Wikipedia founder outs Pedos on Twatter

>Wikepedia founder airs out pedo network
>encourages "smart sober" people to organize
>says it's the only way to "pill" everyone
>literally lists every network you can think of

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Other urls found in this thread:

It’s real

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The Revelation
The lifting of the great delusion
And the time of great tribulation as the truth is revealed


God, Father Son and Holy Spirit give us strength in this time of testing and embolden our faith that we may speak the truth in face of death!

Poor guy. I've been hearing he's feeling very suicidal right now. His family will find him in his house with three gunshots in the back of the head. Suicides are so sad.

he sounds like hes just watched a pizzagate video for the first time

If you see a schizo shitting up the discussion, they probably work for Her.

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Coincidently . . .
#Diabolical is trending on twatter
if you use it, share the link with that hash tag

You all could have prevented these pedos if you had just donation 5 bucks

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If he's the founder cant he demote all the faggot mods?

>inb4 he gets Epstein'd

I'm begging all of you anons, please, PLEASE don't sperg out. This is a rare opportunity to engage normies from someone they may listen to. Post details, be coherent, be rational, but please don't start screaming or posting pizzagate rant videos. Post what you have, engage with them, but act like you're talking to normies.


Just wait for a faggot to post a factual chart on the matter

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Here’s the thing...if you don’t want to trip everyone’s bullshit detector, do this...
The best evidence for the position should be concise. No rambling screed, just two or three bullet points which summarize the evidence.

If someone can’t do that, they’re probably peddling bullshit.

This is exactly what bullshit peddling looks like.


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This will get slid. Yas Forums is dead

Tell me more


truly a great happening


They have an editor cabal where they're doing like 90% of the edits and will all quit if you try to remove one of them. It's the same way if you let SJWs into moderator positions. The "does it for free" comes with a pretty big catch of losing control of your content.

did anyone look at this lmao?


From Yas Forums it may not be related

as you see there's more than 20 GB of cp movies and more than 150 of videos ,those six videos here are just samples
, if you want to get this collection plus my secret method to find 100's of movies yourself ,there's 100 's of GB
for update and old and new movies 2020 and above , you will get my secret method to find them , so it's years to come .
all this package for just 150$ bitcoin , here you go shoppy dot gg/product/bbPyEaO

If you have good summary pics of events, is a good place for them right now.

look at all of them

"If we write about it and spread awareness, all the bad people will be held accountable and this will all finally stop."


Fake suicide and discreetly flown to Secret Pedo Island 2? No, I think they are just going to murder him.

Based. I hope he doesn't get suicided

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Holy is this happening
Also this


oh really

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Didn't know he was so based. Wonder if he's angry at how leftists have totally taken over his website.

take note corono faggos this is a real happening

Bumping this, fuck corona slide threads.

are you fucking kidding?
did not expect this!

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wow you’re so educated and smart, how do i become just like you?


Don't see you on the news going for the high score.

Well he refers to himself as ex-founder


The catalog is just a softcore porn site with pepe pictures at this point.

you thought the satanic pedo cabal was fake? kek, it's real. we all know it, even those who are deniers know something is off with these "organizations"


Doesnt sound like a channer...

Bumping this truly amazing thread

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A lot of the tech people prior to 2007 were based. Even plebbit was a totally different beast in its early years back when people like Aaron Swartz were calling the shots. SJWs forced out as many people like that as they could.

>in the past this was something those Yas Forums people would do

So whay larpy bullshit are boomers posting to fuck everything all up? Everything real was co-opted by a gagglefuck of soccer moms who proceeded to fuck it all up.

A lot of the posters in those early threads were here from midle aged ladies here from voat and reddit. No offense. They were based

>>Wikepedia founder
Imagine trusting anything from this libshit porno kike

What exactly are you denying the existence of?

The world is ending because you won’t accept pedophilia.

same with Yas Forums and even ign.
A lot of these places started off as great resources and could have made the world a better place.

>Sir, someone is disclosing your activities, and the neighbors too they are concerned about the impact it could have on your financial influence
>Just hire someone to knock whoever is talking off
>Well, that's going to be a problem-the mercenaries and the hitmen aren't responding, they are refusing phone calls from this number, no other bunker can get into contact with them either and we've tried using normal cellphones, but it seems like they've all gone into hiding or fled to the country too
>Just let the press handle it
>A few of the Mockingbird actors think that's a bad idea, the press is more coordinated now than ever, they are already tied up watching the response of the DHS, FEMA, and normal police departments, there aren't enough resources to allocate to this man right now
>Look, hire someone on the street deal with it, take his corpse to a hospital and say it was coronavirus that got him, he can't answer questions or talk anymore if he's dead
>The Chinese suggest-
>I don't care about what those stupid slope heads have to say, they've already compromised the entire operation in more than one way, people know there's fakery, people are pretending to be sick to deflect attention from themselves too, the whole thing is chaotic, but if everyone thinks we're all pedophiles no one is going to believe our lies on the TV, radio, whether it's printed in a newspaper, or on a computer screen. This problem has to be dealt with now.

wikipedia used to be good, it was taken over by SJWs like everything else.

Where were you in 16 bro? Editing subversive kikeshit on wiki?
This guys on killary's list.

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Holy shit, does that really link to cp? Send that shit to the feds


>it’s real

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fuck both

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uhhhhhhh Does anyone know if this account is actually Virginia Giuffre? They retweeted some of Sanger's tweets including one about Comet Ping Pong.

What he is looking for is something like this, but for child sex traffickers (rather than the jews):

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The conspiracy theories surrounding Jeffrey Epstein have been debunked multiple times.

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Indeed, pizzagate isreal

What dis?



holy fucking shit, it's real

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That's just mossad static bro.

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Wikipedia and plebbit were both completely taken over around the same time by groups that only allow positive information about neo-lib or progressive figures, versions of events, ideology etc and only allow negative descriptions of anything remotely right.

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He has com towers at Zorro ranch and an airstrip
Oh and an underground underage strip club/human cloning facility lmao

This nigger gave a primer on how to actually research for retards.