Stop making threads about the green stuff

It’s being used to stop the spread of ideas. April is supposed to be big. We are missing something.

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Other urls found in this thread:



Green piece of shit

Same reply as above, weird fucks

Yeah probably but dude it's literally all the jannies and owner, this is april 1st. Always doin something.

If you want to check for any real happenings stop posting and just look for based threads. They will be there if they are needed. RN it'll be chaos for entire day.


my thwoat hurts


I’m trying but I’m scared. Nothing good on the he board and I have a feeling something may be cooming

this happens every year.

Sorry, user. I'm having difficulty hearing you over all those asshole coughing on everyone.

Is this how they are separating shills from based anons so that all of the MSM paid shills that own the shilling coordination groups can be btfo at least for a couple days until all the happenings stop?

Could be, however it is unlikely. The happenings will most likely be global, as in this isn't the only place to get the intel when it drops.

True but also April fools

Sniff sniff

You're going to die soon, nigger. RIP

That’s a good point. But the ideas here are so different than many ideas we can consume on the internet that I think it’s safe to assume some real shit does get dropped here. At least compared to fucking IG and FB ans reddit and all that shit

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Yeah, I like this place for many reasons, based user bros being one of them.

I really fucking hate the shills though, they are a PLAGUE. I cant have any threads about DUMBS and Qanon and all based shit about the deepstate.

Maybe this way the shills (because theyre mostly faggot brainlet newfags) will be in too much of a sperg glownigger eauphoria to derail based threads.

Just stay vigilant as always bro.

Do you know if memeflags are really safe? Could add validity to the last thought. Idk, lol just enjoy the show!

Nothing can stop what is coming.

Oh look at that, im pozzed. So is it all (you)'s based?

Well now I feel like quite the fool. An April fool, as it were.

(You) and me both brotha

Seen this?

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Wait I posted this twice

That’s Fucking retarded

Relax were all going to die from the wuhan weeze

>We are missing something.
You are missing plenty.

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Was gonna say that but now I'm thinking op isn't a faggot... huh


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What the vid?

Lolz no, you're probably an early summerfag if you don't know and follow and confirm Qanon posts.

Tbh, most people will never get it, it truly is very difficult to understand. And that's if youre willing. If you have an internal bias because of mainstream media and normie brainwashing you will literally never understand until the military tribunals at Gitmo are livestreamed so you can see deepstate faggots like Obama Hussein niggerfaggot squeal like the subswine they are.

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I better not be sick OR ELSE

cure yourselves before this gets out of hand

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There is no reason to suspect the infection is spread through post to reply contact or digits. The real tragedy would be disrupting the imageboard economy.

No it’s just long and monotone. I get where they are going just they way they do it is too slow for me

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Chill out its just a flu dont worry its gonna be ok

Is coffee good for you

>supports Q
More evidence Q is a wolf in sheep skin.

Oh well sorry bro, only way to get all the info is to put in the time and research, or else you stay normie forever.

So can you tell if memeflags help?

Shut up faggot shill.

You glow with no clover virus, you're about to set youre house on fire now.

The memeflags help shit is a lie made up by Jews to excuse them not using geos you have to be pants on head retarded to think otherwise.

Oh yeah I'm the shill says the fucking memeflag you probably think circumcision helps prevent stds too dontchya good goy.

Or maybe it's just an April fool's joke. This place is satire after all...

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What you think now

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>Implying that schizoposting on Yas Forums ever changes anything irl

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jew posting okay, you're on the right track.

So what's out best shot at BTFOing the "jews"?

faggot larp

It’s all good, I I know plenty. Just wish we all could do more

>no fun allowed
Fuck off retard, you aren't in a spy movie.

Jesus Christ is who they fear most but Israel and Isis will do eachother in as predicted in Albert pikes letter 1871.

You fucking retarded nigger loo kat my replies and see that I was posting American because I have the best country in the world.

Get with the based Qanon post confirmers or get rekt and stay a pleb newfag, or maybe a brainlet.

But definielty never earning you based user badge.

am oldfag.

Don't believe me?

Check these digits. later nigger.

Stop the thread asking to stop the thread about the green stuff.

Suck a soda fat fuck

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I'll admit it's fun though. It's a nice change.

No you


>Retarded memeflag poster forced to admit he was retarded all along the post
Repent retard.

what does it mean?

Mods should just give you the green manually for being such a faggot.

You like Wendy’s?

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It's April 1st, let it slide. Let it ALL slide. If you can't let things slide on April 1st, are you ever frictionless at all?

don't even know what that is

When deez nuts slap yo chin

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i agree

Let me help you out brother.

> stop making threads

This is Yas Forums faggit

Can’t tell when you respond cause the geeen is all over your shit