Every virus looks like this. Why?

6 prongs, that's why.
Gotta get rest. Slither as (you) will, snakepit.

Attached: virus.jpg (400x355, 30.01K)

Take your meds schizo

Not every virus.

One for every millions jews that died in the shoah
we goyim gotta pay reparations with our lifes

sure reminds me of something.

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That’s a phage

You know nothing. A VIRUS IS NOT ALIVE, LIKE BACTERIA. All it is is a piece of genetic code, surrounded by a protein envelope

No they don't.

literally only viruses that infect bacteria

Glowrona must spread

It looks like an alien. Spooky

What is wrong with this post and why does it have a green border


Ur a phage.

yea but that faggot doesnt know the difference.

Praise be to the glow.

Attached: sexyalium.gif (498x498, 413.49K)


Nothing to see don't mention it 百鬼

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>Its scarier than a blob

That's a prion / bacteriophage, most viruses look nothing like that.

It's not alive according to very human standards that were set up a long time ago and are very outdated
Wouldn't be surprised to see the definition change to include viruses because the only checkbox that's not being hit is independent self replication because they do go out, 'feed' on the cell and multiply through the cell they take over
They're not just floating molecular structures, they move to infect with purpose

Microbiologist here. Most viruses do not look like that. That is a bacteriophage, doesn't even infect humans. It infects bacteria. Almost all human viruses are circular. They actually have an icosahedral capsid core if you want to be specific. They can be enveloped or non-enveloped. Cold virus (Rhinovirus) is non-enveloped. Coronavirus is enveloped.

Then there are filament viruses like Ebola which have a linear shape.

So no, OP, most viruses do not look like that.

Attached: Non-enveloped-and-enveloped-viruses-a-simple-schematic-diagram-illustrating-the.jpg (634x387, 47.46K)

They're robots left by the previous civilization that inhabited the planet. Viruses were helpful to those beings.

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its a masonic plot

Fuck off Jew, Ephriam knows.
It's over, shill.

metoo. Kek help us.

It has to do with chemistry

everything glows when the light shines upon it.

That isn't the virus. That is just part of one of the virus's protein structure. That is like looking at a tire and calling it a car.

I still don't like kikes though.

Fuck off glownigger


Ayy lmaos

It won’t change. It’s not alive according to well defined biological definitions which are in reality meaningless.

If you want to call what in essence is just a very complex molecule “alive” then do it.

But if we change these definitions we could soon say plants aren’t alive or that self replicating molecules like snowflakes or some metals are alive.

Broke China almost a uighur ago.
Keep on keepin on, user and on and on.

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Gordon... Freeman?

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It doesn’t lol


Oh fug I replied to a green poster. *cough*

Fractals fit into genomes the way truth fits into a system of lies. Good work, user. Keep it up.


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you're already dead, user.


I only coof when I smoke teh medz.
Sun Tzu, 13. Like I said, it's over.

Watching (you) hack my computer is like watching 2 year olds put a triangle piece in a cube hole.

I'm not feeling so good guys

Ok, you goys made yer point. Don't make me sage my own thread again. Just tryin to drop the knowledge. Anonymous is still 4teh people and it still works.


No, this is not true.
We of Ephriam solve problems for one another because a solution is required. That is our way.

This thread is infected!!! Where are mods?

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Fucking this.


Coof coof

They cannot actually come up with an image of the particle that is the best guess.

That is an antibacterial phage virus used to treat bacterial infections.

Bastard! you made me sick.


So it's a nanobot designed to target adrenochrome users?

Attached: ET_IrpuVAAAtbtH.jpg (1024x576, 59.29K)

They also don’t metabolize. They just steal the host’s energy. So they’re basically chinks:

Invade host cell to reproduce: Asians come to America to try to make Chinklands

Steal host’s ATP: steal our Academics,
Tech secrets and Production


It’s in the gray area. Viruses aren’t alive; but they aren’t just inert chemicals like Xanax. They’re ‘borrowed life’

(((They))) lied about race. (((They))) lied about space. (((They))) lied about dinosaurs. I'm starting to question germ theory now, too. It's probably just some kind of magic, and there microscopic images are just shopped, exactly like the telescopic images of space.

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Attached: 1584693394888.jpg (551x709, 74.16K)

looks like a bacteriophage
