Redpill me on Azerbaijan

Redpill me on Azerbaijan

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Turkey Jr.

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One of the more stable and successful post-Soviet economies. However, this is primarily due to their oilfields, and consequently they have experienced rather slow GDP growth the past half-decade. It is likely to get worse as oil prices slip further. Although a Muslim nation, it has fewer issues with radicalism than most.

Pretty based, legal age of consent is 12 here and you can and do have multiple wives.

Shitloads of natural gas, important for fuel pipelines from Iran to turkey
Other than that they are mountain Persians that speak turkic.
North Caucasus are the real chads

Turks who cucked Chechens in war and then were cucked by Chechen anchor babies


Pretty gay place.
Can you give me your sister for a day?

What about the Muslim thing

nobody really cares about muslims here, we do pretty much whatever we want.
Also cheap AK's, maks, scorpions, rpg's pretty much any left over commie funs

lol no, your're not white.
Me and the boys will hold you down and sodomize you though, its pretty funny.
Don't your girls all end up as hookers in the west anyway?

Sikimidə yeyə bilməzsən,qəhbə.
Gijdillaq, 13 yaşın var, amma sik-sik şeylər yazırsan burda.

do you faggots sodomize yourselves too?

hairy mudslimes that lost a war to christian armenians even tho they had vastly more troops and equipment

no, we just turn outsider out and make them into gays, once you have done that they are gay forever, they cant unfuck their ass lol

you dont impress me monkey, i think i hear someone smuggling your sister

If you have plenty of spare money for fun and games, Azerbaijan can reward you with decent pussy and memorable times, Otherwise for poor fags, it’s a dusty, corrupt and dull land.

>this aussie gets it

Thought so. The old adage about islamics and various shades of shit skins reigns true.

Just give me her number in Azerbaijani letters. I won't hurt

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The Muslim country that doesn’t give a shit about Islam.

I will I jus-*coof* need a second OP

you want your own sister's number from her brothel?
I think you can find it on the internet user, apparently she aims to please.

wrong. go there and try saying islam is bad. you will see

Atanın 12 yaşlı fahişə arvadlarından birinin nömrəsi də olar

I dated a girl from Azerbaijan. She was cute af and a virgin too. Maybe I should have married her but I wanted to be a degenerate. Picrelated is her on the left

Attached: azeri1.jpg (720x720, 68.58K)

pretty much, instead of covering our women up with bed sheets we tear their clothes off and grope them lol.
The best is when you get to watch them pee haha

Attached: (m=e-yaaGqaa)(mh=SWPxDFunxG8r_Rrq)original_478881231.jpg (575x837, 123.53K)

congratulations on your google translate poof

>She was cute af and a virgin too
>was she 11?
a-user i...

səncə google bunu da tərcümə edir? :)

Gay nigger country

>youre sister

Attached: (m=e-yaaGqaa)(mh=s2sJRUhV4lXCdTrv)original_478880901.jpg (575x766, 138.33K)

>gay nigger country
Says the american

This faggot is not Azerbaijani. Don't believe anything he says. He can't even speak the language.

Turks, nuff said

>b-but muh google t-translate
>t-this guy cant be from where he is f-from
lol you are a huge poof anyway, no wonder the russians can do whatever they want to you and you cant do anything about it.

>pic related, your mom and your sister together in a family pic

Attached: (m=e-yaaGqaa)(mh=v8VXjbNGAEPTByEd)original_478881171.jpg (450x600, 42.96K)


probably some armenian shill.

Not gonna lie ahmadov, if I could have a little place in Sheki, Lankaran, or Astara, a halfway decent internet connection with the remote job I’m doing now, a cheap Lada to drive around, and a nice churka gf to hang out with, I’d be a pretty happy lad. Loved driving around your country on the mashrut, all I’d be missing was a visa to travel to Iran like I’ve always wanted

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He is not Azerbaijani. Just some VPN fag

you are welcome here, just no hungaryniggers - except for their women, they can work in our brothels

Also, I’m absolutely flabbergasted how many Azeri chicks do amateur porn (looked it up out of curiosity one day), you wouldn’t think so many do it in such a small country

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lol seethe more in your failed state

theyre just turks with an upside down e

>imagine the smell

are there hot men in azerbaijan

your roleplay got exposed by an unexpected flag

damn straight, we are all hot, unlike those hungary goblins

>seething hungary nigger

> faggotry

Funny you mention, would you happen to live in Ganja? Here’s how my visit to Nizami’s tomb went:

> walking around the gardens looking at shit, I can smell the fumes from the super depressing aluminum factory down the road
> some dude walks up to me, gets friendly with me, and takes my picture
> he starts asking me in very limited vocabulary if I have a gf
> no lol, I’m just traveling I say
> starts asking about my sex life
> uhh... no
> then he shows me gay porn
> ohhh, that’s what you want... no, not into that hoss
> walk away, go to the museum lobby
> guards there don’t like my backpack, gesture me to take it off, I can’t understand them
> guy comes out of nowhere and starts talking with the guards like he knows them (he’s probably the museum guide), gestures game to come forward
> pay admission, go to exhibits
> proceed to super awkwardly browse the lackluster exhibits while he propositions me for sex with google translate, tells me he can’t talk about his faggotry with anyone else and is relieved he can with me because I’m a burger
> after a while, I fuck off and walk back to the bus depot


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was he hot? what did he look like? tell me, i'm a faggot lol. no one in america will date me because i have assburgers and will fuck everything up, also most gays here are leftists.

People from Ganja are all gay religious shias. So that is expected.

Nothing remarkable, looked like a typical Turk really.

I couldn’t really tell where the religious places were, I’m guessing probably in the countryside. There are more images of Heydar Aliyev around than Muslim stuff anyway, the Sheki Khans Palace tour guide was super into answering those questions for me according to the party line

>looked like a typical Turk really.
how old do you think he was?

Probably in his mid to late thirties

Most of those guides are government shills also. They are chosen to serve there to impress tourists.
Countryside is also not very religious. There are some areas - Novxani, South East (which are iranian speaking minorities) that are more religious. The western, and norther parts are not.
Heydar Aliyev is like Stalin of Azerbaijan. One day we will take his pictures down.

how to find a cute gay husband in azerbaijan

your dad's a gay religious shia

Apparently full of muslim gas niggers. Might be wrong though.

Turks but Shia.

Good info thanks, not many English language resources are around for this stuff. What parts of the country do you like personally? Are there Azeri qts who like to date Westerners, and do their families fuck with the guys who do it? I didn’t really explore that

>Old Azeri , also referred to as Azeri or Azari , is the extinct Iranian language that was once spoken in Azerbaijan before the Turkification of the Azeris.

>Some linguists believe the southern Tati varieties of Iranian Azerbaijan around Takestan such as the Harzandi and Karingani dialects to be remnants of Azeri. In addition, Old Azeri is known to have strong affinities with Talysh.

>Azeri was the dominant language in Azerbaijan before it was replaced by Azerbaijani, which is a Turkic language

>The first scholar who discovered Azeri language is Ahmad Kasravi, who was an predominant Iranian Azeri scholar and linguist

>He conducted comprehensive research using Arabic, Persian, and Greek historical sources to prove that the people of Azerbaijan used to speak a language of the Iranian family called Azeri before adapting the Turkic language of the same name.

>This discovery lead him to conclude that the people of Azarbaijan were an Iranic group who were assimilated and eventually Turkified by invading Seljuq Turks.

>Igrar Aliyev states that:

>In the writing of medieval Arab historians (Ibn Hawqal, Muqqaddesi..), the people of Azarbaijan spoke Azari.

>This Azari was without doubt an Iranian language because it is also contrasted with Dari but it is also mentioned as Persian.

>Kasravi was an Iranian Azeri.

>Kasravi is known for his solid and controversial research work on the ancient Azari language. He showed that the ancient Azari language was an offshoot of Pahlavi language

>Due to this discovery, he was granted membership of the London Royal Asiatic Society and American Academy.

>Arguing that the ancient Azari language had been closely related to Persian language

>Ahmad Kasravi believed that the true national language of Iranian Azerbaijan was Persian

>therefore advocated the linguistic assimilation of Persian in Azarbaijan.

>Pan-Iranism is an ideology that advocates solidarity and reunification of Iranian peoples living in the Iranian plateau and other regions that have significant Iranian cultural influence, including the Persians, Azeris, Lurs, Gilaks, Mazanderanis, Kurds, Zazas, Talysh, Tajiks of Tajikistan and Afghanistan, Pashtuns, Hazaras, Ossetians, Baloch of Pakistan, etc.

>The first theoretician was Dr Mahmoud Afshar Yazdi.

>Iranian political scientist Dr. Mahmoud Afshar developed the Pan-Iranist ideology in the early 1920s in opposition to Pan-Turkism and Pan-Arabism, which were seen as potential threats to the territorial integrity of Iran

>On the eve of World War I, pan-Turkists focused on the Turkic-speaking lands of Iran, Caucasus and Central Asia.

>The ultimate purpose was to persuade these populations to secede from the larger political entities to which they belonged and join the new pan-Turkic homeland

> It was the latter appeal to Iranian Azerbaijanis, which, contrary to Pan-Turkist intentions, caused a small group of Azerbaijani intellectuals to become the strongest advocates of the territorial integrity of Iran.

>After the constitutional revolution in Iran, a romantic nationalism was adopted by Azerbaijani Democrats as a reaction to the pan-Turkist irredentist policies threatening Iran’s territorial integrity.[11] It was during this period that Iranism and linguistic homogenization policies were proposed as a defensive nature against all others.

> Contrary to what one might expect, foremost among innovating this defensive nationalism were Iranian Azerbaijanis.
