Comet of Doom?

Comets are recorded as omens of doom throughout antiquity.

>enter comet Atlas
>could become visible next week.

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Oh my, just look at the time.

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Practically everything was recorded as an omen of doom in antiquity because people were dying literally all the time.

Who else remembers Halle Bopp here? That gave us... Heavens Gate.

There was another one in the 90's with some Japanese name I think also.

>Wake up in morning
>Have massive, stiff erection so thick it penetrates through the sheets like a small scale Washington monument
“Oh no, people must be dying today”
>Watch as “Deaths Today” counts upwards on Worldometers all while brainlessly prodding and touching veiny, stiff, throbbing morning wood

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Comet Atlas could be visible until June. Virginia has a lockdown until June.

Attached: PathofATLAS.png (958x800, 100.92K)

I still cannot fathom how an asteroid, say 4km in diameter can cause so much damage. I understand that material and velocity of the object come into consideration but an object of that size is just a speck of dust when comparing it to the size of our planet.

Then there's a trailer for this shit

>object come into consideration but an object of that size is just a speck of dust when comparing it to the size of our planet.
Comparatively the atmosphere we live in is only paper thin.

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Space isn't real. They're going to nuke something.

a killing bolt

Nukes aren't real.

Fuck you're right. I have no idea what is happening anymore.

Hyakutake probably misspelled it but yeah. Its tail was one of the longest ever recorded.

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can OP please at least tell the goyim on this board that this fucker has an atmosphere 2-5x the size of jupiter (the biggest planet in our solar system)

I never thought about comets having color. Is this pic accurate or enhanced? are they all the same color?
>stilled bummed about halley's

Yup its coma is that large. Its still nothing like Comet Holmes from 2007. Its coma was briefly larger than the sun.

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so you are telling me after scamrona this is the next nothingburger?

They actually do have that greenish hue. It has to do with the content of the gasses they're releasing. IIRC its largely cyanogenic ones.

>pic related Q2 lovejoy from 2014 I took with my cheapo DSLR and a kit lens. Took a bunch of pics to stack but it was worth it.

I'm hoping this comet becomes nice and bright before I ship off to BMT for the AF in May because it looks promising.

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where did you get your knowledge?
are you hobby astrofaggot?

No, we're way past due for a decent comet desu. The nucleus appears pretty diffuse though so its likely to break up on its close approach to the sun but if it doesn't then the rate of brightening may put on a nice show.

Hopefully its not a repeat of that shitshow comet ison. I'm still butthurt over that fail

Attached: ison.jpg (620x330, 23.45K)

Just a hobby. I went full turbo autist back in 2012-2013 and have just been kinda sitting back waiting for another good comet to image. I just wish I could afford a nice tracking setup because using a tripod and just taking bursts and adjusting every few pics is a pain in the ass.

There's a ton I don't know but I like to think I have a decent working knowledge.

what do you think about the nigerian comet?
what happened here and why did the government at first say it was an explosion from something else?
and why did NASA say before that the asteroid will safe pass earth?

what the fuck happened here and why does nobody talk about this?

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Finally someone that knows. Comets at big omens for death and destruction. We're all basically fucked and it's the end happening right now.

*nigerian meteorite

i saw a quote from an engineer who looked at it who said there were strange metal artifacts scattered around the crash site

I actually hadn't even heard of it until today. I heard it took out a few buidings. It would be interesting to see if anyone got some video of it. It would have probably been pretty damned bright.

One source mentioned an incident here in the US the same night but I'm not sure what they were referring to.

fun fact: the great Chicago fire of 1871 (that caused firestorms from the Dakotas all the way east to the Azores and Portugal) was caused by Earth passing through a comet's tail

I saw something that said if the comet breaks apart and we pass through the wreckage then there might be another great flood because of all the water locked in the comet's ice

just passing on some fun scenarios for yall

its not the size of the comet, its the size of the tail and what is dragged along it.

Maybe a satellite re-entry?

so it was a bomb or something else?

wasn't hanks in some atlas movie?
are the timelines converging?

>why does nobody talk about this?
None of my favorite youtube astronomers have acknowledged it.

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and comparatively, the crust we live on is even thinner than that.

Meteorites are usually made of some pretty rare metals

Maybe but it would have to be a pretty big or dense sattelite to make it through the atmosphere

no, bro.
this one is about the asteroid in april, not about a comet.

this ones actual size is really 4km, and that's fucking huge

you are talking about comet atlas right? its already been in our solar system since jan

The Preshtigo fire is still the record holder for highest death toll in a wildfire in the US.

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That's a nice mass grave you have there, it's just missing one thing.

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>Maybe but it would have to be a pretty big or dense sattelite to make it through the atmosphere
wtf the ISS just flew over my house

1/2mv^2... it’s physics, it’s inevitable.

Oh hey it's the Hopi blue star prophecy that signals the end times, gonna be pretty fucking excited if this shit actually happens

Lmao, I don't think many of the ISS parts would make it home but very well could someday. They have to do frequent orbital corrections to keep it in orbit without hitting debris

about this one.
the one nobody in the media speaks about because of (((corona))).

Their webpage still up.

until 9/11 it was the biggest single-day death toll in US history.

also, fun fact, the only confirmed apparition of Virgin Mary in the US happened there- as the firestorm approached, people around that area sought shelter at a church where Mary had appeared about 20 years before, and the fire jumped over the churchyard, sparing all the people and livestock in the area.

June 9th is the republican primary in VA. Just a coincidence that lock down is lifted on the 10th, I'm sure.

There were some witness testimony about balls of fire floating down and starting fires. Seems like it could have been meteors.

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Microgram of antimatter

end me cometchan

someone told these niggers to dig and search for it or what you mean?

we're all going to be locked down until june user

Is Christ coming back at the 2000 year mark bros?

End the world comet sama

6 Lunar Distances.

You retards are fucking illiterate.

you're getting infected bro oh no

What impact location would be best for humanity's survival? What would be the worst?

nobody can predict when he is coming, not even he himself at the time of the scriptures.
so scientists of course also can't predict it.
but of course there are signs we have to see that will help us to realize how close it is

ok and that nigerian meteor also should pass earth safely, NASA told me.

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A speck of antimatter annihilates matter.

It’s like the engines in star trek - matter antimatter destruction propulsion.

obviously antarctica, africa, siberia or australia.
maybe south america or canada would also be ok

How about an ocean impact?

also giant waves of fire descending from the sky and starting entire fucking cities on fire! it was way bigger than chicago. pretty much the entire countryside around green bay was torched

I think for niggers it doesn't -matter-

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Predictive programming.

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I somewhere read that huge fucking tsunamis from couple houndred meters up to several kilometers are possible, which is really fucked up if you think about it

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Heaven's gate blackpilled me on religion


fucking lol you read this garbage?

Thank Christ I don't live near any coast. That's terrifying.

A near miss! Somebody call the papers

I hope it takes out a satellite

In other words, the space rock is expected to miss us by about 16.36 times the distance from Earth to the Moon.

that clearly says it in the article. besides if you really want a rock to fucking hit the planet so bad, wait until 2035-2040. That one will hit the pacific ocean. That one will be the real threat.