seriously massive global collapse coming, you dont want to be in these big cities they will all burn.

get your asses out here to the small towns of fly over states, before its to late.

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No, city dwellers deserve the shitstorm they enable. Stay where you are niggers. We're full.

nope. there isn't going to be a collapse. food is still on the trucks.

I’m gonna go down with my urban liberal shithole.

Fuck off, we’re full

That video is old af. Fuck off faggot.

Lots of rural homes around here were broken into. Can't tell if it's all the urban visitors or the schizos going crazy in the middle of nowhere.

cant hide in the suburban area yo

Attached: niggas comin for ya.jpg (587x598, 69.5K)

why would old boomer tyquanda try to tell young zoomer leshawn what to do ? doesn't she know she's going to get knocked the fuck out ?

>Come overwhelm last bastion of white civilization
No thanks retard. Real America do just fine without these shitbags.

im talking about any Yas Forumstards still holed up in liberal shitholes

tons of land out here in nebraska and dakotas

>it’s just the flu bro
>Only a handful of deaths
>the Chinese economy won’t shutdown
>it won’t get out of China
>global supply chains won’t shut down
>it won’t spread to Europe
>it won’t spread from Italy
>it won’t spread to South America
>it won’t spread to North America
>it won’t cause disruption of our daily lives
>no quarantine
>it’ll only be a few weeks
>(you) are here
>it’ll only be a few months
>services won’t shut down
>nobody I know will be effected by this
All of you two more weeks fags need to be drug out kicking and screaming from the rock you live under.

wanna bet nigger?

Stay the fuck outta my all white rural town you metro faggot.

You can't survive surrounded of niggers and shitskins, and they are going to kill themselves too in high numbers for the simplest things they cannot figure out, because stealing their own or mexicans is easier than to think.

so you're admitting that the worst case scenario is still not a doomsday collapse? point proven

Virtually none of it is for sale at a reasonable price, so pretty pointless.

Fuck you we're full

And you expect us to what? Rush out and buy country houses with cash?

>can pay 6000$ a month for a shoebox in NYC
>cant pay half that for a farm in the country

ok enjoy the flames

Yeah seriously, running out to the country is for people who already had property out there. Mostly rich fucks, who are already evacuating the city according to the articles I'm reading. Mid-class and below are stuck where we're at. Time to bug in. Hope you've got supplies.

Blacks relaxing around blacks. Ohhhhh gggaaaaawwwwddd! I could coom buckets to this.

The preliminary reports suggest that crime is actually decreasing in urban areas due to coronavirus while increasing in rural areas. (The former is more well-established, the latter is more anecdotal and based on local news reporting.) Why? Cities have been turned into police states -- no-one's supposed to go outside, but the cops are still patrolling. You'd have to believe the police are totally retarded to think that wouldn't reduce crime. Meanwhile, everyone in rural areas has been laid off as well, but there simply can't be the same density of police presence because there isn't the same density of population -- so, while unmonitored, it's easy for the laid-off people to lash out.

Fuck this shit I might have to leave NYC and go to my parent's for a bit.

dude this is right now because everyone is getting paid to stay at home and be lazy.

once the system buckles and food stamps and all the benefits stop.

the fires will be massive.

No. Dont come here. You wouldnt like it here and it's not comfy, it's a shithole. I miss the city. Just get some plywood, an ar15 and stay put. That's what I'd do. And if all shit breaks loose raid whatever you can from the store while you can. If you're a burger and noguns before the outbreak you're a retard. You live in the only country that guarantees you the right to self defense so I wont feel bad for you.
>inb4 I live in a cuckstate
Not an excuse. So did I and even I jumped through the proper hoops to get armed. My only pity is reserved for euros

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Favorite part was teacher just sliding back into classroom, based

Canadians are the worst

user this a fucking old ass webm ..go back to plebbit asshat.

This. You're just gonna get shot out here.

Animal. Niggers like him should be euthanized

>My only pity is reserved for euros
At least we have our bows and arrows or a crossbow i suppose most people seem to keep crossbows as expensive toys tho more showing them and there accessory's off than using them.



Just because you live in the sticks doesnt make you less susceptible to being raided. We have plenty of suicidal junkies who dont give a fuck about dying so long as they can get their hands on some prescription opioids or adderall

>the point
>your head

Oh no, you fucks aren't welcome. No one but locals are allowed in our town.

i agree. the left and establishment republican cities are going to make it full lockdown as possible to destroy everything

>global collapse
>society collapse
>buy land


>guarantees it
Unless they use various unconstitutional laws to strip you of that right.

>a few junkies and thugs on drug withdraw vs an army of dindus setting shit on fire


Naw bro. Just stay there. Better off in numbers. Then rural people are gonna kill ya. They drive around in pickup s with gunmen in the back regularly. It ain't nothin for them to lynch y'all. AND THEY CAN SPOT CITY LIBERALS TEN MILES AWAY...better off with your own kind...

>Drive out and claim it with your CCW
Oh yeah, this is a much better plan.

If I end up driving out to the country because the world collapsed, I'm going to be going to this guy
on my fucking hands and knees asking for a place in the barn.

Which by the way; my code word is banana. If I meet you, I swear I'll work hard in the fields if you give me a chance.

Y'all need to get mean with these shit fucks. REALLY MEAN.

We're closed. Big City clowns shat on us for years. So suck it up and enjoy your sophisticated lifestyles.

Well sure. But It's still easier to acquire a gun in place like New york state or even California than a place like the UK or Germany

The uber rich went to New Zealand. The new rich are being hunted down from the cities. My family isn’t wealthy and I went back to the farm, and several people I know just went back to the sticks where they came from. Class has nothing to do with it. Some people just don’t think to buy land.

Who said anything about hiding?

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Cross bow is slow reload but effective. Especially the heavy draw ones with tungsten tipped broadheads. Resuable light armor piercing.

rural south master race reporting in

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You're an idiot. Any edict calling itself law that is unconstitutional is no law at all, and those who seek to enforce unconstitutional edicts are committing official oppression and are guilty of a felony and upon commiting of the unconstitutional act, are no longer protected by their office ......quit being a stupid pussy.

>food is still on the trucks.
the fundamentals of the economy are strong

Funny thing is, I was one for years. Thought the country life would be better and its definitely got its perks, but now i just hate everyone. City niggers, yuppies and white hinterlanders alike. I just wanna be left alone.
So yeah they should have got out before it was fashionable.

I live in a rural/suburban adjacent area. not an exurb though.
it'll be hilarious watching the shitskin hordes breaking themselves on fortress suburbia but should they break that wall, I'm ready.

Got about 8 acres sitting MO, currently in OH enjoying the suburbs. If all goes to shit I am moving my ass out of here

No worries, I will eat the lefty scum around me if it gets that bad. Long Pork is back on the menu, boys!

If this was a public meeting I would empty my .45 into your fucking face and piss on your corpse for daring to say this.

okay now try to enforce that.

Brotip: the law is whatever the men with guns(and their handlers) say it is.

Damn, how thick is her skull that he couldn't even get a one hitter quitter?
Makes you wonder why Cuomo didn't want a quarantine in CT, NY, and NJ. Many other cities aren't enforcing their policies either.

Get out while you can

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>Cross bow is slow reload but effective. Especially the heavy draw ones with tungsten tipped broadheads. Resuable light armor piercing.
True, it's a shame they tightened the law here so we are not allowed flintlocks anymore.

>Some people just don’t think to buy land.
Those who are rich enough to have vacation homes are getting out of the city. You don't have to be "uber" rich for that, but you do need to be pretty wealthy to be able to afford two homes. You can't be someone just keeping their head above water with 2.5 kids in the burbs.
Even in the lower-class scenarios you're mentioning, you're just lucky enough to have family that live rural. That's only available because it's the primary residence for that family and they're just able to live away from the city where all the jobs are. What you'd need to have to run out to the sticks right now, but still live primarily in the city, is to have two homes; or at the very least, one home in the city and then one private camping ground out in the country with a tent to bunker down in. Good luck making that last for more than a week. It's just not practical to have that backup plan unless you have a lot of money to throw around.

Yeah, the bread aisle was full today. Was able to pick up frozen pizzas and milk. Toilet paper is slowly coming back, problem is it's a bulky item.
Tyson is giving $60 million in bonuses to employees. Tendies are safe.

Don't forget that now it's like joining a game of monopoly but all the properties have been bought long ago.

>Don't forget that now it's like joining a game of monopoly but all the properties have been bought long ago.
And they keep bringing in new players but give them 300 every time they pass go but as you where born here you only get 150.

Seen this exact same thread before with these same posts

black people truly scare me no joke

congrats, that means you are capable of learning from experience

No, stay in your cities, blue people.