The board is dead

Every thread in the catalog right now is either ZOMG 5 GORILLION WILL DIE FROM CORONA, MUH EXPONENTS or some /x/ tier yellowstone/asteroid/comet/aliens bullshit.

What happened to this place being about unfiltered fucking truth? Lately every god damn thread is about absolute fucking retard tier shit.

Q schizos killed this fucking board dead. They'll lap up willingly any trash that /x/ or kikes dump on it.

This board used to be a useful place for useful political discussions. 99% of threads now have zero connection to politics. It's all fucking conspiracy theory horseshit.

Kikes and Commies wanted this board dead before the 2020 elections. Boomer Q Tards, shills and schizos gave them what they wanted.

Fuck Niggers, Fuck Spics, Fuck Commies, Fuck Trannies, Fuck Kikes, and Fuck you faggots that killed this board. This place hasn't been remotely right-wing, nationalist or populist for fucking months. It's become AboveTopSecret but with a meth addiction.

We need a new board that focuses on actual topics, reasoned, articulate discussions, that is pro-family, anti-degeneracy and fiercely National Populist ideologically. Either people here start learning to fucking sage or it's over.

Attached: just shit on the floor.png (800x434, 262.9K)


Fucking kill yourself shill.

Summer came 2 months early.
Also this is a happening on the scale of 9-11.

>This board used to be a useful place for useful political discussions.
>This place hasn't been remotely right-wing, nationalist or populist for fucking months. It's become AboveTopSecret but with a meth addiction.
Before this shit board was a sf quarantine, it was a left leaning nigger loving shit hole, and before that it was a Libertarian Party shill fest.
Basically whatever gets people riled up, this place becomes that.

>Summer came 2 months early.
also this.

So why don't you do your part and start making some quality threads. If you don't have the pasta, then go to the archives and search for threads you thought were good redpills and repost them.


Corona is a happening on the scale of around the number of Americans killed annually by Motor Vehicle Accident, only weighted heavily to the Nursing Home Population.

The real happening is how absolutely retarded the public has been in basically begging for Chinese style communism.

Either way, this board is fucking dying. This place used to drive discussion for people like Tarl Warwick, and even Tucker Carlson. Not anymore. The only people having discussions here now are literal schizos and PRC shills.

You are a concern boogyman nigger
What do you want to talk about then?
Because with what you put in the OP your thread is just as bad if not worse than what your bitching about

>This board used to be a useful place for useful political discussions.
uh no it wasn't. it was just a bunch of lolbertarians yelling "commie" at anyone expressing anything to the left of ron paul.

Everytime a good thread is posted, it get's slid by 54 "BUILT FOR BBC" or "MUH ASTEROID WILL MISS EARTH BY 42 LUNAR DISTANCES!" threads. It's become fucking pointless. I'm not sure if it's the number of literal highschoolers posting jumped or if everyone on here suddenly decided to ingest copious amounts of drugs, but the level of discourse on this board has plummeted to all time low in the past month, and i've been posting here since 13. The shilling, slide and spam has never been this bad ever.

Attached: itshappeninging.jpg (1350x2176, 953.03K)

Part of it has to do with it being an election year, part of it that there literally is no news, at all. A lot of it is that this place is a shithole and we should all ironically migrate back to

There is major censorship happening here, everytime I try to post a redpill it gets autocensored

Has been that way for years now

>I’ve been here since 13
Lurk moar newfag

If you have a problem with an entire board, the board may not be the problem.

It might slow down because panic newfags will be turned away due to april fools

Election year brought the ShareBlue Shills.
Corona brought the PRC shills.

I suspect most the BBC and /x/-tier threads are also an effort by leftist groups to keep useful topics slid.

The Q larp did more damage to the right wing movement than anything else. The best thing Trump could do is come out and say it's a LARP, he has nothing to do with it, and it's retarded.

Did you reply to an infected? I think we both got the coof

You're right, it's memeflags and Canadians. Both should be fucking banned for a start.

OP was built for BBC

Attached: 1585717012950.jpg (976x1024, 142.92K)

all the redditors and summerfags are hoping on Yas Forums since there is nothings to do during quarantine

It is actually unironically happening and you still aren't satisfied?

Attached: 2.gif (310x760, 22.83K)

Coronachan literally fucking the world. Mate it's going to be a long summer.

It never happens.


Yas Forums is not your safe space, faggot

Attached: F8BEF964-C896-4895-8941-F719B5F29C82.jpg (380x214, 8.84K)


You aight white boy.

Save me bros

The fucking spanish flu happened and so did a shitload of Polio and Measles outbreaks throughout the 20th century. Life continued nigger.

This is all fucking bullshit, and at one point, this board would have seen through it all and put their finger right on what was happening.

Instead, one retard posts here about Q or a Comet, and all the other retards cling to it like moths to a fucking Lamp, while any thread that actually starts to dig into things gets slid with porn posting and BBC.

This fucking board has been on life support since 2016...

Attached: ahem.png (554x400, 70.91K)

summer never ended.
2016 was a mistake

This board is ded goodbye forever

>Yas Forums is not your safe space, faggot

I don't want corprus bros

Attached: corprus.jpg (600x232, 31.08K)

If anything it's time to get off Yas Forums for a couple of months. There's no real point of being here if you're not getting any lulz or insight. Shit is kinda happening one way or another (whether because the virus or because of government fuckery). Honest question to anyone who cares are honestly enjoying your time spent on Yas Forums?

this website died in 2006. Not only are you late, but you're new. I hope you enjoy your online social shithole & I hope it helps you acclimatise for whats to come.

2020 elections are very LOW energy this year, should thin the election tourists real good. I believe the current predicament is more of a return to "normal" whatever that would mean.


SUPER Rare flag

There's a huge happening. The only explanation I can offer for the /x/tier stuff is that they can't handle the happening

75k total dead this year. Second wave fizzles out after mutation. China gets fucked in second round of trade deals. EU Balkanizes and several brushfire wars start over trade disputes. Russia gains some more land. US goes within itself and rebuilds while the rest f the world crumbles. Limited nuclear exchange between India and Pakistan, poi’s come out in top. Digits confirm my predictions. God bless you all.

The corona shit should have its own thread, it has nothing to do with politics, unless of course the stories of it being purposely politicized are true. You can't even filter it out, they're FORCING it on you like communist propaganda

eternal summertember

>honestly enjoying your time spent on Yas Forums?
yes if i didnt i wouldnt be here

>noooo you can't talk about the biggest thing in the news cycle

>nothing to do with politics


It's all bullshit. I don't think there's a reason to care about what's going on anymore unless it directly affects you and is enforced. I'm going to go enjoy the decline.

Shiiieet nigga you gonna die

>Hits china, korea and iran first.
>Stay at home goy, don't question the ZOG experts
It's been political from the start

Die die die

Came back after taking a break. No sports, and the news is fucking aweful. Not the actual news itself, but the quality of the programming. Fucking sound is terrible, delays, technical issues, etc. I'm not a big basketball fan. But I'd like to watch some fucking footy, NASCAR, IndyCar, F1, baseball, SOMETHING other than fucking reruns from shit last season. At least put on some fucking ESPN Classics tier programming. Fuck I hope Disney and Comcast stock drives headfirst into a brick wall. Pathetic.

Anyway, here OP

>are honestly enjoying your time spent on Yas Forums?

Nope. Prior to 2016 there was good discussions about a range of politically relevant topics. 2016 obviously was comfy as fuck, and there was some comfy times since (the Kavanaugh hearings were an enjoyable period) but the past 2 months the board has been completely uninteresting to me. The IQ of the average poster seems to have plummeted to such an extent that i'd imaging 3/4 of posters are either bots or niggers. There's no extensive analysis or discussion. Most threads is some retard LARPing about meteors or aliens and then giving people incomplete sentence replies like the Q retard does... That's not even considering the amount of fucking porn and other degeneracy that now fills the catalog at any given moment.

There's really little political left to the board, it's mostly rantings and ramblings and 3/4 of threads belong in Yas Forums or /bant/ now.

Before this board had threads that were redpilling or whitepilling at times. Threads about natalism, the importance of family, nationalism, etc... Nope, not anymore. Every thread is some blackpilled shit, porn, or some schizo's off topic rantings. I'm losing interest fast. This was literally the last website i still use for non-work purposes, and pretty soon im quite certain that i'll be over the internet all together. Since i've had a family i just don't have the hours to spend wading through pages and pages of slide posts to find something interesting to read.

Probably the most accurate and reasonable thing i've read on the board in a month, spare the nuclear exchange all the rest seems spot on.

The biggest causality of corona is the internet. In the culmination of a process that started with Windows 95, now there's perfect representation of the general public online. Things are only ever in their Golden Age when dominated by white men under age 40. Now the zoomers, boomers, and women have taken over Yas Forums like they took over the rest of the web.

Because it IS communist propaganda.

First the shills told us not to worry it was no big deal and not to wear masks because the Communists wanted it to penetrate deep into America.

Now they are working hand in hand with the US media to hyperinflate the fatality rate to essentially destroy the American way of life and economy.

I've mostly been watching Fly Fishing videos.


Remember frens
Truth has a habit of marching on

Hope to see you on the other side brother

I think it's fucking amazing. Watch MSNBC. They're actively calling for facism 24/7 on that channel. They spend all day crying about why Trump won't turn into Mussolini.
You live near Canada? Global Toronto plays a bunch of shitty fishing programming on weekend mornings.
I remember PBS had fishing programming back 20-25 years ago, don't know if they still do.

Be easy on the Native Americans.

Attached: Times of Israel.png (1992x1112, 2.08M)

just go on 8kun

How? I type it in the search bar and it doesn’t come up.

Youtube unironically has some great fishing content.

yeah, let me go on the shit board that has even more Q boomers than this one does.

Check the digits and stfu because I really don't care
And I didn't say it shouldn't be talked about, but it also shouldn't be forced upon us if we're sick of fucking hearing about it. Like I said the fact that you can't filter it tells me it's politicized, and it's bring used as propaganda in an attempt to alter the course of the election.

newfag detected
Coof panickers are retarded but what you're calling /x/ is most of what Yas Forums was pre-2016. If you want to talk about mainstream politics and news go to reddit.

this board died in 2017

>all my polotics i get from twitter and YouTube

I agree, the corona threads are part of the problem.

The reality is, there's really nothing new worth talking about re: corona.

We know what we know. It's slightly deadlier than the flu (especially for Geriatrics) and it spreads fast as fuck. There's gonna probably be ~70-90,000 dead in the US before it ends in Juneish. Is what it is, not the end of the world, life goes on.

At this point it's obvious most the threads here on the topic are actual propaganda being used to demoralize and further damage the US economy. It's part of a broader campaign that's also playing out in mainstream and social media.

2015 Yas Forums would haves seen right through it, called it out for the Chink shilling it is, saged, and moved onto a new topic.

Oogabooga April fools coof

Jamaica isn't rare you stupid leaf

This isn't accurate at all nigger.

Outside of the pizza stuff, most threads here were lengthy discussions on the EU, the middle east conflicts, political theory, US election analysis, gun rights, etc.

It was already bad in 2017, it started going bad when the elections shit started in 2015

I can't stream anything watchable. The only resolution that works is 144 (the lowest), and it's not legible. If there is a channel I'm interested in I usually just download the audio file and listen to it.

>politics is deep and i'm learning secret things on my mongolian noodle poop board
newfag zoomer/boomer detected. Politics is entirely theater and you do not benefit by following it. Following what you believe to be "alternative" information about politics is literally the exact same level of distraction as reading the NYT or watching CNN.

nah, from a US perspective, 2015 was probably the best time on this board, there was lots of good content and camaraderie and high energy overall.

The biggest slide downhill started when all the Q bullshit began.

This board has always been an absolute cesspool. You're just going through the nostalgia phase because you've realized that radicalized people are dumb as fuck once you get past all the emotional spew.

Use this break of self awareness to escape this miserable shithole

Hello, based department?


How many times have you seen a Jamaican flag on here? Dumb burger

Nah. There used to be a lot more interesting threads. Of course there were boring retarded politics threads but smart anons congregated in deeper threads which used to be the core content of the board. The reason things are so shitty now is because the content you just listed has taken over. Everything you listed is just a variation of newsthreads and newsthreads are the cancer that killed Yas Forums and created nu/pol/ / boomer/zoomer Yas Forums.

But for most the time i've been here, the people here haven't been particularly radical, they merely state observable truths, like the fact that Niggers commit more crimes. Or that Kikes are cheap. That's not radical.

If basebol was happening as scheduled.

Sorry you live in an echo chamber then