Coronavirus crisis: Frankston massage parlour cops $10,000 fine for breaching COVID-19 restrictions
Maybe stick with your nursing degree you useless sluts.
Coronavirus crisis: Frankston massage parlour cops $10,000 fine for breaching COVID-19 restrictions
Maybe stick with your nursing degree you useless sluts.
Other urls found in this thread:
What are you spending your $750 on lads?
Where's me fucken sevenfiddy?
2nd for mommy brap milkers
Im finally going to buy back my switch and 6 games from my wives boyfriend, after he "borrowed" it to pass time on his worktrip with my wife and their son.
Ill get a 50 with the rest
Cigarettes and silver bullion
you almost got me you cunt i was gonna post the mouth open söyboy with the switch. Take your (You)
how the fuck do you import them?
the more i reply to infected cunts the greener i get. I’ve cracked the code gents
i want a new computer but ill prolly waste it on beer and shit
you cant anymore. just buy nicotine juice and vape at home
The gf.
hammer n tongs for moia
It can't be that simple.
Get a boomer degenerate ladyboy fucker to buy them and send them to you.
can’t buy that either, that’s illegal citizen. I wish i was joking
kekd lold and leld
I've been blasting music all day now my neighbour (I think) is banging on my front door but I won't open it. They've been banging for about 15 minutes now.
Take the nicotinelllozengepill m8.
hack your switch and pirate all the games
I'm the bloke who had the fucked up cock. Ask me anything
*cough cough* G'day my strayan friends! *cough cough*
Checked but only partially true.
aren’t all those products expensive as fuck. Last time i looked at them it was cheaper to just keep smoking than pump the stop smoking aids all the time
will jobkeeper affect the early super withdrawal?
Stay comfy fren
Same desu
Very based
Real shit niqqa?
A new gaming device
He my first 1500 for job keepers tommorow. own my own company so just decided to invest more money into "RnD" making my annual turnover fall. Gonna spend this and all the end money on 40k l, bought two fully sick resin 3d printers for my company so gonna try printing some models too
At work we have a few people who have only been employed for a few months, can they receive any of the wage subsidy that was announced?
*AHEM* I have an announcement to make:
Sex work isn't real work.
Thank you.
the moment you interacted with a greenie and vice versa, was the moment your fate was sealed.
Just open the door and start coofing like a chink from wuhan.
144 pack of 4mg for under $40 which hit like a 20-30 minute cig.
Our great grandparents gave us a white island paradise, and (((somehow))) we're flooded with third world plague
ive been meaning to checkout the dark web but im lazy
nah i hate nicorette shit
discount easter chocolate
You can get 70 lozenges for $20
Stay back cunts.
i think that’s how it’s working, either that or it’s when they reply to you, you get greener.
Would’ve been interesting if hiroshifag just introduced one infected cunt and watch it spread like that
you can get nicotine gum in chemwarehouse 394 pieces of 16 bucks when its on sale (often)
Who here excited for their 20k super withdrawl and their tax return? Who would have thoight that ide actually make money off a pandemic. Also already on neet bux before this happened.
Fuck is this gay shit?
Ola amigo coma estas?
What kind of silver are you after? I could probably sort you out with some, but wait times and extortion prices from retailers atm
gum is shit and runs out of nicotine in like two minutes
Fuck I hate chinks
Also what is on scomos sign
But what kind of music?
the new epic prank bro
come here user... don’t worry... i’m not infected... it’s just hay fever *coof* *coof*
you chew it to break the coating and stick it in your cheek you knob head, try reading the instructions
Back from woolies lads. Still no chicken, rice, flour or pasta sauce anywhere. Also the chips and lollies aisle smelled like fetid puke. I hope I'm not infected.
what are we spending our double neetbux on lads?
considering throwing it all on the pokies when they open back up.
if i win i will get a nice bush property.
Fuck chinks,
Fuck Telstra
Fuck Indians
Fuck cunts who keep calling me about 1 week contracts available immediately
Fuck cunts who keep calling me offering me jobs and then never mentioning it again to me or contacting me after that
also fuck jannies
Fuck lads just praised him, might praise him again later idk
So what's the general consensus, is the PM doing a good job during this time or nah?
i was just kidding, now i have to do it.
why is there so many larpers in these threads? why do you do it?
i havent been approved yet ree
plus i cant even spend it on prozzies the cops will prolly bust us up mid root
XRP The standard.
*sip* ahh yes this is a digits thread now
there was a confirmed case who was at the same shopping centre on the only day I went shopping. I am not even surprised. Out of the twenty days I have been at home, it was the one day.
it's bored wagies they don't know what to do with their lives now their pathetic jobs are gone. They have neets but now they need to get life advice from neets. They wish they could go back to 12 hr days being yelled at by some fat fuck and having meetings where everyone jerks each other off for 2 hours but doesnt actually accomplish anything.
So they come here and attempt to troll. But wagies are stupid. Wagies aren't funny. Wagies are seething.
I got $750 free bucks so 10/10
Pls coof on me
i did this last night and a old bitch in a dressing gown was knocking on my door. I just said fuck off slut
Gimme the glow
nah he's cringe
I can’t sleep anons, help
BASED. Scomo is our guy now. $750 and double dole. There isn't a single non-boomer that doesn't love him.
Hes based. people only hate him because friendly jordies misso is made for big scomo cock
Dr pepper and fleshlights
here you go user. enjoy.
uhhhh i’m gonna... uhhhhhh i’m COOOFING
Do Sheilas like fat Americans?
it has happened like 3 times to me at my local coles and woolies.
was even escorted out of coles by guys in full corona suits and cops with masks.
they were spraying everything down and throwing the food in huge bins and there was 2 ambulances outside.
Neet life digits
Starting to feel a bit sick lads.
Are you still fucking the chick you gave you that thing? That's how you caught it, isn't it?
absolutely not
we literally only had to isolate old cunts and let the virus spread among the rest of the populace to gain immunity
spreading it out to several months will just turn into the new yearly flu as new people will constantly be getting it throughout the year instead of it being over in one swoop
>Frankston massage parlour cops $10,000 fine for breaching COVID-19 restrictions
That's not a very happy ending.
Looking for a 10oz bar and a roll of roos. Probs willing to pay 32 an oz but am staying away from dealers atm because i don't like the idea of back ordering with their apparently thousands of recent orders
Who /looting/ soon?
>Australian universities wipe fail grades as students plea for amnesty
anyone who fails during corona-chan just gets it wiped and gets a pass
I put one through my house mate last week lads. What am I in for?
americans get treated the same by australian women as i get treated by american women when i visit there.
come on over cunt, we have plenty of room.
(whites only).
t. armchair doctor
that's too bad bro coof coof
>I put one through my house mate last week lads
What did you put in him? A bullet? Your dick? So fucking vague.