Are we really supposed to believe this bitch was autistic?

Are we really supposed to believe this bitch was autistic?

Attached: emilyowen so called aspie girl who killed herself during covid quarantine.jpg (720x720, 103.48K)

Is she dead?

No, she probably got diagnosed because she's an attention whore, which is why she killed herself after being stuck inside for a week

This virus is killing all the right people, just as we designed it to.


yes, commited sudoku
Why would an autist kill themself for being alone?

Yeah, my ex-girlfriend had a body like that but a hotter face. Dumb bitch was always trying to make me "healthy" food like steamed chicken or salmon or whatever. She was always trying to break me into not being vegan. Fucking whore had no respect for my choices or boundaries. Every time she cleaned my apartment she would put things away where they didn't belong or use the wrong mop for a floor that wasn't scratch resistant. It's like she was always fucking with me like that. Then the final straw came when I tried to bring her in on my BBC cuckoldry fetish. I got my big dicked muscular black friend all ready to fuck her and everything. What else could a girl want right? Ungrateful cunt embarrassed the fuck out of me by openly saying, in front of everyone, that she just "wasn't into to black guys." I mean, racist much? I dropped her ass right there. She cried a lot but whatever. I can do better. fuck that bitch.

Attached: pol btfo.png (619x583, 449.31K)

That's sounds autistic

insta-thot and vagpants pose.
who cares.

Look at her eyes. Someone can be autistic and still attractive / competent at mimicking social norms.

This breddy much. Women can’t have autism, it’s a fact

Built for BBC

she was so pretty lads wtf

She might retarded but that ass ain't retarded

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Girls that are that hot are usually crazy. If it wasn't the quarantine she still probably would've an hero'd over something else.

Don’t tell me this fine piece of ass killed herself?

My nephew is a giga-chad, 6'4, build like a greek god... autistic AF.

I literally said she didn't have autism in my post, I can't believe how many people reply to my posts and never actually read them on here. I fucking hate how dumb people are

retarded thicc


Hilarious pasta :D and the BBC meme is over lad

Look at my shitter.

I know, that comment wasn't a direct reply to you but more a conservation. Like "why do YOU think an autist would kill themself while being alone". You are an autist with zero reading comprehension.

Imagine her brapping in your face. Oh my god the smell

Any women who posts sexualised photos of her self for attention is probably autistic.
Autism spectrum and instagram is the monetisation of women who have mental health issues.
It's a disgusting culture that glorifies womens bodies to such a degree that women by the very nature are designed to try and compete in this social hierarchy.
It leaves them with insecurities which often results in eating disorders. The suffering of these women is quite unknown until you date a few of them.
Lip injections and breast implants and other body augmentations is a horrible plastic culture and it needs to end.
Just another thing this consumer culture has done to our women.
But I mean tits and ass is so good yea yea who cares its just our women being auctioned off for the exploitation of sand niggers and chinks.

I've spent my WHOLE DAMN LIFE looking for a racist girlfriend.

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Autistic women exist but they're all extremely plain if not outright ugly. I've been into an Aspie case group a few years back. They don't really look after themselves, no makeup, no excercise, no fancy hairdressing, etc. Pretty much the opposite of the average instawhore.

The ass was phat


confirmed for not understanding symptoms of autism at all

Yeah, autistic about dick.

Stacies killing themselves without producing any white babies and the west keeps importing shitskins and niggers.

The 15 minutes of the white races are up.

> nooo im AUTISTIC
> look at my ASS!!!
> 7 days of quarantene
> how am i going to live without Attention?
> lets kill myself for that last bit of Attention

I'll also say, from my experience, that autistic women seek more emotional validation and attention instead of "physical beauty" attention. I'd say it's even worse considering they can get pretty tiring with their quirkyness and weird language.
At least with instawhores, what you see is what you get, but autistic women are exhausting once they get stuck on someone or something.

Steatopygous retard does the honourable thing, retires to library with revolver.

>confirmed for not understanding symptoms of autism at all

It's a spectrum faggot everyone is on it
and anyway psychology is not even a real science all the models
produced to describe mental health is garbage and doesn't accurately describe anything.

>it's a spectrum
So that means the entirety of the world population is on it? Yes or no?

Give me one good reason not to work at a funeral home when there's dead broads like this to be plowed every night. Fuck I'm gonna go fap about fucking her hot corpse.

>can’t handle a week of neetlife

blonde hair and green eyes...I wish that was more common than blonde hair blue eyes. It looks a lot nicer.

Maybe not autistic, but I recognise that aspergers look anywhere

That ass was retarded dope tho

more like btfo


You can tell from the face

> a girl with green eyes killed herself

Thats what makes me the most mad. Green eyed, O-, Rh- are th master race.

>Tfw no autism braphog gf

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real story: she was gangraped by a bunch of Pakis and Pajeets in Europe and killed herself. Brits as usual trying to hide rape cases of young English girls like they did in Rotherham

Reminds me of the time I got a stiffy from seeing a dead hot girl in a rekt thread on /gif/

Anybody can do that empty eyes offcamera stare, it's not a sign of Aspergers.
It's highly unlikely she was on the spectrum considering all the conditions generally attached to autism I've mentioned before. She was most likely over diagnosed because the current psychological exams are very laxed in this regard, at least if they're similar in the UK as in France.

I hope so, sounds hot.

I don't know if she was but that ass was definitely retarded like holy shit

You don’t find them you make them


Coof coof

Kek very edgy my dude nice


oh no im gonna get it

coof coof ahh fuck

get the fuck out of my thread

come on give it to me


Glow nigger



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She suicided out of lack of BBC

someone explain how this works

Post the qt autist from the other thread please.

>taking ass selfies & posting on internet
fucking worthless

>About autism: "It's a spectrum faggot everyone is on it"
>next fucking sentence: "and anyway psychology is not even a real science"
I fucking hate nu/pol/.

My GF was diagnosed autistic. It is a lot different in women. She is hyper sensitive to things like taste, sound, touch etc. She is the most picky eater I have ever met. Sex is difficult because she is ticklish on like 90% of her body and she hates being tickled. The dog shaking his head in the other room can break her concentration right before she orgasms and she gets so frustrated she can't cum.

The plus side is she is extremely intelligent and doesn't play games like most women do. She is like a guy in a lot of ways. Very blunt and honest. We met working in the same biochem lab in graduate school.

Who is this semen demon and why should i care about anything else about her other than her ass and tits?

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All men are autistic some just are just more autistic then others

if you find that ass attractive you ain't white.

*coof* q-quick run down please? *coof*

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I mean, have you ever interacted with women? They're all at least kinda autistic

It is time for EurasianTiger to renounce his "masculinity", transition to womanhood, and live out the rest of his life, content as a cock sleeve

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