Military plane carrying masks and other #coronavirus supplies departs #Russia for the #US
Russia has sent a plane load of Coronavirus supplies to the US
Nuke China
Why am I suspicious?
thanks Ivan
Must be a democrat.
Based, looks like several hundred thousand masks and PPE
shit's still a better love story than twilight
Theyre trying to make it look like they arnt being hit as bad as they are, same thing china did. Whether its to sow a seed of doubt or to try and protect their economy who knows maybe both
shut up nigger
Pretty based of Russia. Fuck China.
I wished trump would eliminate the childish ban on AK's by the obama regime
All of it corona'd, I'm sure.
Thank you rusbro
ivan when this is over i will fuck your sister and vacation in moscow, together we will roast chinks like a nagasaki bbq and then travel the stars drinking vodka mixed with jim beam.
thank you russia bros
fuck china
Sending them the chinese rejects
As an ex-cold warrior, I will consider this reparations for the attack in 2016 and reestablish stable relations.
Now release the kompromat on Trump, and we may lift sanctions.
nah this is part of something bigger. it's the oil. most likely sanctions will be lifted too
Russia and America need to team up against the stupid fucking bugmen in China. But that will never happen because stupid fucking politicians and media personalities keep spreading the rumor that Russia is evil and shit, so as to keep us in an eternal state of aggression. What’s been done to the American people, and of all Western people, is the greatest tragedy of them all.
Both those men should be hung for treason.
>muh based russia
Tell them to withdraw the Russian mercenaries supporting the communist regime of Venezuela. Or maybe they can take care of the half a million Memezuelan refugees we have here.
Why? They are brothers of the sky. Only the men of earth make them fight.
Send it back. Fuck commies. Russians are just northern chinks.
Russia and china are allies retard
But I want a mask bro
It's a meme flag. Probably an SVR russkie. Disregard meme flags always.
Nobody cares about venezuela
You don't care because their refugees come here south instead of north. If it was the other way around you would care.
Fuck communism, Russia supports communism, hence fuck Russia.
im immune to the virus so nice try. im working on producing a cure to save everyone using my special immune blood
Lol die third worlder
>constant skirmishes and habbenings at the border
bluepilled cuck
Sure would be a shame if someone coofed on it
Looks like they didn't expect to encounter any turbulence.
Based vodkaniggers
Because you are retarded, and your daddy told you to watch out for reds under the bed.
Russia is no bogey man, never has been.
Meanwhile your president sent four 747s packed with supplies to Israel, while his own people die.
they always do this, its leverage to say hey fagget i helped you now relax some sanctions i'm a good boy now.
Just like when they destroyed crimea, they sent a truck convey of food and supplies when the ukranian government were starving them to death and denying the trucks entry because they may contain spooky russian glowniggers inside a flour bag.
I guess you are upset your shill thread failed before it got off the ground Ivan.
Russia is an actual third world country.
You aren't fooling anybody with a token shipment of aid for America.
Meanwhile there are no masks or sanitizes left in Russian store. Save american before yourself, that's the christian way.
Russia secretly asked the US to keep Oil low to fuck the Saudis.
the reds teach school but not under muh bed
Sounds like bullshit m8, have a coof.
The west should have helped Russia after the fall of the soviet union with a big marshal plan and make them or allies instead of this shit we have now
How nice of them. Stay save everyone.
M8? Stop trying to be British.
Stop pretending you're still British.
What if Best korea comes out of the shadows and helps the US?
What now?
I honestly don't know what he is trying to achieve. Its just some random shit at this point
What a bunch of losers.
Just in case muttbros, demand extensive testing on arriving equipment. Would like to think good about russia, but seems like certain former socialist country never actually abandoned their ideology. It happened about the same time as USSR "collapsed".
Because you're a fucking democrat, you probably think china dindu nuffin and always undermine unity among white Christians
Those feels...
If Germany and the UK are supporting Iran with their new barter system I see no problem with US and Russian relationship in the same manner. Russia and US and China are actually so similar to me. Like siblings fighting. Kind of pathetic and wasteful really.
Hello rabbi
>commissars with tu-95s