Why are ame*icans like this
Why are ame*icans like this
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he's right you know
Came here to post this
This actually made me upset.
Are your horses saddled sir. Are you poles ready for wwiii. You got some good strong horses for the cavalry?
>building is older than america
>people who built these cities meant for them to constantly change
based retard
He is correct. That's why the coof is spreading faster in Europe. Crowded dwellings, more reliance on public transport, smaller homes also means less space to store groceries so more frequent trips to the supermarket (increased exposure to the coof).
sadly most people are too proud and arrogant to admit this, but the ones in denial are also the first to take up any job offer in places like America, Australia or Canada where cities aren't built for medieval hobbits.
Guarantee this poster is a fucking mutt
No roots, no history, no culture, no legacy, and therefore cannot conceive of these things in others.
fuuuuuuck I hope someone hurts him
Mongrels without history seem to instinctively feel threatened by it.
He's actually right
I wanna live in a futuristic city
>you need 25 glass and concrete cubes to house more niggers
Hello Achmed
The population density of even the largest European cities is put to shame by American cities.
I appreciate it may be hard to understand this when you've lived your entire life in the writhing ""multicultural"" filth of Birmingham and Londonistan, but those places are shit because you people live there.
Time to tear down those civil war statues mutts
Yeah sure I want my houses to be made of carsboard level wood that gets destroyed when someone sneezes against it.
"Here's your problem pal-y, you had this American set to Redditor."
There are so many of us that cannot get over ourselves with our heads so far up our asses that we are sanctimonious self-righteous narcissists that believe every thought floating in our shit for brains must be gospel to the unwashed masses.
*goes there
Should read
>Whh are retarded zoomers and Millennials like this?
Would have been more appropriate.
Times are too bad to think about architectural styles. What's important right now is having enough apartments for low prices that people can afford.
>The population density of even the largest European cities is put to shame by American cities.
No, it isn't.
And British homes are Hobbit sized even in rural areas lmao cope
Speaking of sneezing...
We got ourselves a paki boi here
He's just describing what happened to Warsaw
Link the thread I want to go shit on him
Typical m*tt, stay out of Europe.
It's just jealousy of a rich history, they're still a very young nation. It's not that we build all our new buildings like this today, we don't. It's that we just don't destroy beautiful artifacts of the past to make room for more shopping malls.
Interesting take, lads
I mean, he isn't wrong. Eiffel tower was considered abomination along with plenty of other architectural endeavors of the time that wignats are currently masturbating over.
Fascinating, I say
>modern design
lolwut, get out of here consoomer faggot.
Why are p*lish like this
>Let's replace our classic Imperial houses which are superior in nearly every conceivable way with slabs of concrete and glass so diverse am I right
Fuck off. Enough architectural crimes against humanity as it is, you and the Jews who thought this up will pay.
>only visit touristy sites with century old buildings
Imagine being retarded
Americans are so fucking retarded I hate that entire continent
architects are retarded.
*coof* I think this guy is a *coof* fucking *coof* faggot *coof coof*
>Modern design
>Old designs
>Design flaws
Enjoy paying threefold to live in a concrete cube, more expensive in every aspect
Great things back then were build to mean something with a spirit and not some dumb block to open a bank in there.
Pic related our Walhalla Temple
>my family of 5 share the same bathroom and our tiny home has no space for a dishwasher and tumble dryer but that's okay because it means we're cultured unlike those dumb Americans and Australians and their spacious homes built for humans
only kikes use *
Mutts are Mutts
They are like they Kike masters learn them to be
Fats, Smelly, Ugly, Lazy, loudy, with no sense of aesthetics or shame.
A Parking with a Costco is their peak of culture
Our culture and history is killing brits and gaining our independence. Did you forget we are only 243 years old, you snaggletoothed inbred? Our legacy is still in the future. Yours is gone.
Remember when we took your land because there was nothing you could do about it? Good times, chap!
I live in a Victorian 6 bedroom you dumb cunt.
Try again.
You didn't do shit Pedro
good heavens everyone’s infected
what's wrong with sharing bathroom?
ohhh... legendary american sharting
These retards want every city on earth to resemble the Jewish shitholes here in the states. Fuck them.
Damn she's ugly
Kys faggot
My blood line of forefathers fought those battles while yours retreated.
NPCs need simpler map design for easier pathfinding
Yeah, YOU didn't do shit
There's ancestor worship and there's being the ancestor that's worshiped.
Fuck off roach
Fuck modern architecture.
He's fighting brits right now on the internet. It's 2020. Fuck off faggot.
My ancestors blood line is an extension on of me. It's called a sense of pride.
You wouldn't understand, Tyrone.
It's either a nigger or a NuCommunist. I'm sure redditbeard thinks the rash of brutalist concrete building built for government offices all throughout the 60-70s tainting the american landscape are the epitome of beauty and human achievement and would cheer for huge roach and shitskin infested soviet style gov run block apartments to cure the "housing crisis".
Sounds almost like a fucking Maoist cunt.
Leftists are sickos.
Turning on your father who raised, fed and clothed you, taught you everything...Just to stab him in the back with the help of his hated enemy.
Glorify your treachery, that's a good Mason.
This. He honestly has a very sound point.
it’s just old buildings bro who cares about historical value bro fuck off kike
What is the last beautiful building Mutts build after Empire State Building ? Juste name one .
You have my back, and I have yours, brother.
If you have no people no history and you are only a consumer in a neoliberal world then it does make sense to get rid of everything that reminds us of an age when this state of being was not the case, to be honest if architecture was as beautiful as it was before I would not be really against making something even better looking new stuff for our grandkids
Half the countries in Europe have no meaningful history. I can see keeping shit intact if it's a place like Paris, but there's no meaningful reason why a country which spent most of the last 1000 years ruled by someone else should idolize the rule of others.
Trump Tower.
Her pussy will collapse long before that
You can't give pearl to pigs.
>culture and history is based
>except when I don't like your culture and history, then it's not