Why should i be loyal to or care about the future of a country that hates me and my people? A country that has politicians practically orgasming on camera that my people will be an absolute minority. A country that shares no common languge, law, religion, ideology, culture, ancestry, race, or destiny. As far as i am concerned, america is a multiculti strip mall for the rest of the world to consume and destroy, patriotism to a strip mall is retarded.
Why should i be loyal to or care about the future of a country that hates me and my people...
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No one cares if you do.
Lol, what?
Do like I'm going to... the minute I'm a minority in my own country, I quit working and live off the same people who've used me all of this time. I will have paid my last penny in taxes.
Don't be loyal to this dogshit country. Become an ancom. We accept people from all walks of life. Our only goal is to erase the bourgeoisie and (eventually) dismantle the state. This would create a place where everyone can be free to seek any passions they choose, no matter what race, gender, etc. they are. Join us as a comrade.
>no matter what race and gender
Did you not read the post?
Based and worthless dredge of society pilled
>Why should i be loyal to or care about the future of a country that hates me and my people?
Whoa. Sick border. What is up with this? Is it like a Yas Forums only thing?
Well, now you have it. It's all over the site, but it's an imitation of a virus. If you reply to someone with it, you get it.
The underage b& are posting on Yas Forums. I -KNEW- this was going to happen.
>coof coof
coof coof
Im white you retard
Oh fug. That's actually pretty cool desu. Hiroshimoot actually did something cool for once.
I just don't go on Yas Forums often mate.
glowniggers taking their name literally
health check
You're probably a fucking yankee who just realized this.
Take the redneck pill.
fake and gay
hella sick bro
you shouldnt be. the core idea of america is based, as is the constitution, we just let jews have power.
Northern Europeans are different from mudblood mediterraneans.
so im loyal to the original idea of america, but not what its become today.
The communist user did not.
More like elite pilled.
Also, infected.
cogent observation. the anglosphere is orienting its society in preparation for a race war against EU/Russia. its our responsibility to relentlessly attack this country from within to impede and sabotage that war effort.
It was probably the mods. The mods run Yas Forums. Hiroshimoot just owns it.
you shouldn't, the conservative media is the only thing keeping the right politically active because they have their jobs on the line but the reality is your completely doomed in every way and it can't be reversed. Anyone who says otherwise is just coping
The original idea of america was enlightenment and egalitarianism. Look where that left us.
Is accelerationism really the key though? I have my doubts that accelerating the collapse will work and we will instead just be worse off but faster.
Honestly I hope you communists do manage to disrupt the system. I am so fucking tired of these cuckservatives and liberals, and the National Socialists aren't staging a revolution themselves, it's like communists have more balls than them. At least you will give us an overtly good reason to fight you and establish our own new aristocratic Fascist government.
Calm down Cletus, retard. Go do some unnecessary work on your derelict trunk like you always do. Okay?
Because our people built this country for us. It is our birthright and duty to get it back
>politicians == country
idiot or defeatist shitkin invader
Are you white in America? Me too.
Don’t give up yet.
The last stand is almost upon us, there are lots that aren’t going down without a fight
America was more united at the height of the Civil War than it is today. The men who fought each other still saw the other as brothers, and it's why the soldiers had a mutual respect long after the war. Such magnanimity and grace wouldn't exist with our enemies.
If only Corona chan had been more potent, we could've seen the city flags die out. Imagine how the country would've voted after that.
There was hundreds times more domestic terrorism in the 70s and 80s than there is today. I sincerely doubt that with all the security the state has in place for another rise in domestic terrorism that any civilizational war will come to fruition
Actually statistics and prevailing culture == country. Both of which are damning to America. I don't think it will be an instant collapse or anything but give it 60 years and America will either cease to exist entirely or be balkanized and raped by every world power that exists.
David Lane (mr 14 words) wrote stuff in line with what you say.
Germans in the habsburg empire felt the same - the empire was terrible for the german race, just as america is the prime danger of the white race (because kikes control it).
The Boys was good though all useless slide thread aside/
you "hope" america will be "balkanized", silly chink/spic/sandnigger/streetshitter/nigger
in the meantime what we have is the number1 nuclear and military power (propped up by whites) and a 100 mil whiteys who can see all the benefits of multi-cultural societies
stop playing victim
Shut up nazi
just nuclear power. the us was curbstomped in afghanistan and iraq.
LOL it's a sandnigger who thinks he can do anything to whiteys on their hometurf because a CIA proxy-war in afghanistan was artificially prolonged ahahahahahaha
shitskin, remember this
there are no "rules of engagement" in a civil war, you'll get shot down just for being brown
actual subhumans thinking they can fight the people who took over the planet and have countless of times proven to be the S-tier fighters
afghanistan and iraq...lmao
Is that captain America?
Looks like fag.
You shouldn't. Embrace Anarcho-Piratism. Plunder them without mercy.
Once we Aryans take back the West we want to establish a global world empire under the sign of the Swastika. A world government with pure Germanics at the top as an aristocracy, the new world elite, the Schutzstaffel. America is ideologically opposed to titles of nobility and oligarchic aristocratic or even autocratic governments. Tell me why you won't turn on us for muh retarded freedumb like last time in World War II? George Washington was a Walhaz mamzer who wanted to abolish negro slavery. The US has mundane origins not divine. Te US Constitution is not a holy document, the original copy even had a few spelling errors in it when it was first written, and most of the founding fathers of America were Freemasons and not of pure Germanic Aryan blood. Freemasonry, a Deist heresy. Renounce cancerous and caustic American ideology and be bound to your racial kinsmen by blood, not by some obscure and ambiguous bumblefuck concept of "liberty."
First off, thank you for being completely honest about being fascist. Secondly, I'm genuinely curious as to why you are fascist.
are you retarded? i'm White. the US is preparing to launch a war of racial extermination against the EU and Russia. stop daydreaming.
self-check (feelin the nards)
>stop daydreaming
>posts shitskin fantasies
do you know why the general concept of "white pride" is so desperately put down everywhere you look
because we can put you down with some anthrax in the water supply over a cheeky weekend
thanks for segregating yourself into ghettoes all on your own btw :)
You shouldn't and I agree 100% with your assessment.