What can be reasonably done at this point about the migration of Latin Americans into the U.S.? Is there no going back?

What can be reasonably done at this point about the migration of Latin Americans into the U.S.? Is there no going back?

Attached: neekolulu.webm (720x1280, 2.7M)

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God damn these attention seeking whores are annoying

You guys are too pussy to reveal your power level irl, how can you expect to make a whole society work that way? Of course there's no going back you stupid Zoomer.

Vacate Texas and everything west of it. Rally in the midwest. Also, beach webm and all similar women

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Her face looks so retarded.

who pays these whores anyways? there's so many of them making a living off simp's hard work

Spics age like warm milk, even compared to hwites. Marry one and watch them almost instantly get fat (although they’re fertile af)

stop shilling this bernigger simp pimp already


>cake face
why do latinas hit the wall so fucking early?

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this whore is so fucking stupid
she was on trainwrecks stream like a week ago
has to be sub 80 iq

would love to see her take a bbc though

this is fucking pathetic....im hoping this is a joke

anyone who posts this plastic hag should be shot

I want to see this whore dance until she's exhausted but still keep dancing until she starts crying and of course she continues to dance until she dies of overexertion
Why did you do this to me, thotposter?

>No girl will ever be willing to do this with my semen
Whats the point brehs

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Posting tik tok threads should be a permaban


1/3 of Mexico's population will be dead before Christmas from covid19.
Only Mexican citizens can own property.
Illegals in the U.S. will be returning in swarms to squat beach houses in the Yucatan.

>pretending to be white

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what the fuck went wrong with women

Well, the coming economic depression will probably result in a repatriation of some of them. No reason for them to stay in the USA after it becomes just as much of a poor turd world shit hole as their home countries. But nothing will ever be done politically about it because the USA allows political bribery, and business wants open borders.

displace the chinks to compensate

what the fuck kind of dance is that

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Former addict here. This girl is on cocaine. 100 %

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Technically the limit is your imagination. In reality though, a sudden shift so far right for anything to happen in a reasonable amount of time is unlikely. You're fucked m8.

god she is so desperate for that dopamine hit repeat that the ok boomer thing gave her. it's kind of heart breaking to see a girl that will never get as high again. premature wall slam

Why is this bitch so unbelievably bad at applying make-up?

mandatory everify, make it mandatory, fine employers literally a million dollars for violations
same for college
same for healthcare
if they try to vote execute them

make it impossible for them to live there and they will have to leave

She has the sweetest little pussy

90% of spics do cocaine.

make them feel bad about being beaners. be honest and open with your racial preferences.

that tik tok is cringe

shotcrete takes practice

She uploaded that Tik Tok before she got famous with the OK Boomer vid, actually.

dance of the coombrain

I've never seen someone unironically try so hard to be a thot

Honestly, I don't have much of a problem with them if they're 2nd or more generations. They integrate pretty well if they grow up here, they work hard, they're family oriented, funny as fuck, hot women, alpha bros. They're pretty damn American in their own Spic way. Just clean up the gangs & cartels, kick out the fresh ones and we're good. Long term plan is to bleach em

>Latin Americans

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Funny seeing dweebs drool over her.

She would just be another VIP (Very Indian People) in my home state of Sinaloa.

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Imagine giving a fucking penny to an e-thot

God she makes me want to simp forever

no. that's what sucks about it. see, it has almost nothing to do with it being YOUR semen. for girls like that, you're just her current semen producer, it's the semen itself she's obsessed with
sorry user


Is she trying to do the Ricardo dance

Pic related is not my kind of thing. Why do mexicans love these over the top bitches?

China and Democrats

Dios Mio! Is she 35?

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>Fake tits and too much rouge

Why would you want a tomboy

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Is that dua lipa ?

who said anything about tomboys?


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>What can be reasonably done at this point
"American or Out" initiative.
Any non-citizen that fails to integrate in American society and adopt the American lifestyle may be removed from US soil.
The dumb, the apathetic, and the foreign nationalists will be sent back.
Only the worthy may remain.

nyan was the only one with soul

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Anime ruined our youth

Shes upping the thottery pretty fast. She's gonna be doing full nudes by may

>What can be reasonably done at this point about the migration of Latin Americans into the U.S.?
Civil Fucking War
Democracy wont do shit, nor will legislation since every congressman likes their cheap labor or free votes depending on the party

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White gangs who terrorize spics into leaving. The "boog"

You should welcome it. Latina women on the whole are more feminine than your average white woman.

Damn what it'd take? a week? and it looks like this girl is on the verge of a Britney Spears style breakdown.

that was 2016 bro. now it's about survival and getting people saved before end times come.


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her tits look fake in this video, thats sad

shes in her 40's

Speak for yourself Hanz.

Most white women in Germany would rather sleep with an African refugee than with a skinny, emasculated white man whose family lived there for hundreds of years.

They are fake. Reality is sad, bruh

Latinas are superior to white women in every way (more conservative, trad, can cook/clean, want lots of babies, very fertile) AND they can make white babies cause they have high amount of European admixture.

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Get used to it goy!

>more conservative

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And yeah, this looks very European.

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Also, what the fuck?
You posted a bitch who literally had a Bernie shirt.
The only thing more pathetic than a racemixer is the racemixer who tries to convince himself he's totally right wing.

retards are getting too good at deepfakes dark times indeed to come

Ah, that explains the face. She has a nice body for a spic of that age though.

Jewish women massacre spics.

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Just realized that's a dude.... goddamn I fucking hate this gay earth

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Just beautiful.

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Stfu beaner

Imagine thinking a spic bernie supporter could compete with a goddess blonde Jewess.

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i'm gonna be sick. disgusting

She's so hot goys

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I hate women so much.

This is now a Jewess thread. Neeko supporters BTFO

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This shit is like they talk about global warming. It’s probably too late but maybe if we slammed the borders closed 100% we could still remain a mostly white country. There is no hope of the white birth rate increasing but it is likely that the spic birth rate would fall down to equal the white one after a few generations.

>brown eyes
Fake blondes
Also, jews are the enemy and must all die.
Why is it always an American who ends up defending the non-whites and wishing to racemix?

Grotesque. You couldn't find a bad pic like that of the true queen of Yas Forums

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darn i fapped to her years ago does that make me gay?

Latinas are quite literally saving the white race by having lots of children with white men and having a much higher fertility rate then white women.
So much fucking cope shes a BBC WHORE

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Oh look, the American rushes to white knight his beloved shitskins.

Americans truly are incapable of being right wing, you are inherent SJWs.
Thank god coronavirus is hitting you the hardest.

The most important thing you can do for yourself and your race is keep your own life in order. You can and must become focused, disciplined, reliable, and, to the greatest possible extent, happy. Do people in your life tend to trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising self reliant children? If you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to make a difference in the world, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a real difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunities that most people born on this planet don't. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, be nice to yourself, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people, in real life. That's very important. Never let anything from a screen take away from your real life.

If that's her current bf, she will be leaving him soon. Poor guy

Mads Mikkelsen is trans now?

>brown eyes
Jews are more friends to whites than Mexicans

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Jews are not white. Try again op.

Dude, America is done for, just listen to yourself, you are saying

The only hope is in Europe which, not only has actual white people, but people who are already voting for the far right, and not the fake right wing Americans who only vote for pussified cuckservatives and try to convince others that racemixing helps whites.

She sucks

>same 20 pounds of makeup with ridiculous blush
my uwu anime guurl
Fuck off. Get a real woman who can make your life enjoyable not a living hell.

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What does she want? Money?

There nothing Latin about beaners.

Corona has killed off any hope of normalcy

Oh yes, jews are such friends that they want to see us all dead.
You Americans are subhumans and a direct threat to white people.

The jew is the enemy, anyone who defends the jew is also an enemy.
And since America has done nothing but help the jew and attack white people for decades, America is also an enemy of white people and must be wiped out.
Lets see how many bodies the chinese bioweapon leaves.

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Is that her mum?

I am so jealous of her hair

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God damn she's an ugly mutt

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Europe is cucked, they are barely above replacement level fertility. Not even maximum nigger gibs program in Hungary can move the needle much. They'll be overtaken by the Muslim invaders in a generation.
Your 'Jewish Princess' is a whore who takes BBC up the ass

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Latin Americans > Jews

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Looks like a brother

Yes they are but even if we go by your logic, they are more white than Mexicans.
No they don't. Stop being a schizo.

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Why is this mutt popular?

>Has tons of lighting for the face
>Wears pounds of makeup
>B-But she is white!
>She is Trad
>Mah alabaster princess!!!
LMAO. This is just sad.

>Europe is cucked
Europe is the only continent where the far right is rising.
What are you Americans doing?
You yourself are saying that racemixing is good

>They'll be overtaken by the Muslim invaders in a generation.
And you already are, you are at 56% white, and the "whites" left are people like you who say

And you don't even vote for the far right, hell, do you even have far right parties?


>What can be reasonably done at this point about the migration of Latin Americans into the U.S.?

Keep performing the sacred sacrament of white flight.


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Tits or gtfo, cunt.

Mass deportations and basically just making their lives so miserable that many will leave on their own.

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lol not a single photo of her without that horrid red blush. It's fucking sad how hard she tries. She's boring as fuck too.

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>No they don't. Stop being a schizo.
An apologist of the jews, as expected from a filthy American.
Americans are inherent SJWs, you are incapable of holding right wing views, you simply can't, you will always defend the non-white and the jew, which is why the west won't know peace until America and all Americans are wiped out.

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lmao we haven't been anywhere near replacement level for years. I think germany is at 1.5 right now, and that's WITH the multiplying shitskins

I want to see the bf

Go back in time and kill every r*Man and Latin subhuman in existence to make sure spics never see the light of day.

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Bet she farted right here.

>Please Chad look at me!
>Ugh just do it and wait for the donations to roll in
Which one is it?

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imagine looking at the state of every latin american country and actually believing this.

ban lard in food and they'll be gone in a week

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For you gypsy


One of us is afraid to let others know where they are from.

That speaks for itself.

>having a bunch of 85 IQ retard children is saving the white race

Samefagging. Again with that makeup lol. How can she compete against a Jewess?

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It's kind of sad that a woman her age is acting like a teenager on tiktok. If she wants to be an instathot, that's one thing. But, this is embarrassing.


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Considering the cuckposting, I didn't need the flag to know you are American.

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She'd be okay if she stood still and shut up.

She's only 22, user.

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how old is she? all those wrinkles on her face even with make up, she looks rough. i'm thinking 35. but i won't be surprised if she's younger than that

Learn to crop Jesus

i puked