Is sex work real work?

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It is but holy fuck those cows should look in another field because they just ain't cut out for it.

No wonder thats what she does for a living.

Lazy sluts have always and will always exist.

>women with literally nothing of value to offer but their bodies

>rampant sickness spreading the land

I guess that we should be thankful we have the internet so the “diseased whore” infection curve is easier to flatten.

oh noooo

hope they get the rona

All the money they saved by not paying taxes on banging and sucking off old guys and niggers for $75-200 a pop in back room was wasted on drugs.

Are syphilitic crack whores $5 again? I always wanted to live in the 80s.

Like their landlords dont know they're whores.

it’s just fucking work

Im just here to make sure im still safe
seems the degenerate coofers are staying away from here so it should be safe

>seems the degenerate coofers are staying away from here so it should be safe


No, there is no value created. If anything a women that is a whore becomes unfit to be as serious gf/wife material.

no it's not. You're not creating anything apart from HIV epidemics

Yes. Imagine having to be nice to someone and touch their genitalia just because they paid for a half hour of your time.

Phew no coughers here.

Also they should work from home, buy a webcam and whore yourself out into oblivion.

It is the lowest form of work.

yep chaturbate gives a lot of cash

Those are actually good looking for a whore, most whores are not attractive

That's fortunate indeed that this thread is clean.

But supply and demand people, it is what it is.

I think it's funny... All these strippers having to get an honest job to get by.

womp womp


Why is the MSM siding with people doing something illegal? Prostitution is illegal, I bet if it were White Men they'd be condoning it.

Those girls aren't even hot.

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Hope you like AIDS, faggot.

Time to lower your rates "ladies" the market has spoken.

No, it isn't.


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These gals are hot in a disgusting way or disgusting in a hot way. Either way, hot.

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Just strip or fuck in a gas mask then shower afterwards, take off mask, disinfect evrything. simple.

I fucked my favorite whore for half the price yesterday.

A prostitute is no different than your average wage-slave who sucks Goldstein's dick from his wage-cage. In fact, it's the more honest form of wageslavery.

Prostitution allows men to let out their sexual frustrations, so it does indeed create value, at least as much value as any other form of entertainment.

Biggest problem with prostitution being the spread of diseases, but this can be solved with the government allowing and regulating prostitution. Prostitutes would also become taxpayers this way.

Self isolate you selfish prick

>not creating anything
Neither is anyone in any human resources department anywhere, yet that's considered a real job. Real work is a very arbitrary term.

Better switch to robots so you don't get infected.

you're next.

Is sex work work? Yes. But is the production of porn sex work? Also yes. Bitches can work from home. L2code, whores. Request for special assistance denied.


roasties btfo yet again

here bro, I'll help you out.
>coof coof

It should be totally legal in every sense of the law.
We have retarded laws where even the telephone lady can sometimes be accused "rufferi", which is profiting off sex work.
They are only allowed to be self-employed.
Shit, they should have unions and unemployment insurance and all that, they serve a vital function in letting off the steam of horny men. Horny men are dangerous, they might rape, more likely to rob and kill out of frustration. Better let them blow off steam.

Favorite exchange from Heinlein
>would you fuck me for a million dollars?
>how about twenty?
>what do you think I am?
>we've established what you are, we're just haggling over the price

I burned a 100 euro bill on my altar of Kosher Shekel, I am safe from your goyim disease now.

If I'm not that means Jews are mortals like us.

Yeh, it is. Even cybersexual services is real work. If I'd been getting paid I would've tolerated it a lot longer - getting paid in love (but being not-so-secretly hated) was bullshit. I was and remain pro-prostitution. None of the people who cybermolested me would've paid me to do it (ironic given I think I came to the attention of my abusers in part by saying, "everyone has a price"), but if there'd been an excellent reputable service offered by someone else maybe I would've been left alone more.

It's a real job, as in occupation, but it isn't real work.


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No, it takes zero skills or talent.

whats going to happen to these sluts when sex robots become affordable for the layman? Isn't there a sex robot brothel in europe that's been stealing customers from a real women brothel?


So it is with leading a company yet they still get paid and quite a hefty sum in fact.

Can sex robots shit on your chest, though?

thier prices are super inflated right now, last several years

Give them time user I'm sure they will soon

Yes if you program them to do so, even better you can have fake shit that doesn't stink.

F in options field per reply makes cloverchan go bye bye.

*coof coof finnbro*

Damn dude, you look kinda ill are you alright?


Don't worry Estonia bro, this is just like a common flu.

no wonder sex workers are going broke during this

>yes a strriper
What a dumb hoe

i only feel bad for the ones who got forced into it, all the other lazy sluts can die in a gutter for all i care

Coof coof

lol roasties btfo

Taking selfies isn't sex work

Philosophical question: Is raping a 'sex worker' moral?

As long as you pay extra its all good.


well, they create value for the company