>Be chinese m00t
>hey lets spread awareness by making a simulated virus on the board spreaded by replying and posts
>this is sure to make the 4channers accept the severity of the situation
>chinese m00t goes on Yas Forums to check out the progress
>threads dedicated to spreading the contagion
>people now call themselves coofers and actively - and voluntarily try to get infected
>hfw people worthship the coof as a good
Other urls found in this thread:
shit I just got the coof
built for bbc
Gimmie some of that digital AIDS
I'm getting pozzed this weekend thanks Chinese m00t
Brazil fully infected. I am ok with this
Based and coofpilled
have sex
you're already infected my danish friend
it's just a flu user
cough cough coof
It's genuinely a fucking funny aprils joke
Look at our own newspapers and news stations: NO APRIL JOKE THIS IS SERIOUS TIME NO TIME FOR JOKE
Meanwhile I am chuckling everytime I refresh Yas Forums, and anxious and panicked posters are having fun and being distracted from the situation, even if just for a day.
It's fucking great stuff
hmm based'
Yuck kys
you are very sick my friend
you will soon face death
fear not for I will carry the plague long after you have passed, for others to carry
Thank you. I hope it worked.
Ah fuck
Fuck leaf go self isolate
*coofs at you*
You will come out as chad. I did!
coof coof
Be infected my frends
yeah I fucking hate our population right now. People take it SO fucking seriously and act like a bunch of adult babies who need instructions on how to live their life. "METTE SAYS STAY INDOORS, YOU NEED TO FOLLOW THE GOVERNMENT GUIDELINES!" Yeah and if Mette Frederiksen told you to jump off a bridge you'd probably do that too. I swear most of our population would happily accept a strict police state as long as Mette and the queen made a speech saying they need it. It just seems like people leave their head at home and don't do any critical thinking, and that pisses me off. At least the younger generation laugh in the face of the boomer remover
Coof coof
I feel fine, I think I will go to a birthday party
greta is love youtube.com
Infectanon these are serious times, and even the young are, mostly, following the guidelines.
I have family members that are threatened by this, so even if I statistically wouldn't die, they probably would.
Still, canceling aprils fools because of a crisis really shows how deep the fear runs, and the fear of a shitstorm.
Saw on the national news site an aprils fools from the 90's where they claimed that farmers were setting out gene-modified lungfish on fields and feeding them kraftfoder. That's fucking hilarious.
We need laughs, but also to remain serious, seems like the only laughs we can get are here on our Mongolian Basket Weaving Forum of Peace (tm)
i look forward to waking up in 12 hours to see the entire board infected
Check it out guys, it's hilarious, we need more silly stuff in these trying times
I'm not saying don't take it seriously, I just dislike the blind faith in authority people have. There hasn't even been raised any questions towards any of the decisions the folketing has made. They removed our constitutional right to congregation, which I suppose you can just do, apparently. They even talked about allowing the police to enter domiciles without a warrant. What the fuck. I know there's a virus but it's still supposed to be a somewhat free country. The chocking thing to me is the fact that they can just take our rights from us, constitutional rights. What's the reason for having a constitution if you can just take away people's rights because a few hundred people are sick, lol.. Maybe I'm just paranoid but to me this whole thing just seems a bit kafkaesque
Infectanon, rights and privileges are nice and all, but in a crisis situation you need a strong hand to steer the boat.
This is pretty much a wartime situation, and in wartime there are a host of rights that are knocked out and replaced with repression, from suppression of free speech to suppression of individual actions.
I don't like it, but seeing the footage of our cops going around to people and pretty nicely ask them to be careful isn't exactly a dystopian, China-like 1 checkpoint pr 1 kilometer lockdown.
The funny thing is, that we believe in the authorities and mostly do what they say, which means they won't have to force us to do what they say, like in Southern Europe
licks (you)
>nicely ask them to be careful isn't exactly a dystopian
yeah but you realize they don't need to be nice right? They can issue tickets and even arrests if they don't follow instructions. It's scary to me that people trust so much in authorities, whether they force us or not, we're still doing whatever they say, and if we're not careful it can end badly.
If we have to have a police state we should at least be a based country, living in a socialist, fag- and nigger-loving police state sucks lol, I'd rather have my freedoms atm
We trust in authorities because we are still 90someting% white people here
Better to trust them and follow their guidelines, than forcing their hand to ensure a full lockdown like other places, we are standing together by being apart and all that, it's the biggest civic mobilization towards a shared goal since the workers' strikes in the late 1800s.
It unironically makes me feel patriotic.
so what you are saying is this board is filled with bug chasing faggots that want "the gift"
That's how it is on this bitch of an earth.
thank you for your service mutt-san
I swear I’m fine.
90-something white
If we were actually close to 100% white I'd agree with what you say, since there's nothing better at bringing people together in solidarity than a rough situation in a homogenous country.
But the fact is that this country is not 90-something white. If I'm being liberal we're maybe 85% real whites and if I'm being very pessimistic we're maybe 70% or even a little less. And of the whites here 50% of them are race traitors and/or unpatriotic goblins. I love this country and I want nothing but to live in a country where the policemen are my fellow citizens and brothers, and we mutually respect each other and the law, but the fact is that nationalism and patriotism is a dying sentiment, among people, and most would rather have this country turn to shit than die for it. And in 30 years we'll be a minority and it wont be long after that they change the government structure completely, perhaps even the name and flag of our country
cough coof
Im ready to accept my fate as a coofer
>>threads dedicated to spreading the contagion
>>people now call themselves coofers and actively - and voluntarily try to get infected
>>hfw people worthship the coof as a good
Most people have immunity, just like the real virus, it shows that social distancing is meaningless
is anyone else interested in forming a Corona Cult IRL?
oops wrong hole sorry
I replied to myself on /vg/ and now I am sick too.
based and coofpilled
There is obviously no infection, this is all a jewish trick
>Be Chink
>Not sick
>Lower infection rate than Europe and America
Why are cumskins so filthy?
Good job, gotta get a little exposure to kick start the immunity
You were just a little over-eager there Harold, you gotta ease into her. Take your time.
Stay away from me please.
You're going to get banned soon.
I bet you didn't even do blood sacrifices for ebola-chan you weak cunt
hey boyyzzz
See, nothing to worry about goys
I hope I’m not infected
Shit, is it that stupid name shit?