Stabbing of Asian family in America

Texas man attacked a Japanese family mistaking them for Chinese and having coronavirus.

Texas man stabbed and tried to kill an Asian-American family due to believing they were Chinese and had coronavirus. The man even attacked the family's two year old and six year old children.

The guy who did this is named Jose Gomez. This is what bigotry leads to. Please stop Racism.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>I will hold you guys responsible for this hate crime
Pheww...I thought pol never accomplish anything, well done guys

lol, what about his grorious Nippon steel thousand folds filthy gaijin

how the fuck does a nip loose a knife fight?

Up yours Chinksect with VPN

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>Jose Gomez
Ya don’t say... three time Olympic border jumper from lemme gues..... Central America???

>Jose Gomez

Fucking white Americans

> I will personally hold every Spanish person responsible for Spanish flu

>Tyrone recognizes a pattern

yeah except it's nonwhites to do that shit. and then white people receive the blame anyways. lmao

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>Afraid of Chink virus
>Attack some chinks with a knife ensuring you are both in proximity and your will be covered in their bodily fluids
>Jose Gomez
It checks out.

Poor babby. That’s fucked up

I thought it was going to be a Jamal not a Gomez but then this happened in Mexico

Filed under Caucasian crime stats too.

> Texas man
Um I assume he was black since they didn’t say “white man.”

>jose gomez

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fuck those nips
probably pushing anime

Sadly this isn't a meme
As a father of 2 it makes my blood boil seeing harm to kids

>Jose Gomez
The darkest Japanese person really is Whiter than the Whitest Amerimongrel desu.

My condolences to the nice family in this trying time after a spic attack.

these stories are always fake

I cant believe white people did this

At least the kid will grow up looking like an absolute badass, nobody will fuck with him

An FBI report obtained by ABC News says the stabbing of three Chinese-Americans at the Sam's in Midland was a hate crime.
The document detailed the incident in which "three Asian American family members, including a 2-year-old and 6-year-old, were stabbed … The suspect indicated that he stabbed the family because he thought the family was Chinese, and infecting people with the coronavirus."
The FBI is warning that there's an increase in hate crimes against Asian Americans as the coronavirus crisis continues to grow.
"The FBI assesses hate crime incidents against Asian Americans likely will surge across the United States, due to the spread of coronavirus disease … endangering Asian American communities," according to the report, which was done by the FBI’s Houston office and distributed to local law enforcement agencies across the country.
"The FBI makes this assessment based on the assumption that a portion of the US public will associate COVID-19 with China and Asian American populations."
The 19-year-old who investigators say stabbed and cut the four people at the Midland Sam's Club told police he was attempting to kill a family shopping in the store, according to an arrest affidavit.
Pictures posted on Facebook show that the father and his son were cut very badly across their faces. The son, who is very young, has a cut reaching from behind his ear all the way across to his eye.
Police say Jose Gomez also stabbed a Sam's employee in the leg when he tried to stop Gomez. His hand was also cut up as he tried to get the knife away from Gomez, according to the affidavit.
The worker and an off-duty Border Patrol Agent were able to get the knife out of Gomez's hand and hold him until Midland Police arrived.
Gomez is charged with three counts of attempted capital murder and one count of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

t. Obese Walmart dweller

It's real. Here's the link to the source:

Yeah man I was thinking the same thing. Anyone that hurts babies needs a bullet to the head.

Ever seen dueling scars? That was fashion back in the good days

no they arent the details are always faked to make the attacker sound like an idiot that mistakes their ethnicity.
They are published everytime an event happens.

Jose gomez is the most whitest anglo saxon name ive ever heard in my life. Oh and also fuck all white people.

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Yes but this one actually came from China from actual Chinese people you stupid fucking gook

Sounds like he's doing the jobs white Americans won't do.

But this what happens when the Chinese ate racist to us. Where are the MSM on pic related?

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Leviticus 11 - Clean and Unclean Food

Boomers then...
>Hey, hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?
Zoomers now...
>Hey, hey chinkiepox, how many boomers did you put in a box?

diwty stinking pwaguing powwuting
stawving skewetaw spying fag
infewiow owientaw coowie kang
swant eye bwind dwive sunk junk papew shack
buwnt wice noodwe doodwe shwimp dick hack
ching chong ding dong fwip fong ping pong ming mong nip nong qing quong chinkie wing wong zip
yewwow piss skin swopey fish head midge
bug face wat tooth bat bwood monkey bwain insectoid pig dog canibaw

nuke the gooked fuckee twaitow twash too west it dump mowe dumb dung

>Gen. 9:22-7; 10:6-20, Josh. 23:5-16, 1 Kgs. 4:30, Job 15:2, Isa. 2:6, Dan. 2:43-4
>Massacre at Huế, Thảm sát Huế Tết Mậu Thân, Persecution of indigenous peoples of the Central Highlands in Vietnam, Đàn áp người Thượng tại Việt Nam, We Were Soldiers, Big River, Big Sea, 大江大海一九四九, Hong Kong independence, 香港獨立運動, Tibetan independence movement, 西藏独立运动, Xinjiang conflict, 新疆衝突, 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, 六四事件, Female infanticide in China, Tian Mingjian incident, 建国门事件, Organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China, 對中國共產黨摘取法輪功學員及良心犯器官的指控, Film censorship in China, 中华人民共和国被禁影视作品列表, Battlefield 4, I.G.I.-2: Covert Strike, Criticism of Huawei, Chinese intelligence activity abroad, Intelsat 708, 2011 Type 094 accident, Traditional Chinese medicines derived from the human body, Terrorism committed by North Korea, Seoul National University Hospital massacre, Team America: World Police, 팀 아메리카: 세계 경찰, Hangang Bridge bombing, National Defense Corps incident, The Interview, Homefront (video game), Chichijima incident, Bataan Death March, Comfort women, Issei Sagawa, Murder of Junko Furuta, 女子高生コンクリート詰め殺人事件, In the Realm of the Senses, 愛のコリーダ, Bakky Visual Planning, バッキー事件, Karayuki-san, からゆきさん, Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, 福島第一原子力発電所事故, Feces use in Japan, 日本における人糞利用

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they were stabbed by mexican tho. maybe liberals should make thinking on this one

YEAH!! Hitler tried to stop racism too. Can't be racist against a race that doesn't exist.

Did u know Israeli snipers where pickin off children on the gaza strip and blaming the parents on a count of hiding behind them.

>Oy vey! Your children are getting in the way of my bullets, goy..

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>based Mexican
They deserve it in some way or another I’m sure. Bugmen are hardly innocent.

>no link
ya twitter is a great source faggot. Next time greentext and link to a reliable news source you no effort faggot

>Jose Gomez

Build the wall.

Probably a Trump supporter. Add another one to the list of white supremacist terror attacks.

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Woke asians still blame whitey tho even tho they got saved by white guy and attacker was some spic. Its kinda funny how blacks, mexicans and asians are racing in opression olympics and blame whites yet most of the crimes and racism is between these groups against each other lol. i guess we should just take social media hate because IRL its completly different and they stab each other. just chill with popcorn and microwaved coffee i guess.

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>Texas Man

pick one
They have to go back btw.

Well they dare publish videos where they hoarded all the masks from the US and bragging about leaving none for americans, looks like this is what they get :/

Sometimes you get, and other times u get got good.


these japs look like gomezes themselves

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fuck racism


They are already running with "white person".

fuck racists

Porque no

That White Supremacist!

We need the texas incel squad to stop this

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Fucking white men, always killing people and being violent, holy shit, get a grip white people.

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>Jose Gomez
Sounds white

>My condolences to the nice family in this trying time after a spic attack.
Fuck them.
If anything pol has taught me anything it is that victims of black or Hispanic crime usually blame whites anyway

Japanese people are the most respectable asians that there are,what a shame they werent chinese


I've never encountered one IRL. Even the "Little tokyo" towns in major cities don't have real nips. They're full of koreans and chinks.

that family that got attacked is burmese, so ive heard

>jose gomez
Its a fucking shame its not a white guy
Why are whites such big pussies

Dios mio...

Guaranteed this stabbing had to do with a shortage of goods at Sams Club and not “racism.” The chinks were probably hoarding 20 packs of TP and the spic wanted one. What a two faced fucking community.

Meanwhile actual hate crimes of Chinese purposely spreading the virus and knowingly stealing/hoarding supplies in white communities is ignored. We need to constantly remind everyone of the crimes against humanity being committed by these bugmen.

God damn Joe Gomer! Attacking those asins.
Fucking white supreemists.

pls infect me don't give it to shitty OP
Let me spread this Chinese Virus!

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Spoiled brat that was probably never grounded in her life throws a tantrum.

Guaranteed this stabbing had to do with a shortage of goods at Sams Club and not “racism.” The chinks were probably hoarding 20 packs of TP and the spic wanted one. What a two faced fucking community.

Meanwhile actual hate crimes of Chinese purposely spreading the virus and knowingly stealing/hoarding supplies in white communities is ignored. We need to constantly remind everyone of the crimes against humanity being committed by these bugmen.

Infect me nigga

Every faggot on R*ddit is acting as if Gomez is white.
It's pretty funny to push the narrative by saying it's the far-right

>The guy who did this is named Jose Gomez
Imagine my shock

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haha suck it yellowniggers

this is chinese psyops trying to get china look good. Don't believe their lies

its a spic

My Brothers of Color! Listen!
Let's kill the wh*toid scum! It's perfect opportunity for revenge! Tear their hearts out! Eat them! I'm fucking ready for the riots! Are youready? Millions of wh*toids will die! White genocide NOW!

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See if it had been a white guy they would have included it in the title

>Jose L. Gomez III