Why won't they unite?

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nigger are you serious

One nation has much better pacific beaches... other rolls strictly Atlantic... vive le difference.

Look at a topo map and then answer your own question.

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Does anyone care about south america?

For what? To speed up our decline?

It's better that way. Every country that "matters" is being flooded by refugees

Because the Jews forbid them to.

Why not war ...

Jews for Judaism

Jews are master race

You are a Jew

Literal whos

Mainly because Argentina sucks a lot worse than Chile.


I used to go to uni with a guy from Chile. He couldn't stop stealing things and acting like he never did even when caught.



chile and argentina are different ethno states. uruguay is just a buch of gays

Because they're spanish that's just how it works

They're idiots.

(((andinia plan))), actually want to divide in the south

Every part you pictured was colonized by spics. Southern Brazil is the only one that wasn't, instead being composed of ethnic germans, poles and italians.

This isn't a matter of opinion or debate, it's history. Pretty easy to figure it out.

Majority mestizo, barely, majority Catholic large evangelical Christian population, officially secular, unique military tradition, was a separate division of the Spanish Empire, wealthy, right wing economically, divided from Argentina by large geographic barrier, have different Spanish from argies, make better wine
>small population (14m)
Largely European, mostly Italian, overwhelmingly Catholic, largest muz pop in Latin America, Catholicism is state religion, left wing economically, large population (45m)
Very secular and atheist, centre ground economy, no major geographic barrier with argies, formerly same colony, largely European descended, speak same Spanish as argies.

You have no idea how different are Chileans from Argentineans, they're nothing alike, I could see a point being made with Uruguay though

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Funny, that sounds Argentinian to me.

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holy shit u're so retarded u're all spanish rapebabies u're all literally the same there's no chileans or argentinians those are made up nationalities to keep you divided and useless you will never accomplish anything please nuke all of America it was a mistake

because what kind of moron leader gives up power and lets someone else play king?

Argentina + Uruguay, might happen
But Argentina + Chile NEVER! , chileans betrayed us in Malvina's war

god forbid the day we unite with argentinians

There are some German communities in southern Chile.

Chilean government does not look "mostly mestizo". And aren’t they 52% white?

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There’s a massive mountain range separating them.

Yet you have the most niggers.

Unite for what? If anything we need more subdivisions in this country.

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Guess why... JEWS!!

brits wouldn't allow it

Too busy swinging inna trees

Mestizos need white minders to accomplish anything, user.

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Tehy were united, It was called "United provinces of Rio de la Plata".
Literally Chile is a US state. Only US dosnt know.
Uruguay was invented because Britain (Jews and masons) were afraid Arg and Brasil unite. That would result in an economic Superpower in southamerica.
So we are all the same but quarreled.


That whole region needs the black hand. Communism must be crushed by the might of fascist willpower!

Jews want the all encompassing world nation of mutts. Decentralization is their bane.

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when did i say anything about muh whiteness you mutt

I usually pretend they don't exist

Imagine being this retarded about the history of your own colonies when you can't even keep your country together.

you don't have any history and our country is a shithole just like the rest of spanish countries no surprise here

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First of all, only niggers live in South America. Second, niggers all must hang.

>t. chicano
go back to rape angloids you subhuman

How did we betray you exactly, narizón?

>Every country that "matters" is being flooded by refugees
>Implying you are not being flooded by BoliviANOs

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Pic related, it's (((YOU)))!

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I care, I've been all over this area, the southern cone is magnificent. If the dollar falls to a dime overnight, I'll be down south permanently, fuck the JEW S of America....

This. There was a time, it has passed sadly, the descendants of these immigrants are now brown...

Chile's Pinocchism incompatible with Argentine's Peperonism