greenfags can't possibly get us

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hi bby

i made a mistake

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(x) doubt

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how are ya?

Coof, yes you did

wassup mah niggah

Coof coof

I’m gonna coooooooof!

i'm safe in my TP fort

I lurk almost constantly. I made ONE post earlier and everyone decided to give it (You)s. Fuck this shit.

You've broken quarantine. There is no turning back.


haha coof coof

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chink propaganda! you need to be 27 posts away or at least 1 hour to respond

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I'm gonna rape you and leave your anus dripping with my infected semen

>still not sick

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at least in theory but it never seems to work out that way

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My quarantine ensures no coofers can get me.
Im on lockdown like Chinatown

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lurker in chief

Suck on my mucus


I don't think I'm sick, guys...

may you all feel the warm embrace of corona may she bring you many coofs

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gas all kikes race war now

we shall inherit the board leafbro

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Are you a cute bunker gf?

no, girls have the corona

The greenfags are literal faggots, it started spreading when /lgbt/ posters responded to each other.

You only get tagged with green if you've visited /lgbt/
Hiro was unironically based this April fools

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Found the shitdicks

Well I didn't last long

Fair enough bro, we'll make it together. When this is all over, wanna play Dark Souls (1?)



Corona Chan make love to me

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See, still uninfected, you homos just got exposed

actually user, i.. i *COOF* *coof* *coof*
i think im just gonna lay down...

i can't believe you all are falling for this fake and *coof* gay shit

No user, you can make it, please stay with us!

it's not fa- *COOOF*
fake, *sniffle* you just have to social distance

do you have any ibuprofen m8? i've got a killer headache

You shouldn't be taking Ibuprofen with Corona-chan on the loose, user. Try some vitamin C and maybe some nice hot tea with honey instead. Maybe some whiskey to clear your throat.

Wow, why tho?

If I recall it was from the early days of the Wu Flu, but it could be from anywhere, realistically.

If you can do the time don't do the crime, that's what I always say. Back in the day we used to trade a little old mary-j to my boss and he'd let us sleep on his couch. Of course that was back in the 70s, after the war when gas cost too much to make commuting back and forth any kind of sense. In any case ya'll young people need to just buckle up and buckle down- it's gonna be a heck of a ride!

Ron Girdlemeyer
Veteran, don't ask if you don't want to know
I own 3 vintage mausers my father gave me after he died in the old folks home, I'll sell em to anyone who wants to give me a good deal- don't try to play games with me, I know what I got!
"the youth of today lack sense AND work ethic, that's why you got 30 year olds still suckin their mama's tits"- A man of great wisdom (myself!)

what’s up my dudes

I mean they could just have slit their throats one by one like humans and burn them after, pigs are dirty fucks but no animal deserves this.

>they could just have slit their throats one by one
Yes, that's what to do in an outbreak, get yourself covered in infected animal blood while handling sharp objects.

You really laid that "Albanians are idiots" stereotype to rest

There's adequate clothes for that job, burn the clothes in the end too, use ur brain nigger.

I've been at home with my prepper stash, ill make it out!

Hey bud

lurker reporting in


Swine flu pigs. They were stopping the spread.

>They were stopping the spread.
i can tell

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Yes, clothing provides adequate protection when you're handling a blade and slaughtering a struggling animal. Shame on me for doubting your intellectual acumen

oh, seriously? that's a relief

its better than burning them alive you nigger