What are some based right wing games

Tired of the sjw stuff any game from any genre as long as it’s good, based, and right wing.

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Kingdome Come

deus ex

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All of them or just first

Empire earth

Just first, the sequels suck.

is that oh yeah yeah man?

Kingdom Hearts

New Vegas

It’s where the joke comes from

I liked teaming up with Paladin Danse in Fallout 4 to cleanse the wasteland of degenerates. Only good part of that game.

just the first one, it's an old game so the gameplay might not be for everyone.

Not necessarily right wing but DEFINITELY redpilled

KZ Manager.

Yeah I’m playing human revolution and the tutorial really pushes the whole super smart female scientist thing

Is this Yas Forums?

Grand Theft Auto V / RDRII

Spyro taught me about ethnonationalism

I just bought today ironically but it crashed and I forgot to save so I’ll pick it up again tomorrow.

No but it’s about politics in video games

Reinstalling now

>playing a shitskin criminal of italian descend to slaughter WASP

Yeah, truly based. Idiot.

Minecraft is the only truly based and redpilled game. Everything else is too overt or comes off as LARPy.

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Goldeneye - because you kill commies
Minecraft because you make society and can kill mobs that resemble the dregs of society
MGS 5 - because you can kill commies
GTA 4/5 - because you can pretty much fuck with anybody
DOA - because you can watch bikini clad women beat the shit out of each other

The first Bioshock game

Yas Forums the game


Bannerlord came out, I wouldn't call it based but is a good game.

anything where boys where tunics, tights and boots. the original boys clothes before women started cross dressing so much everyone started to think they were girls clothes.

Link was built for big ganon cock

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Put down the controller and learn how to cook.

You just posted it. OOT is redpiled as fuck.
>king's (((advisor))) from the desert land has a huge nose and a skullcap and happens to be the game's satan
>muslim symbols used disrespectfully
>the "revised game codes" were finished *before* the gold carts were shipped

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Postal 2

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So hot and cute. Link was made to be manhandled by big ganondaddy

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Shadow President

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pic related

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My thoughts exactly especially as the Gerudo remind me if the overbearing Jewish mother plus feminism


Far Cry 5

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Ethnic cleansing

>still playing videogames

Better grow up and find a hobby outside your basement, faggot.

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you play as a black man and the first mission is to steal a bike

Ok, Boomer.

The story is good but the gameplay sucks

But restaurants cook much better and also thots don't deserve more time than it takes to fuck them.

this actually looks awesome desu

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Git gud.

Prince of Persia I.

Killing all those shitskins and bleach a persian qt.


Really proving the case that all yuros are fags I see.

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Crusader Kings 2
you can invade africa/arabia and every kingdom is an ethnostate of the culture as long as you don't let any outsiders in your court

Call of Duty. That’s literally it. Stop being such a massive faggot and just play what you like.


notch is based and redpilled so it makes it even better

Zelda is Redpilled isn't it? At least the inspiration for it (Legend movie from 1985). Goblin Jew looking creatures are the bad guys and Tom Cruise ends up destroying Satan.

Surprisingly, it was only ranked the 40th most controversial video game of all time.


Ace Combat
Devil May Cry
Shin Megami Tensei
Elder Scrolls

>build a dystopia, claim it's a utopia
Based redpilling of the normies. To alienate them from progressive society only forces them to us. The communists on bunkerchan revealing hate them just as much as the progressives do.

Stellaris with the white supremacy mod installed

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Factorio, monster hunter, Minecraft, Terraria

Destroy the flora and fauna and cause massive erosion with utter disregard for the eco system. Profit or progress are the only priority.

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Atleast we arent obessed about nigger dicks and arent being killed off by corona, mutt

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CK2, EU4, Vicky2, HOI4 (especially Kaiserreich).

mental illness

Angry Goy 2

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And don't forget

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You do realize we're literally all on state-imposed lockdown right now? It's video games, shitposting on here, or watching paint dry.

there are no women in the zone

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Its the honest hot truth. Wish they make ganondaddy links lover daddy in the next Zelda game where they kill the roastie Zelda and make love in a king sized bed

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There's no politic in monster hunter

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Final Fantasy XIV is very redpilled

Jesus Strikes Back. They literally sell it online for $14.88.

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Mystery of Epstein island part one and two
Made by user team you play as apu in part 1 and pepe in part 2

And yes, that pic *is* Putin clubbing a homo to death with a protest sign.

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What the fuck is wrong with you Asslicker?

Ocarina of time is about a jew ambassador from a matriarchal society (geurudo grr ooh do jew voodoo) which consists of a bunch of warrior slut sand niggers and he's their prophecied king n shit and how they follow him to destroy a white nation

How can one game be so based, they even mention Kaczynski, albeit very briefly.