continued from What are your plans?
Will you follow like a sheep? will you look for god now? will you go down unmarked?
The mark of the beast is coming!
Other urls found in this thread:
will there be a containment zone for those who refuse?
will you be forcibly vaccinated if you refuse?
will they just shoot you if you refuse?
If they have a plan to do it, they have a plan for what to do with those who refuse.
>And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and [I saw] the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received [his] mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
neutral route
Perhaps they'll treat you as an antivaxxer for a while before forcibly implanting you "for the better good" the same way antivax kids are put up in foster families. maybe they'll do us like a frog in a pot type of deal
>Through avast and Kaspersky.
Those that chip me will become chipped themselves...
About 2 mins after work.
What manga is this from?
I'm in the airforce and have an ID I could post bullshit about too
Shut the fuck up
except their standards are double... and doubled upon that.
Here in the UK there's a coronavirus bill being passed through legislation that will allow only one medical officer to sign compulsory treatment order, instead of two. This means in a real world situation they could possibly force you to take the vaccine.
Fucking CAC card LMFAO. E4 mafia represent. You idiots will fall for anything.
Fucking faggot green fuck does not know shit
>a fucking E2
>Probably been in for less than a year
Posting a CAC card doesn't give any real merit. I can post mine and shitpost too.
An airman with a hospital doesn't do shit. He's a nurses HELPER. Aka he cleans patients and runs paperwork.
Groundless - Sekigan no Sogekihei
>Source: Some shitty LARP on Yas Forums
Seems legit. Hope you lads have enough toilet paper.
post it then faggot you won't because you're an larper piece of shit pussy.
Lmao, even a fucking boot straight out of boot camp is issued a CAC.
>some generic military ID
>blanking out any information that's noteworthy
Yep, no way anyone could be takin' the piss. The mark of the beast is here!
Why does his cac only have a rank and no paygrade? Mine has both. Is the Air Force retarded?
I will gladly die for the name of Jesus Christ. Fuck it, I wanted to commit suicide before because of depression, fuck it, now that this is happening, God showed me that He's real and He's not messing around.
E-2 lol
must have gotten busted for DUI
>The mark of the beast
wtf is this even mean?
Many shills yeah? almost like they're trying to suppress something?
Well yeah. It's got a name now. ID 20 20
Why wouldnt you post from a library or a retail store with a machine setup to sample?
Nice find. LARP.
Twic cards look the same
I smell a giant schnoze behind that shit
Everyone repent. Takes a few moments. Get right with based Christ.
Do you guys realize how many sheboons and mudslimes have an equivalent or higher rank? lol
A CAC alone is nothing.
I also have a cac, that doesn't make this true.
This won't be the Mark. If you read the Book of Revelation, it tells that a great world war, a one world government, and Weimar degeneracy x1000 need to occur before the Mark of the Beast is implemented. The Seven Seals have yet to be broken.
That being said, no doubt ID2020, if implemented, will serve as a prototype of what is to come, and should be opposed by all Christians.
Agreed, this just means some fag that just got out of basic/tech school likes to shitpost on Yas Forums. Whoopty freaking doo
>Airman, E2
Fuck off low life junior enlisted. Go police call cig butts.
Revelations has a schizo rant about a bunch of poorly translated mumbo jumbo. Ignore it.
Cac says airman from e1-e4. Judging by his expiration date he's probably an A1C which means he's totally credible
Lmao seriously a fucking airman ID, these guys are idiots.
>talk a hot game
>but when things actually hurt I crumble
I'm worried I'll do something stupid when a bunch of nice people sit me down and have a nice chat about nice things and oh hey take this thing btw its nice.
Or else.
So he's saying he thinks the mark of the beast is a note on your medical records saying whether you've been vaccinated?
imagine lowering yourself to piece of plastic
Seems simple to me. Either live in a blacked world or live undead in a Jewish one. That is if these people are in control. If there really is a god emperor trump and separate mil int apparatus fighting the deep state then we don’t have to worry about either issue bc we'll outrun any who would wrong us. Anyway I said I’ll take it and let them genocide the normies if it comes to that.
Literally this. A jr enlisted airman (very soft branch) larper. Should I post my ID showing my NCO rank and put this faggot at parade rest?
No its a traceable chip
Like its with you forevar and its connected to all other shit id2029
Howevar OP was most likely a larp
do it faggot, timestamp too
I’m okay with it if they release an actual superbug that kills most Africans and if I can work for a completely racist Jew and keep my dick
user I...
Aight this is easy bull. Looking at his CaC card:
He's only an airmen
He joined in 2021
The dude's still in AIT or just out some basic bitch tech school. He's nobody.
>what are your plans
Live peacefully for as long as they will allow me to, any glowie that comes near me with a needle is having his head lopped off.
I am prepared to die over this.
Dont get baited into posting something that is personally identifiable.
People will choose to believe no matter what others post so it's a pointless exercise.
Yeah I know better than to submit my info to glownigs like him. There are more service members and vets on pol than you guys would believe
>Our evil plot is taking shape! Muhahah!
>Quick, someone brief that random faggot E4 airforce med nigger!
Bitch please
so basically you can't deliver
It must be hard to go through life too autistic to understand sarcasm
Liberty or death.
Live free or die.
"Born a free man, die a free man, even if that's on the run." - Dugan Ashley