What a fucking timeline lads
Based wikipedia creator
Other urls found in this thread:
checked and bumped
fuck off idiot.
Anyone who is in a position of power or influence, who doesn’t use those gifts to expose elite pedophiles, is just as bad as the pedos themselves.
Respect to Sanger.
top tweet cut off
uh wtf why is the thumbnail a pepe??
Checked and link-less pilled
It happens, your image will be the thumbnail for the Pepe that someone posted elsewhere on the site.
I don’t remember why it happens but it’s not uncommon.
fucking CHECKED
Is it finally going to happen
When you look like SuperPedo you gotta do what you can to create some distance
I am the light bearer
I bet these are 'Asian churches'
newfag cancer
Fuck off coofer
"look it up"
"look it up"
"look it up"
read my propaganda
He knows why
Long time no see Satan
When I was in elementary school the gym teacher took my whole class into the gym and made us all get naked and line up. He then had us all bend over one at a time and felt down our backs then fondled us and told us to cough.
It'll happen to you
What a timeline.
Brb, going to donate to Wikipedia now.
Wew... can you feel it lads?
Two posts at the exact same time, fucking newfag
I used to troll this fucktard about his pro-jew stance.
Perhaps some red pills got through to the stupid cunt after all.
Let me guess... he still never mentions the jews?
Negligence ( the failure of duty of care or protection that results in damage to property or life) breach ( an act of breaking or failure to observe law) as in protection mechanisms for life and equative equality reciprocity as per original purpose.
P.e teacher used to pull the front of our shorts out to 'make sure we weren't wearing underwear'.
Why wearing underwear would be a problem was never explained.
Paedophiles are everywhere.
>purposely spreading the obviously fake Zuckerberg tweet to poison the well
To you and the other faggots in this thread openly shilling against normies becoming aware of the pedo satanists in high levels of society: kill yourselves.
obviously fake
you think greenberg isn't a chroomer?
OP is a no-effort /nupol/ faggot that should have posted link.
Nasty ass miasma around this post
he must ha--
>coof coof
ve been hacked.
fuck off cunt i'm no newfag i'm just lazy
youre an infected fag now cunt.
I have little reason to assume he wouldn't be, but pairing that fake shit with other info worth considering is detrimental to the overall message.
Just testing to see if I’m infected
Now you are.
dub or better gets an immunity pass
Stay 1.5m away!!!
Will never make me a glowy stupid nigger
It was largely gutter trash having sex with men that offered them booze and drugs. Among that going on there were cases of real abuse.
The reason the authorities were slow to act was because british authorities felt they had no ability to intervene in stopping what lower class girls do. Spread their legs.
damn coofers sliding my thread
Who is this kik...oh wait...BASED.
Your lies are not wanted here glownig
This explains why the early life sections are still up
how do we meme larry into posting here? he'd probably like Yas Forums
*coofs on you*
>bald white man getting his rocks concern trolling about petafiles
closet pedo confirmed
What did he mean by that?
>hurr durr i'm OP and ive been here since 2016
a lazy no-effort /nupol/ faggot that infected this board with lazy no-effort /nupol/ faggotry.