Ok so now that we are all dead, which religion is real?

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Germanic Polytheism


Judaism of course

ortholarpers are cringe and insecure. that is all

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Christianity gets you degeneracy
Buddhism gets you cuckoldry and communism
Hinduism gets you street shitting

But Islam? Islam is the most based religion out there user. Want to smack your wife for being disobedient?
Want to stone gays? Go ahead.
Theres no religion as based and real as Islam.

esoteric hitlerism and VRIL

Choose a religion that brings meaning to your life. We can't find out which faith if any got it right in this life.

Buddhism if western buddhists weren’t insufferable pieces of shit

Fucking mongrels, Christianity is the one TRUE faith of the LIVING GOD

How do you know that. Also your post gave me the virus.

If all is one in the Brahma, then how come good and evil exist in God? Did the Brahma creat both good and evil? If yes then why would you worship a God that created Evil and is Evil?

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All other faiths get BTFO'D by Christian Logic and ontology and metaphysics

yeah, a faggot homeless looking hobo who got butchered by the jews is the true god

how the fuck is your message green you wizard

truly based.

>Da Joos

STFU larpagan, drink Odin's semen


Because you are that god and there is nobody else and there will never be anybody else.

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Good is nothing without the contrast of evil, if all you knew was love love would mean nothing because there would be no contrast, if all you saw was black how could you ever imagine color?

Every single one except the abrahamic triad of evil

>I am God
Doesn't answer the question

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So God is evil

god is infinite, god is both good and evil by nature.

>Murdering people
*Reads pentatuch
>Thou shall not kill

So following that logic, it would be completely reasonable to hate God

Our conversion as humans to monotheism was an integral step in our evolution. Socrates was killed because of his monotheistic views, (some Islamists even consider him a prophet). It certainly holds a metaphysical significance though I'm not very much aware of it.

Evil is created of Mercy, which is the stone too heavy for omnipotence to lift. God's mercy is infinite; it is the light of our universe which shines even into Hell.

In this infinite Mercy is found the answer for why sinners often go unpunished, or are punished only by we who are sinners as well. Yet if people truly love God for the gift of life He has bestowed, they will not use His borrowed Grace for evil purposes, but will repent and endeavor to rest lightly on His Mercy. Knowing we are sinners, still in returning His love we may sin less.


You can hate the evil aspect sure, but there is no way around god having an evil aspect in monotheism.

The God of the Bible Y*WH created good and evil... he's ominpresent in everything, everything comes from him... so your peabrain in this case would believe that Y*WH is evil?

Our conversion as humans to monotheism was an integral step in our evolution. Socrates was killed because of his monotheistic views, (some Islamists even consider him a prophet). It certainly holds a metaphysical significance though I'm not very much aware of it.

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Ancestor worship is the realest shit.

Maybe in Hinduism XD, God didn't create evil. Evil comes from sin(disobedience in God), God is an absolutely Merciful gracious, and jealous being who loves

Buddhism can be true if christianity is true but if buddhism is true christianity is flawed.

Esoteric Trumpism

who cares

Nope. Disobedience in God is what made evil. It's by very definition evil. If God is the standard of all things good and moral, then the disobedience of such a being would be evil

None of the above


Have you kept all 613 laws of Moses today? No? Sounds like you need the Messiah, wonder who that could be...

Good is good no matter what god says. If there's no objectifiable good there's no objectifiable evil either. True good would mean disobeying god if he commands you to do evil. Hence a morally good person does god without hoping for a reward and people who only do good in order to get something from god or are afraid to be punished are opportunists.

God created free will. Through that concept he allowed for evil to have a chance to exist. God is good, but EVERYTHING comes from him. He is the cause of everything. You can't deny that. Also, why do you bother with dravidian filth? They will never comprehend God, it's even written in Scripture that only God' chosen people will understand him and his will.

All power is born of His omnipotence, which is called Grace. All that we do is a gift from the one God.

Were God to grant us no Mercy, we could not exist. A world born without His Mercy could hold human souls barely if at all. Could even Saints tread where oblivion stirred so close beside the path of light?

It is because He is merciful that we have wills distinct and evil. Yet we honor Him and are beloved by many of the ways we use His Grace, and even many of the paltriest things are bathed in His love. For the world without Mercy is narrow and stiff, yet in this world our souls may exist and do many varied things. We are creative and diverse. Yea, though it be less than the love divine, even are we capable of love!

This, then, is why God grants us Mercy and lets us borrow of His Grace, though much of what we do is tainted. It is in this fallen world that our souls can exist.

If we long for a better world, we must turn on evil in ourselves most of all, and enact the least miracles of our own little Wills. For God's Will is Mercy, and in Mercy our evils are often unpunished. To have a better world we must have love! Be it love for our creator or love for our neighbors, it is how we use the Grace that He lends us which determines the spiritual nature of our world.

What is evil and good without the context of God? Without making God the standard? You have no moral precondition to say what's good and evil in your worldview.

Evil is creating unnecessary suffering on purpose with the intention of inflicting pain. Good is that what heals with the intention of avoiding unnecessary suffering and to cooperate with compassion. Evil is selfish, cruel, and destructive.

If your son doesn't listen to you is that your fault? He chose to not listen to you. Are you ultimately responsible for the disobedience of your son? Of course not, anyone with free will can't be blamed for their actions other than themselves.

they're all jewish
god is real though

Before Hinduism was Jainism, and before that was Slavic Vedanta.
If the question of "Which religion is True" is asked by a White Man, then the answer must be Vedanta// It is the most logical, the oldest, the closest alignment with REALITY, and the only Major Religion created by WHITES. The God of Judaism is for the Jews, and the God of Vedanta is for the Whites.
Who does not understand this now?

And who is to say if the Folk are more Important than Religion? Knowing as I do that there exists a Racial Soul, I say that the Folk are more important then Religion, and this being the case.. We need a religion that protects our Folk.
Vedanta protects the White Folk, with the use of Meritocratic Caste systems.. Vedanta rejects USURY, Vedanta affirms a Single High God.
Vedanta says, Yes Evil is a part of this universe, but you are compensated with Life before, and after this life.. Evil is like the banks of a Stream headed to PErfection, the banks are not the message, only the means of alignment for perfection.

Do you understand this White Man?

Zoroastrianism is the one true religion. All hail ahura mazda

Theravada Buddhism

Fine PAth Indeed.

>is that your fault
to some extent yes
but blaming god is cucked victim mentality

Who says? You?
>I don't believe that shit I think good means causing suffering and evil means healing people!

You see the problem? Your view is completely subjective without the objective standard that which is God, the ultimate authority by definition.

Let me reverse that statement about god being the root of our morals: If lucifer had the power of god and kept his morals and yahwe was a rebelling angel advocating compassion an so on, would that mean what yahwe was preaching was evil because following his ideas would be against the will of god?

You can't really compare humans to God, we have a limited knowledge and understanding. God is all knowing.
Free will can be affected though, by other people or even the devils. Life is not black and white and God understands that.

Poonism is the oldest religion

The more serious question is what is the TRUE God? It's obviously 1 God, who we cannot comprehend or begin to understand, but we can understand his son, who died for our sins.

Catholicism :)

Being that the analogy is about a human yes, and in the context of God your absolutely right. Blaming God is weakling shit


heaven has no white men and everyone is a tranny

Impossible hypothetical. God isnt a title of power, it just who he is

Jesus Christ is God

they're all real moron

Everything is god so god is both good and evil. You submit to god because there is no alternative.

Okay? How is that relevant to what I said?