We must stop the racism toward China Yas Forums

You making fun of Chinese peoples eating of dog but we white people eating this maggot cheese which is much disgusting than dog. I think we need to stop this double standard.

Attached: Casu Marzu.png (512x304, 301.35K)

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Yes I agree

That shit is literally illegal to eat

Maggot cheese? What?

Uma delicia

Is this shit even safe to eat? Will it give you parasites?

But Italians aren't white.

If you coof within 3 feet of me, I'll kill ya! TAKE YER COOF!

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While that is gross it is consumed by italians and as we all know italians are not people. Chinese are worse though. Eat shit chang. You'd probably like that.


Maggots don't have puppy eyes.

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>implying meds are white

Kill me, Pete

It's a bit annoying how boomers are chimping about the Chinese. They're on the other side of the world and don't even care much about us, meanwhile we get cucked by our Jewish rulers every single day.


Dude, you noodle niggers are the only ones who eat that shit. It's illegal everywhere else.

It's called casu marzu. They eat it in sardinia.


Maggots did not evolve alongside humans as pets and helpers. Chinks are subhuman, you must realize and accept this fact.

Any post that begins with
>We must stop...
Is bullshit and you should feel bad for shilling that shit.
>implying Sardinians are white

>the cheese has been outlawed, and offenders face heavy fines

Says the mutt

imagine how big the worms that make Swiss cheese are...

Kill me, Pete

The maggots leap into your eyes. It's IRL trollbait for tourists.

wtf, why?

Your not white.


Agreed, Asians and Whites can coexist and work together to get rid of the parasitic Jews and niggers that are actually plaguing this world.

Meds are gross.

Chinese people torture their dogs before eating them

You're in no position to argue mutt

The Chinese are a bigger threat, fuck off Chang

Shut up Chong

> we white people
> swartaly
Yea-nooooooo! The only weirdos eating this cheese are Italians lol. Also, when are you guys going to stop larping as white?

Maggot cheese Is illegal. So we have stopped it.
Even fois gras is illegal in most places.

Je ne suis pas jaune conard

Take off your memeflag kike

>Je ne suis pas jaune
Look at your flag

>Casu Marzu
this cheese is gud af

Geese are the niggers of the bird world and deserve to have their livers stuffed until they explode.

And you Americans are the niggers of the human world

italians are white all of a sudden? haha ok coofer

No we can’t, take my country and Canada’s as examples of why it we can’t coexist.

>fellow white people
Man you chinese really are as bad as jews.

China will grow larger

And you're African

maggot cheese is dank. stop talking shit about cheese or i'll fly over there and kick your ass.

That's not the colour of my people's skin. The cross is the colour of my people's hair (although now we unfortunately got a bunch of rats here) and it is also meant to show that Christ is golden or something like that.

no you

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You're actually a nigger.

Say again? I don't speak Arabic.

I know this is a retarded post but it’s not about the food, it’s about the torture they inflict on the animals. I don’t care what anyone eats but if you literally skin it or boil it alive after sawing off it’s legs you are not human. The people casually walking through the wet markets with blood everywhere and torture of animals going on right in front of the people buying the bloody dogs that drip onto dogs in kennels underneath. These people have no empathy or humanity. If I hunt a deer I try to put it down quickly and appreciate the life of the animal.

Are Italians white?


>fellow whites
>literally can't tell any difference between a dog and a maggot
Shitskin intelligence at its best

Whatever you say, Ahmed.

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chinks eat waaaaaaaaaaay more bugs than europeans

>We white people
You may eat maggot cheese, but I eat fully cooked beef hamburgers.

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Eating maggot cheese(which is actually good for your digestive ecosystem) is a worlds way apart from torturing a full grown sentient loving animal like a dog or a cat. That is sadistic, barbaric and inhuman.

Me chinese
Me know trick
Me eat bat and make you sick

Me chinese
Me diseased
Me make you sick when I sneeze

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Cope harder Tyrone de Watermelonius

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>Casu marzu is believed to be an aphrodisiac by Sardinians.
Are Sardinians the Chinks of Europe?

Can't handle them mighty milk enzymes, eh?

A dog is a friend of a person, you can't eat it. Larvae are not a friend of man, they can be eaten. You're stupid.

I really tink the torture isn't as common as you might think. Most Chinese were retarded peasants a generation ago.

How much do they pay per post these days, Schlomo?

Can you even get viruses from maggots?

Die and may all your chink countrymen die as well. All over the world may chinks die in millions

>we white people

Ok sheckelstein ching Chong

As much as i hate italians, maggots are not carriers of terriying viruses. Unlike everything the Chinese claim is food.

Speaking of chinks and food, as a country, we NEED to ban food exports to China. If we cut them off, they'll starve. USA stays on top, and we get to add literally a billion to our pile of skulls. Giga based

Queijo De Larvas, umma delicia!.

Fuck off, Chang.

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Kill me, pete

lmao this esl faggot replied to his own thread with a meme flag

Get ready for all the Changs in Italy to respond

All European countries are much more well of then America when it comes to Identity. In Europe all we have is small areas with a lot of niggers and Arabs in them, It will be very easy to get rid of them. Meanwhile in America you guys are just a big mix of a lot of shit that just evens out to nothing. I'd rather have rats in my house than no house at all

Okay nigger, at least spics aren't niggers.

>Because the larvae in the cheese can launch themselves for distances up to 15 centimetres (6 in) when disturbed,[2][8] diners hold their hands above the sandwich to prevent the maggots from leaping

Fucking Jesus he's not even kidding


Italy needs to be destroyed.

What was that Ahmed? Bataclan 2?

Our problem people only live in densely populated cities. You let niggers and Arabs rape their way to replacing your so called identify.

Kill me, Pete

hello OP

Us is made up of states whoich are basicaly seperate countries, with open borders between them.

At least we Europeans just clump all the niggers together in one area to avoid them from bothering us and our genetic pool. You sick fucks just fuck them and reproduce and make more mutt babies.

No, fuck you. Chinks need to stop eating weird meats that no other humans eat, this is why most “global” pandemics start in China, including of course the current Wuhan virus.

Well since this guy agrees with OP I might have to stop hating Chinese people. Since there’s two different people. If it was only OP I probably would still hate them. But there is two people now, so now I don’t hate Chinese people now.

I agree.
We need to stop.

OP is based. Eating maggots is nigger tier.