>asians have the highest IQ
>IQ predicts success
race realists BTFO. new documentary about how fucked up china is:
how does this fit in with your theory that IQ matters, bigots?
>asians have the highest IQ
>IQ predicts success
race realists BTFO. new documentary about how fucked up china is:
how does this fit in with your theory that IQ matters, bigots?
Other urls found in this thread:
Asians are notorious liars, like leafs are notorious faggots.
IQ is not the only thing that matters
It's time to kick out chinks from your neighborhood and country
>Chinese only test their best students
>All Chinese have high IQs
Why do you think the Japs hated them?
Why does this post have weird color?
>highest IQ
oh you mean like burgers being notorious fatties.
I’m the two red buttons meme where I want to send this to my friends to show how fucked up china is and how they’re to blame for coronavirus but I’ve already barely convinced them about IQ differences so I don’t know how to show them this vid but then square the circle that asians are supposedly the highest IQ yet clearly a huge amount of them act exactly like niggers, maybe even worse in a lot of cases given all the animal abuse. poor whites don’t do this kind of shit so why does the higher IQ race do it em masse?
Because I had sex with Coronachan last night
>Chinese only test their best students
so does that mean race realism is based on lies by the chinese govt? doesn’t that BTFO the whole idea?
High IQ is necessary but not sufficient for success.
You’d understand this if you weren’t a filthy leaf.
I don't know.
Europeans are nearly as high in intelligence, and have far lower time preference, which means we are better at doing things that are good for the long term.
>High IQ is necessary but not sufficient for success.
then IQ isn’t really a predictor of success like everyone here says. this whole situation throws the bell curve and all of that shit out the window. what more could china need to be successful, it’s not like they’re some remote african tribe that can’t communicate with the modern world. shouldn’t their high IQs be adopting modern technology and practices?
but the theory is time preference was selected by evolution because of harsh winters and china has winter just like europe. so they have high(er) IQ plus winter. why would they have a different time preference so drastic that they do the kind of stuff in that video even in 2020?
apparently the rich chinamen believe eating exotic wet market animals gives them special powers and healthy benefits. but how can high IQ people still believe in dumb shit like that in 2020? it’s not like china doesn’t have scientists.
because what we now know as the chinese are not indigenous to the region
But they don't, it is well known they cheat on all tests
where did they come from? it would have to be a place with no winter, combined with lying about IQ stats, in theory.
this guy’s vid is showing even in the top tier rich cities they eat dogs and sell dog meat etc out in the open. how is that possible if they’re a rich area plus high IQ compared to blacks mexicans etc? is it just their superstitious traditions? we have people blowing out our religions with science how has no one in china scientifically investigated “does eating dog heart actually increase heart function?”
none of this makes sense going by the bell curve race realism IQ stuff. it basically throws all of that out the window and implies we really are equal and everything comes down to culture and opportunity not IQ. these Chinese beliefs about eating animals are 45 IQ native tribe level retardation.
racist cracker cope
just admit it you being racist has nothing to do with IQ numbers or whatever you just want to hate black and brown ppl
im glad this virus happened bet all the high civilisation of China and East Asia you naziheads kept salivating about did a 360 on you. yeah sure man, niggers steal, indians streetshit, arabs bomb but high IQ Asians? They build massive industrial complexes and eat bats and rats and cause a global pandemic that fucks up all of Europe (and the world) lmao. Europeans eternally blown the fuck out
>But they don't, it is well known they cheat on all tests
ok so are the japanese and other high IQ asians also cheating? I thought the whole premise was genetics determined IQ and asians were on the high end of the scale. that seems to hold up in Japan and some other places but how can do much of china be literal subhuman african tier IQ and we don’t see the same with Japanese or other asians? if Chinese are asian but all have bottom of the barrel IQs then race realism is BTFO because that would be like blacks in Africa building an actual Wakanda.
Asian people are notoriously succesful in america.
>just admit it you being racist has nothing to do with IQ numbers or whatever you just want to hate black and brown ppl
>im glad this virus happened bet all the high civilisation of China and East Asia you naziheads kept salivating about did a 360 on you. yeah sure man, niggers steal, indians streetshit, arabs bomb but high IQ Asians? They build massive industrial complexes and eat bats and rats and cause a global pandemic that fucks up all of Europe (and the world) lmao. Europeans eternally blown the fuck out
unironically this is the conclusion I’m forced to come to with this. I fully bought into the bell curve race realism stuff but this all seems to go completely against it and prove the left right that it really is just culture and opportunity and IQ doesn’t actually matter.
>Asian people are notoriously succesful in america.
but how can that happen while they also so commonly do fucked up shit like in the vid? doesn’t that mean that blacks from Africa and Mexicans etc could all be top tier intellects doing well in school too if society wasn’t so racist and oppressive against them? white society praises asians and so they do the best in school and white society oppressed blacks so they do the worst
if we treated blacks as well as we treat whites and Asians, they would do just as well as us. China apparently actually being africa tier IQ proves that
explain then
i came off a bit hostile here but im drunk rn. Just wanna say I’ve lived in Singapore for a good amount of my life and never saw any Chinese there eating dogs or whatever. So yes upbringing matters
If Asians were African tier Iq then their countries wouldn’t be so developed ( mostly South Korea and Japan) not to forget they produce a lot of high technology.
In de fiets 1960 gdp in South Korea was equal to Gabon, but one country developed and another one stayed a nigger dhithole
>If Asians were African tier Iq then their countries wouldn’t be so developed ( mostly South Korea and Japan) not to forget they produce a lot of high technology.
exactly. so which is it? are they low IQ and live in filthy garbage cities with wet markets eating dogs and drinking superstitious coronavirus concoctions, or are they high IQ geniuses making 1st world cities with advanced technology? it can’t be both or Africa would have a Wakanda by now or some part of Detroit would be a black Silicon Valley
They have highest average IQ,
but it's much less spread,
so basically they are like women,
not many idiots,
but not many geniuses who could pull them further too.
Also they aren't individualists,
and respect hierarchies too much,
so instead of improving they suck up what old fags tell them.
Basically that's why Japan boomed, and now sucks,
after WW2 when ingenuity mattered and people were making their businesses from scratch,
their high IQ pulled them further, but nowadays it's all old folk strangleholding youngsters,
who are essential for innovation.
Was that supposed to be an insult?
What does that even mean?
Culture is downstream from race.
Africans cant create white or asian tier societies, just like Chinese have certain behavioural patterns that keep reemerging across the centuries. Its more than upbringing you drunken dalit
Shut the f up, Chinese have high IQ
Asians can't focus on work because they are addicted to BBC and BBP
>serpentza clickbait
Chinese woman spoted
>high iq
>eating shit off the floor and starting all of the world's plagues
pick one
Then why is most of Asia an impoverished shithole.
>but not many geniuses who could pull them further too.
but they have huge advanced metropolises, and weren’t they leading the charge with robotics and computers and shit? but those same metropolises are selling dog meat and have wet markets
>Also they aren't individualists,
>and respect hierarchies too much,
>so instead of improving they suck up what old fags tell them.
this seems like part of a possible answer. but why do they have a hive mind full of respect for others etc while Africans are just full out chimp mode? like you go to the poorest part of Africa and you’re gonna die 100%. but this guy goes to these Chinese shitholes and the people are friendly and well spoken and educated and playing mahjong and are non-violent and welcoming towards them...shouldnt they be committing crime and violence on the level of Africans mexicans shitskins etc if they’re just as low IQ?
Based gruzine
what does that mean? I don’t know who this guy is but the footage looks real
Meanwhile Whitoid men belong to the Middle Eastern woman.
Free markets & freedom unlocks the genius of the common person. China-style forced state tyranny shuts down people's minds and chains them to a yoke of simplistic servitude. If China hadn't been given or stolen all the technology it now enjoys from free western nations, they would still be living in straw hut villages.
ok so asians aren’t genetically higher IQ? which means blacks aren’t genetically low IQ. which means the whole race realism is out the window?
>Then why is most of Asia an impoverished shithole.
that’s what I’m asking faggot. it flies against IQ being genetic based on race
>but they have huge advanced metropolises, and weren’t they leading the charge with robotics and computers and shit? but those same metropolises are selling dog meat and have wet markets
Build by westerners who wanted cheap labor.
>this seems like part of a possible answer. but why do they have a hive mind full of respect for others etc while Africans are just full out chimp mode? like you go to the poorest part of Africa and you’re gonna die 100%. but this guy goes to these Chinese shitholes and the people are friendly and well spoken and educated and playing mahjong and are non-violent and welcoming towards them...shouldnt they be committing crime and violence on the level of Africans mexicans shitskins etc if they’re just as low IQ?
Africans have extremely low IQ, Asians have high average IQ, meaning that typical Asian will be more intelligent than even typical white. But we have High IQ geniuses who set laws and create high culture that people respect. In Asia people are just scared of authority, without questioning it.
so is it just culture then? if we gave blacks the same opportunities as whites and western Asians and Jews wouldnt that unlock their potential and they would make wakanda?
Is this green overlay some kind of April's fool's joke?
No, it's both. Asians exceed in western culture, but they aren't capable of creating it as well on their own, because they aren't really capable of respecting subordinates ideas, which is extremely important.
Blacks on the other hand are just dumb for the most part.
Obviously it's not always true, but for most part.
>leading the charge with robotics and computers and shit? but those same metropolises are selling dog meat and have wet markets
Nips =/= chinks.
>if we gave blacks the same opportunities as whites and western Asians and Jews wouldnt that unlock their potential and they would make wakanda?
Do South Africa and Zimbabwe look like Wakanda to you ?
Being able to solve problems - or moreso - solve problems for the benefit of yourself is what IQ is all about. It is in no way and indicator of being 'good' or 'right'. For example, a high IQ individual who is not adjusted morally is truly a horrible force.
>But we have High IQ geniuses who set laws and create high culture that people respect. In Asia people are just scared of authority, without questioning it.
ok that makes sense for the overall state of the country. but city to city, if I go to a trailerpark little granny white trash will have potted plants in front of her trailer and wash her hands before she eats and does laundry and isn’t eating live rats off the ground etc same with japan. so why do chinese if they have high average intelligence, still live in what basically looks as bad as India, cutting their meat on the dirty ground and shit?
>Free markets & freedom unlocks the genius of the common person
National Socialists were the first in space with the V2 and had the world's first operational jet-powered fighter aircraft as well as a number of other first wand innovations.
>No, it's both. Asians exceed in western culture, but they aren't capable of creating it as well on their own, because they aren't really capable of respecting subordinates ideas, which is extremely important.
creativity does involve risk taking and going against the norm to discover alternatives so that partly makes sense. so is there some creativity gene that matters? and then why don’t blacks have the insectoid color inside the lines mentality the low IQ Asians seem to be born with? testosterone? and then why aren’t japanese just as bad as chinese?
>if they have high average intelligence
Of course they do. We know this because they tell us, and the university students that emigrate score high and are an accurate representation of their entire society. They would never cheat or lie.
pretty sure "high iq asian" is just a meme. most are stupid as fuck.
>Nips =/= chinks
what’s the difference? google doesn’t exactly give me an answer on that search lel
>Do South Africa and Zimbabwe look like Wakanda to you ?
no they’re shitholes which I assumed was because of low IQ and violence but low IQ Chinese somehow created and live in world class highly functional 1st world cities
Blacks are not higher test, in fact they have higher levels of estrogen
Because there was culture of hygiene in Japan long before Europe, and in Europe there was campaigns and education that taught people that they shouldn't do this. Also Europeans aren't as clean as you would thought.
Japs tried to westernize first, and are the most in process of doing so. I would say it's mainly issue with Asians overly-trust in authority, even when they have their own ideas, while Europeans are more likely to go against it if they so believe.
Idk about black, they seem just to be stupid, probably because they lived in easiest environment for humans, which we evolved to, so they didn't have to adapt that much.
ok so race realism isn’t real then? because asians aren’t genetically predisposed to have high IQs and you wakandans are just as capable of building skyscrapers and metropolises as they are? what’s holding you back then?
Confucian morality. It puts too much emphasis on hierarchy and knowing your place and is extremely utilitarian. What we would consider immoral only bothers a chink if he is found out and loses face because of it. This is why chunks lie and cheat and sell endangered species deep fried in gutter oil. If Taoism was the main philosophy instead, China would look vastly different.
how come in every worldstar vid they all look ripped like crossfit instructors?
ok so both of you are basically saying it’s culture. but if China had the same culture as Japan would they not be so chinky disgusting? and if that’s the case then if Africa or Mexico had the same culture as japan would they be like Japan too? meaning if we just educate or change the culture in Africa could they build wakanda? because that all goes against race realism and IQ determining your outcome
Yes and no. China with Japan's culture would be more like Japan. Africans and Mexicans are too low IQ to ever have a society on that level. It's IQ + culture. Both elements must be present.
>Race is real
>Race realists btfo