarded as genious level with perfect SAT. He is not a senile schizo


Look at how fast it spread. They only needed to drop it in one city.



Fuck all how did it get me?

Okay, Muhammed.

Why not?


You can't just say whatever you want.

Yeah but not created by China.

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>you can't just say whatever you want
seethe harder, chink

Oy vey don't be antisemitic

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Attached: no the other corona.png (720x251, 8.11K)

It's racist against the Chinese.

If it's not a bioweapon then China is still to blame for not sorting out their wet markets after the first outbreak of SARS in Guangdong

Well... I just saw this video saying Israel started it. It kinda makes sense since the first two countries to get hit are Iran and China...

>Yeah but not created by China.

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Stolen from canada, weaponized by china, leaked by falun gong

I wanna fuck 2 Clovers before I die.


I've reported you for racism. Enjoy jail.

Fuck chinks fuck gooks fuck niggers fuck beaners fuck faggots fuck trannies fuck jannies and fuck you.

>'THIS celebrity comes with a MIGA hat'

Reminder that western banks financed Mao's revolution and that Mao's right hand man was a guy named Israel Epstein

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>In late November 2018

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i don't trust this guy

he's an actor

Chinks are the niggers of the Asians