Tyranny is quietly being accepted

Tyranny here in Australia, my state of NSW, and other parts for the world is being accepted without any dissent from the population.


> As of 12am Tuesday, NSW residents now legally have to stay in their homes unless they have a “reasonable excuse” for leaving.

> “Reasonable excuses” are broadly categorised as:

Obtaining food or other goods and services
Travelling for the purposes of work or education if the person cannot do it at home
Medical or caring reasons.

>The new laws were published late on Monday night. They allow for fines of up to $11,000 or six months’ imprisonment for those who leave the home without a reasonable excuse, plus an additional $5,500 fine each day the offence continues. Fines for businesses are higher still.

> It appears it will be left to police officers’ discretion who will receive a fine.

This begs the question, are we under house arrest? I cannot believe that such little pushback has come out of these new laws. Freedom of movement is a right that all democratic countries must adhere to and his a fundamental core of our system and way of life.

These new stringent measures are completely unnecessary and the state has proven once again in times of crisis that it cannot be trusted to uphold your individual freedoms. The Anglo countries will be some of the first to fall to complete Authoritarianism in the future.

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But what can we do?

stfu boomer

>Leave the house to visit a mate
>Pulled over by police
>Tell em youre going to get groceries

Ez Pz

Choke on a cops dick faggot

While I agree it seems like you can just lie and there is not a lot of ways to prove otherwise, the fact that you HAVE to lie is concerning at best.

Just go everywhere with your Coles bag
Or dress like a tradie, walk around with tools and pretend to fix the Internet

About the same conditions as here. The cops and politicians are salivating over the power they are getting. It's disgusting. Notice how we are being prepared for indefinite lockdowns now

>Tyranny here in Australia, my state of NSW, and other parts for the world is being accepted without any dissent from the population.

What can you do about it? Go outside and protest the state of emergency laws and they'll lock you up and fine you. If it goes on more than a month people will start to get restless though.

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>>Leave the house to visit a mate
>>Pulled over by police
>>Tell em youre going to get groceries

Maybe if you're in your local area. They'll want a good excuse if you're many km's away from where you live.

Demand all your friends and family address you with the nazi salute. It has the added advantage of turning them into nazis the government cant track

enforcing rules to stop the spread of a virus "muh tyranny! reee they can't do this! muh liberties!" are you double digit IQ or something? or schizo? maybe both?

>dress like a tradie
i do this all the time anyway and I'm a NEET.
i call it ipswich camouflage. blends in with the normals perfectly and nobody with a clipboard charity mugging will even make eye contact with you. nobody pays any attention the bloke in the hivis polo and workboots.

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Find a P dealer closer to you faggot.

>About the same conditions as here. The cops and politicians are salivating over the power they are getting. It's disgusting. Notice how we are being prepared for indefinite lockdowns now

The whole country is shutdown because one 70 year old boomer who had pnuemonia for 3 weeks died and there are two other old cunts in intensive care....that's all

Eat a bag of dicks you dirty fucking shill

I haven't gone anywhere since the lockdown. I don't want to follow there bullshit queing and distancing in supermarkets. I've got plenty of food, booze and entertainment to keep me going

wtf am i shilling? public safety? whoa bro.... sorry that I value well being over your fucking liberties

This shithole is fucking doomed bro.

Expect indefinite lockdown now and new rules (curfew). They will crash the economy and build a new one based around social credit scores and muh climate change. We are literally run by communists.

There's a light at the end of the tunnel OP. The lockdowns can't go on forever. I doubt it'll last a year. Already in Italy people have been rioting and looting stores.

Now imagine how fucked it'll get in places where the population is much more rowdy than Italy's? Shit's about to get hardcore. Motherfuckers talking about this shit going on until fucking June are beyond nuts. I give it the end of May, tops, for the riots to start in the West if the quarantines continue.

The Youth should rise and take this country from greedy boomers

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Are you really this retarded or are you genuinely shilling? I guess we'll never know...

Let's hope so. Boomers have taken everything from me including the job I had, it's never coming back now because the company has gone broke.

>sensible public health precautions implemented for a defined time period

Nevermind the fact that half of you spend all your fucking time whining about how democracy sucks and you wish the Nazis were back.

Fuck I hate this website. I hate all of you. I WISH this was a tyranny so that I could at least watch you getting fucking gassed.

>why cant i just wander freely while sick as fuck and infect others

Fuck you're a faggot.

my centrelink job agency just tried to call me, the fuck could they want?

Let me guess, "it's not real bro, it's just a hoax" fucking retard..... i hope you schizos catch covid and lose 50% of your lung capacity permanently

Hope you are lined up and shot you absolute pathetic state lackey

Lets hope so

God can you social niggers just calm down, this is life for normal people.
How hard is it for you subhumans to not go out and spit in each others mouths.
Just stream movies and chill out.


>wtf why aren't people more mad they can sit inside, drink all day and not have to go to work while simultaneously avoiding the chink plague
neck yourself chink

QQ more schizo faggots.

I love the state, libertarians gtfo my board, go back to red.dit you cringe faggots

bdsm relationships isn't bad just listen to master and you'll do alright

phone appointment

Ah ah, I wonder how many of us are out there, and if real tradies can figure out we are fakes

Problem reaction solution.

They'll keep the lockdown in place long enough to crash most small business and scare people into accepting whatever bullshit they roll out as an answer...cashless society, increased police powers etc...

You probably missed an appointment they didn't tell you about. You'll probably need to go in and do nothing for an hour.

>pol is one person

You are an insufferable little shit

> As long as I have my bread and games I don't care what happens!

for what reason? there's no mutual obligations until the end of April. should i just ignore them?

you should do what we do, take yer guns and go clean em and then lock em in the safe where no baddies can get em, but you can't do that can you? Noooo because you don't even have guns that you can clean and then lock up safely so as to not cause unnecessary harm, sucks to be you!

>QQ more schizo faggots.

Government bootlicker

fuck that. no mutual obligations til end of April. they can eat a dick

EVERY shareblue leftist piece of shit shill post is the same..

the fact you spastic faggots are defending this totalitarian police state shit so frantically, with NO oversight, or timeline, PROVES you fuckers are just using this to implement totalitarianism

lol i do this too, ex tradie now neet

Just call em bruh, if the computah fucks up those drones will just suspend your payment or something.

only 20 deaths in Aus.
ALL elderly. Either in nursing homes, or freshly off cruise ships.

Empty hospitals. No one knows anyone who even has it.

Somehow it is about safety apparently.

LOL glow more faggot.

Oh yeah schizo retard they're going to enforce these rule forever, just indefinitely yeah man - totally gonna fucking happen, fuck you cunts are dumb, most aussie posters are legit just retards and neets

You retards act like this is going to last forever and isn't just a temporary measure.

get the lads together for some beers and bring your paintball guns. Stand up for yourselves, you fucking cucks


These absolute brainlets, I honestly can't stand most aussie posters, 90% are ceno neets

fucking kys you chink fuck.

Maybe if you retards had stopped flouting the earlier restrictions this wouldn't have come in.

Its people trying to stir shit shut the fuck up you dense faggot.

>No one knows anyone who even has it.

I don't even trust the tests they're using to diagnose it. And the single 70 yo person who's died here was only diagnosed after death and had been sick for a month with pneumonia.

You two will probably kill yourselves when you realize how wrong you are.

anf 90% of those arent white
aus/pol/ is a complete shit show

They don't believe it's temporary because in their mind all governments are entirely staffed by hand-rubbing evil super villains just waiting for ANY opportunity to pull a fast one on the virtuous liberty-loving public.

In reality governments are run by craven morons and ineffectual technocrats and the public is entirely complicit in and desirous of its own serfdom.

>nooooooo why can't i go outside it's harmless bawwwwww fuck the government waaaahhhhhh

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Your pale skin and soft, womanly hands give you away

>Oh yeah schizo retard they're going to enforce these rule forever, just indefinitely yeah man

Long enough that people will accept whatever the government offers you to get out of quarantine...

This is when you realize the corona doomers were all shills meant to hype panic to get you to accept the real happening as it was done simultaneously right under your hose and in broad daylight.

So they're electricians then.

If it was as bad as they say it is then the aus gov would (SHOULD) shut everything down.
>Spoiler: it's not as bad as the media has hyped it up to be
And you have the gaul to ask people if they have room temperature IQ but you can't figure out why, despite a "pandemic" we're still going to work?? Fucking halfwit cunt

We can tell.

You tunnel vision retard honestly, how can you not look at the bigger picture, it's called a pre-measure, you have the same attitude as retards like Pelosi now America has some of the highest cases

90% of the people in this thread are faggoty government cucks.

Where are you going to get "restless" from the couch in your mom's basement you basedboy pussies.


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Everyday i read the shit you zoomers spew & it's a real brain bender at the sheer arrogance you all have for being absolute dumb cunts who can't see the forest for the trees

2 days and I am about to flip my shit.
Some bitch called the cops on me because I climbed down cliffs to go fishing in this isolated spot. Cops couldn't even get down there and just yelled at me from the cliff tops.

Yet you can go to a supermarket packed with slimy oozing mouth breathing spluttering yellow buck toothed savages that touch everything and get right up in your face, and thats OK.

"snitches get stiches" people are gonna start getting their heads caved in

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called em back, they want a phone appointment, but also said i don't have to do it, so i didn't lol. retarded bureacrats


>A billionaire Chinese national, Liu Dian Bo, bought 34 Australian hospitals in 2015 for $900 million. They have 8000 beds. Now that the country needs them most, the billionaire is shutting them down. His company wants more money from the government.

Maybe aussies wouldn't have it so hard during this crisis if the Chinese weren't fucking them from every angle?

>we're still going to work

Yes. If nobody could work society would collapse into a flaming shit heap and many more would die when the economy completely shits itself.

You say that like you didn't give yourself roadrash in your haste to turn in your gats, subject.

Police stop you ask you where your going say this
" my name is ........ my address is .......
That is all i am legally required to say."
Then shut I the fuck up".

The fucking irony.

I've got family members at the highest level of state government and it's nothing like what you imagine.

drink bleach faggot

Yeah man cause it's totally beneficial to the government to keep things the way they are and continue to have the economy freefall.

Our military capability is crippled but at least we can continue stopping people from going to the pub -Australia government evil handrubber

I swear you retards get stupider by the second.

No ones saying allow mass gatherings, but essentially locking people in their homes is completely unnecessary and you know it

what is this? a cenolink advice thread? kys worthless faggot

Did you tell the cops to fuck off?

Ironic. I wouldn't be a neet had they not taken my job from me. Eat shit worm.

Society already is a flaming shit heap because advances in technology now prevent people like you from dying young, or at least before you can breed. Self-fulfilling prophecy.

>Yas Forums now aligns with facebook boomer conspiracy theorism

our country has no economy. They sold us out to foreigners and touted a service industry.
Well guess what there us no service in this situation.

stfu neet

Absolutely correct and I say that as having been a government employee my whole life, each department I work in has more morons then the last.


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>i have connections and they tell me things!
Don't care, didn't ask. You have no real-world perspective, nor any working understanding of your own history, or that of the world you parasite off. Drink bleach

For most people, yes. But the minority who are too stupid to care genuinely need a boot to their neck to behave.

dude victoria is fucked here...
>on the spot fines of $1652
>or fines up to $20,000 if it goes to court
now..with barely anything open and barely anyone can work HOW IN THE FUCK can u pay that

Yeah I don't really think there has been a single real death from it here despite all the pressure they no doubt have to report deaths from it. I just wonder how long this will go on for before normies start smelling the bullshit. I saw the article by an Auckland uni epidemiologist about the whole being an over reaction was the most viewed article on stuff the other day

What would be the motive for crashing the world economy oh wise shitposters

Historical implementation of insane Police State powers over a virus that has only killed 20 ppl, with no oversight or criteria that needed to be met to use such power, and no cap on how long it will be in place, or even a clear point when the laws will no longer be needed (flatten muh curve) it is all left open ended. And not one bit of reassurance that they understand the historical significance of the laws they are enacting, and will remove them ASAP. Nope it is just "FUCK you, if you don't cower in fear, you WILL be arrested and will go to jail"

But oh yeah, everything's fine.

But you know all this already, you are just a left wing faggot over joyed that some kind of communism is being enforced

Suck me off