I want to die.
We are so absolutely fucked
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You will.
Mathematically, you're not even going to start seeing peak deaths until june or july. That is the most fucked up thing about this. I know a lot of idiot Trump supporters are pushing some "omg two weeks!" meme as if it's not true, but that's just because Trump supporters can't science and math. The facts on this thing are grim indeed.
you americans had it coming. This is what you get for the 1 million dead in Iraq.
>meanwhile in reality
cases: 1,188,592
deaths: 4,056
recovered: 507,251
source: dude trust me
We already had almost a thousand dying today alone BTW. I mean 1K a day dying already is a very big deal. You gotta figure that's going to go way the fuck up as ventilators start to run out and peak infections get hit. We're still in the early stages of this. It's gonna be so bad, such a bloodbath
These numbers are 100% made up fiction lol WTF. You fucking people are truly the worst people and I know that you're all Trump supporters who think this is reflecting badly on your macdaddy Trump
source: yeah dude glowing cia niggers
it isnt crazy to multiply the number of known infected by 10. it is much more realisti c
I don't have any opinion on this.
Just felt like saying hi.
whoo does anybody feel that is it getting hot in here or is it just me
and so on...
but im sure there are no undetected mild cases, i mean wheres the proof?
I cure you.
why hello to you too my good sir!
My dear americans, don't listen to OP, he's a faggot. The fact is, hospitals are all empty and the jews want you to believe the disease is true when it's not. Go outside, enjoy your life. Meet up with your friends and go eat at restaurants. You americans are really smart, why do you fall for such lies?? Please don't listen to the coronavirus shills, they are just trying to make trump look bad. It's a big nothingburger and no different than the flu. No seriously, just go visit your grand children or grandparents, please do it.
You will, but most likely not from this nothingburger.
>4000 deaths, most of which were dying anyway
Over 8000 die in the USA a day, why is this nothing burger even news?
>trump is the cause of the virus
I think you’re more than fucked bro
Cheap, effective, fast, widespread testing is the only way to nail these numbers.
Who has sniffles? I've had them since February and to a point still have them. I may be infected. I don't know. I asked at the hospital, and was told that unless I traveled to China in the past two weeks or had close contact with a person who was confirmed to have tested positive, I'm not infected. I personally know of nobody who has been, or even can be, tested. All numbers are bullshit.
trump is the one that fucked up so badly we dont have widespread testing available you retard
You’re fine bro
>3 irrelevant links to literally WAPO and BI
Russia just sent us a plane of aid, lol.
Yeah, as predicted there are death denial threads now. The population could be completely infected by the start of May. A lot of people are going to die.
OK, I literally never said he was the "cause" of the virus. I would say that his response has been sociopathic, ignorant and incompetent though. And it's revealed that he'll gladly send his OWN fucking supporters (the employed working class) to fucking die of this thing all because he's so afraid his precious bank account and the precious bank accounts of his billionaire friends might shrink a bit.
And still, bootlicking stooges like you defend him. Don't you have parents? Or grandparents? Don't you understand he's literally sending them off to die for fucking money?
So now it's 2 months
Because it's going to increase exponentially.
We don't have widespread testing. We also have a shitload of people dying from cardiac arrest secondary to ARS or even just the strain that COVID-19 takes on the body, and these people are simply not being counted as fatalities in this fiasco. So, you know, this goes both ways. Trump supporters only want to try to twist the facts to downplay this fucking awful disease that poses a threat to us all though, for some insane reason (economic reasons, I suppose)
you literally cant think for yourself its hilarious, you need a trusted authority to tell you what is true otherwise it cant possibly be real
It's both. It's going to continue to grow unabated. Think of where we are now compared to 2 weeks ago. Think of where we'll be in 2 weeks. That's how "growth" works, lol. And it's exponential growth. Why are you fucking subhuman idiots so blind to simple math and science and so forth?
>Why are you fucking subhuman idiots so blind to simple math and science and so forth?
I mean it's like the global warming thing, or fucking evolution. Like what is with the basic denials of basic math?
I had corona back in november
yes brother
At least we got a wacky prank lol
americans came back from mexico and were found to be infected, how many mexicans have tested positive? it's just a flu bro.
It's mainly socialist scum, obese diabetic niggers and old decrepit jew rats who are dying of this.
Fuck em.
If the economy collapses a lot more than 1000 people a day are going to die. If anything it would be smart to start a large scale conventional war just to throw the fire somewhere else.
ill give you that there must be undetected deaths as well, but consider the likely ratio of undetected mild cases vs undetected fatal cases, my point stands, lack of testing makes the numbers look far worse than they are.
Start flapping your arms until they become wings.
Mathematically speaking.
ARD*. Sorry. "Acute Respiratory Distress", which is the main mechanism COVID-19 kills. But in people who aren't diagnosed, and they're getting this ARD which is a really sudden onset, and they are going into cardiac arrest because their hearts or other vital organs can't get enough oxygen. Well, they're being counted as just "oh, he had a heart attack". Not being counted as COVID-19 deaths. Same goes for anyone who has complications secondary to the disease. Diabetic issues, liver issues, just regular asthma. So many potential avenues for this thing to fuck you up.
no you didnt nigger
the jewish deaths are the silver lining to an otherwise sad pandemic
>just 2 more weeks bro, you will see
You niggas have been saying this for months, and it's still a fucking nothing burger. 40k dead worldwide? probably 10million have died in the world during that time. You're all fucking schizos and being played like a fiddle by the MSM and elites.
Even if the USA death toll gets to 3 million over the year (extremely unlikely, the whitehouse is estimating 200k max) it's still a nothing burger, 3 million die per year anyway and 95% of corona virus deaths were in dying people anyway so you probably only increased the death rate by 5%.
It's not going to increase too high and then the elites will credit the extreme lockdowns used as the explanation when it wasnt dangerous anyway. It's so fucking transparent and yet all you schizos fall for it because end of the world!
says the glowing kike
Man you are stupid. I’m gonna come in your wife’s asshole.
i'm just doing allah's work
no you
vs the people who get a scratchy throat amd little coof, then get better, which also happens. which one is vastly more likely to go undetected and untested?
Coof Coof
300 plus million.
I think you probably vastly underestimate the number of cases that involve death just not being counted here. A good analogue is to look back at the 1918 pandemic, and see how the number of deaths was covered up in a similar fashion. The state, the media, "the powers that be", they all want to avoid a panic.
The other thing is that what you call "mild" symptoms? Dude, they're not "mild" at all. If you actually know someone who has this thing and talk to them, just because they aren't dead I assure you that their symptoms are not "mild". And the other thing is that there are shitloads of people who have had this thing for like a month and they are still sick. Deathly sick. Then you have the mystery of so many people being cleared as "recovered" and then magically testing positive for COVID-19 again. Is it due to unreliable tests? Maybe. Maybe it's not. I would say there's something else going on since even early on in China there were reports of re-hospitalizations (meaning it wasn't just due to faulty testing, but a genuine reinfection).
So then you need to start thinking of how this thing was made in a lab. Start thinking of what nasty surprises this thing could be hiding. Does it stay in your body forever like herpes? It has some really impressive binding mechanisms on the virus itself. And think about something like the Zika virus in 2015. Think of the weird effects that had, giving all of those babies small heads. I mean I'm saying you might not know the full effect of this thing for a year to come, or maybe multiple years
>because Trump supporters can't science and math.
>So then you need to start thinking of how this thing was made in a lab. Start thinking of what nasty surprises this thing could be hiding. Does it stay in your body forever like herpes? It has some really impressive binding mechanisms on the virus itself. And think about something like the Zika virus in 2015. Think of the weird effects that had, giving all of those babies small heads. I mean I'm saying you might not know the full effect of this thing for a year to come, or maybe multiple years
Good, fuck humans.
Oh no, 4.000 dead boomers who would have died next year anyway. How can the US ever recover?!
>you will get to see the fall of the united states of america in your life
It feels so good bros.
it's going to be like the stand
Don't worry. Half of them aren't people, they're New Yorkers.
You're nuts if you really think people are just getting "a scratchy throat and a little coof" dude, you fell for internet memes if that's true. Do a little more real research about what this thing is. The people you talk about are way sicker than your average flu, problem is they can't be hospitalized because the hospitals are at capacity. There are hospitals sending people home with major pneumonia in ways that would never ever happen normally, and now these people have to contend with this awful illness on their own.
Why are you Always like this straya?