Why haven't you quit smoking yet ? It's dangerous with all this corona around...
I quit crack cocaine cold turkey 3 years ago and haven't used ever since, so why can't you quit some silly cancer sticks ?
Why haven't you quit smoking yet ? It's dangerous with all this corona around...
I quit crack cocaine cold turkey 3 years ago and haven't used ever since, so why can't you quit some silly cancer sticks ?
ive been asking myself this a lot lately, maybe i should quit
imagine taking advice from a former crack addict
And for the record. I quit tobacco in februari this year
I did in january
is smoking really that bad or is it overblown? i mean everybody used to smoke back in the day big deal. before anyone ree's out i haven't smoked in a few months, i never really was dependent on it but i do enjoy it
it fucks up your teeth and lungs never gonna make it if you can barely breath
In moderation the downsides of smoking never come up. I have for the longest time but since I keep track of when I do and moderate myself accordingly, I'm not fucking dying from it. Pack-a-days are who you need to worry about, hell even half a pack unless there's an occasion.
just buy extra cigarettes lmao
i'd say regular tobacco isn't bad for you, in moderation perhaps but when you're smoking sugar, high fructose corn syrup and other shit, yeah that's bad.
also, i've never wanted a cigarette more than since this pandemic emerged
I'm trying a pipe, it's too damn cold out for it though still
A crack addict that manages to stay clean for 3 years absolutely has valuable advice.
Yeah I've smoked on and off for past 5ish years, I pretty much only smoke straight tobaccoo or get the American Spirits. Packs will last me throughout the week. I sort of just stopped again for the past few months coincidentally right before corona-chan struck. but yeah I feel you. I've been watching a lot of classic noir movies and every now and again I just want to step outside at night and have a nice cig.
cause its amazing
Shut the fuck Up dutchcuck. Why couldnt you die of an overdose?
No you are a degenerate. Fuck off
Straight or pure or nature or whatever misleading name they give it is just as bad for your health.
It contains the same amount of tar for example
Tbh I'm just holding the fast forward button on my life
I quit opiates cold turkey 5 years ago. Quit smoking cold turkey 3 years ago.
Haven't touched either since.
I did opiates for 3 years and smoked for 10 years.
Cigarettes were fucking easy to quit and I wish I had done it way sooner. If you can't do it you're a pussy.
I'm no crack-addict, you got the wrong guy fella
Still I would say an ex-addict, albeit a degenerate waste of space, could offer valuable insight on the topic of addiction (and probably a very very small amount of other topics, but mostly just addiction)
I've got 3 packs left. We'll see if I crack and buy another carton. Gonna try to switch to the vaping shit I bought for a new years resolution.
Although I did hear that there is a negative correlation between chinkflu victims and smokers in chyna
I have.
I'm a retard so I swapped to vaping (which, normally, is leagues better, but nicotine of any variety increases ACE2 receptivity) so now it's only half a league better.
My cardiovascular fitness has skyrocketted, and I now smell like lemonaid instead of an ashtray
And that's how it start with everyone " just a pack a week"
In a few years time that changes to "just 1 pack a day "
too busy glowing, want to blow up a Federal building?
i smoked so much crack when i came to the Netherlands 15 years ago.
Maybe you should quit smoking cock and worrying what choices others make.
Fuck you Marty, I do what I want
I have asthma and smoke a pack a day and I can still outrun you faggot.
Maybe if so many people weren't giant leaking pussies it wouldn't be an issue.
The names aren't misleading. They don't use pesticides. Tobacco and water. Plant matter combustion is the killer.
bit defensive
I'm not kidding myself thinking natural tobacco is safe, but is better than sucking down a pack of newports every day. Like I said I smoke sporadically and I've stopped. Maybe it's because I don't smoke that much or lucky genes but I've never had to deal with crazy withdrawls or cravings other than the occasional "yeah i could go for one right now."
i quit snus cold turkey last july.
i expected the nicotine withdrawal to be an agonizing experience, but it wasn't bad at all. caffeine withdrawal and cravings are more uncomfortable.
but i've heard cigarettes are much harder to quit than oral tobacco. cig smoking is like a ritual - there's a heavy psychological component.
your post literally glows
>I have asthma and smoke a pack a day
I bet you're in your 20s. We'll see how you feel about being a big retard in another 20 years.
Haven't smoked in about 5 days. Switched to vaping, gradually reduce nic to zero. I've quit about 5 times completely for long periods of time but always seem to go back
Can you read? For the past 5+ years I have smoked cigarettes on and off and have never had issues quitting for months on end, if not the whole year. I'll indulge in them a little bit for a while and then stop. I could say if you ever drink beer or any alcohol at all, pretty soon you'll be pissing yourself in a ditch due to rampant alcoholism
>moving the goalpost
Fuck off whore.
My pillow guy? I tried the q thing but that box kept disappearing...
No i got the right idea. You are a former drug addict degenerate. Most likely a degenerate in some other area and now your trying to act like wise old man thinking you can talk down to others cause YOU "learned" you are a waste of air and should fuck off and kill yourself dutchcuck
>Switched to vaping
Anything that you burn and inhale is bad for your lungs. Period.
It causes inflamation
I've smoked with some beer or wine on nights like christmas or 4th of july but I only bought one pack last year, finished it off trying to write a book about how women belong in the kitchen though. I really want one with a sunrise or at 2am since I too have been watching old shit and even newer movies depicting old times.
I've also heard some shit that, assuming your smoking spirits (yellow pack for me), the filter can be pretty toxic but idk if that's true
lmao look at this seething faggot
look and laugh at him and his poor life decisions
>Why haven't you quit smoking yet
I cant shoot my self.
I did cold turkey 7 years ago, was the hardest thing I did in my entire life, no bullshit. It's deceptively strong addiction, just without strong physical withdrawal.
Why even smoke crack?
Oh weird, I feel fine.
Smoke in general is bad for your lungs before even accounting for any drugs in it.
Its useful for regulating the amount of nicotine your body is getting. You can take full strength nix juice and mix it with no nic juice to get any level of it. Eventually you reach zero and can quit without withdrawals or even cravings
Clearly you haven't tried it, or you wouldn't be asking.
>the attractive talking heads told me it's bad so it must be.
>haha you dumb, me smart
Ok zoomer
I forgot what the colors correspond to, but I usually get blue spirits. Before coronachan I was loading gambler tobacco into my own filters with a loader.
>OP I double dog dare you to say “Fuck Beatrice dumb bitch, I will give her a double dose of Freedom teabagging her across her old wrinkled face”
On faceberg
No, you literally got the wrong guy, I'm not OP, look at my ID... :/
Man, fags are for faggots. I wish I could quit fapping, 'cause that's gay as fuck.
Low self esteem and depression.
In my experience it was all about mindset. I followed Allen Carr's easy way and it really had a positive effect. Once I understood that the cigarettes gave me no benefit whatsoever and that the addiction to them only created anxiety instead of helped it (something many smokers tell themselves is the reason they smoke - to help with anxiety) I was genuinely excited and happy to quit. Once the physical symptoms were gone in a few days it was completely smooth sailing.
So gookmoot made a new feature for pASS buyers? Your worse than fans only
Quit alcohol, which causes cancer, not natural tobacco, which doesn't not cause cancer. Anyone who drinks is a candida infection.
Oh fuck new April Fools is up... green outline! Based gookmoot
>the attractive talking heads told me it's bad so it must be
take your meds
Doesn't take a genius to figure out that breathing in smoke probably isn't a good idea
Especially if you're a young, stupid faggot with asthma
but do what you feel user. I'm not trying to stop you. But I will call you retarded and point out that your deflection of the idea that smoking will have lasting effects and consequences is genuinely ridiculous
But most people your age believe lots of retarded shit
>not natural tobacco, which doesn't not cause cancer
Cause I don't feel like it. I've done everything cept meth multiple times. Nothing beats the smooth satisfaction of a cancer stick. Plus smoking makes you cool B)
i'll mostly do yellow as it was the closest thing to a camel I could get but will also have the light blue, I think the dark blue is pretty harsh but don't remember. I don't fuck with the other ones, too harsh, too light or menthol. what I love the most is how long they last. this probably isn't helping the cause of not smoking though ^.^
>your age
Stop larping you stupid fucking zoomer cunt.
Just like with everything you do in life there's a health risk involved.
Think for yourself for once and grow the fuck up.
Go die from an infected hangnail.
Honestly quit recently but I just want shit to be over already indirectly suicidal because suicide is sin but I'm tired of playing the game. Plus originally I was hoping I would get cancer so i could prove my theory on how to cure cancer and make a name for myself before I die but at this point fuck it I just want the second coming.
i quit last week. i swapped over to the mouth fedora about 6 months ago mainly because it's cheaper, but it still made my lungs feel like shit, and it felt like there's shit in my esophagus after a few hits. i took a week off work (this helps, as bullshit is a big trigger for cravings) and drastically reduced my vape intake to just a few small puffs throughout the day. eventually i switched to nicotine lozenges and used those just for a few days. all the prescribed quitting plans are like 12 weeks but that's excessive. i got 4mg lozenges, cut them in half, and popped a few halfs for a couple days, then totally quit. on day 3 of no nicotine i had a headache for about half the day, but it cleared. there was a little bit of irritability but overall day 3 was the worst. i'm on day 5 right now, i have been smoking for 12 years and have been smoking 10-20 cigarettes a day for the past 6 years. i have never even tried quitting before, but it was way easier than i thought. you just have to be committed enough to fight off cravings for the first few days and you'll be good. i still get very mild cravings after i eat, with coffee, or when driving, but they're not bad at all. quitting heroin was way harder, that took me like a year to quit even though i was more of a moderate weekend user.
the chinks said smokers were 14 times as likely to require medical attention from the chinese virus. it's just not worth it anons. having smoked for 12 years and facing a global pandemic i ran out of excuses to justify it.
Natural tobacco doesn't cause cancer. They only do research on mainstream shit like marlboro, Camel, and they avoid talking about natural tobacco because people will start to suspect. I used to have bowel cancer, and alcohol causes cancer 100%. Never had a problem with natural tobacco.