Can we please ban the constant stream of LARPs from the likes of Q posters, Big Dick, inb4source, "I'm in the army' posts", "i'm a dr" posts, etc...
femanon here.
i second this motion
Q said you were going to do this.
President Trump here. This guy is a DNC shill. Don't listen to him, and remember to vote for me this November. Make America Even Greater!
I agree, we need more room for leaf posting.
why are nazis such little crybaby faggots? lmao stay mad behind your keyboard while you eat tendies homos
jessica biel here. I third the motion.
Dude my dad works at Nintendo, so I'll do what the fuck I want
medfag here, can confirm larping is detrimental to health
This. No fun allowed.
I'm a virgin. What's seks feel like?
>ban things I don't like!
Why don't you all stop making threads about Q you false flagging faggots?
hello. I am jew and I support op
I'll show my tits if I get 100 replies
*cough* .. oh.. fpbp... oh ..... *cough*cough* uh
Bags of sand
I'm a big dick Q Dr in the army, ama
This isn't reddit, retard. Stop being a pussy and either don't open the threads or just shut the fuck up.
That would essentially get all leakers banned because you cannot tell the difference between leakers and larpers. To leak requires plausible deniability.
Fuck off glownigger. Leaks are the most important purpose of this board.
No redditnigger, you cannot have control.
I'm President Donald J. Trump, and I want to see your jugs.
VOTE: All future LARPing and schizo posts will be moved to a new containment board and those guilty of larping forever banned from posting here.
Vote is now passed. Ty based shekel grabbing japmoot
Why would anyone LARP on a Uruguayan pottery making forum?
I'm William Shatner.
A LARP is a LIVE ACTION role play.
Trolling on the internet is NOT LIVE ACTION.
>ban everything Yas Forums stands for
Breh, eveeything here is satire. Only a fool would believe anything posted here
I’m for it
That would improve board quality greatly so the mods will never do it
To ban LARP would be to shut down Yas Forums.
This whole place is one huge LARP.
Well done, user.
But like do you play vidya Not just because your a girl but like we should hang out I’m a cool guy =P not bragging but I’m just being honest like honestly your the most prettiest femanon I’ve ever met not to push things forward but maybe we could exchange gamer tags and get married haha idk just being silly but like if you say yes the I’m totally in hehe =P (btw my tongue hanging out isn’t meant to be sexually well unless your okay with it)
Me and my unnies support this!
they just modified timestamps or some dumb shit. last time I dug through archives that's exactly what the Q larpers did to make it look like they predicted something.
The only annoying thing on the board is just how boomers behave on it. If you aren’t a neocon trump worshiping crony capitalism worshiping Qtard they just call you a shill or Jew. It’s ironic because they try so hard to fit in that they overcompensate.
My dad just got home from his job at Nintendo and he agrees, we should ban it
As a doctor, I approve of this suggested ban.
>Banning them
NO. That would only makes these schizos feel persecuted and correct, send them off to /x/ with the other schizo LARPer retards.
OP is scared
Bump. Tired of larp schizo's.
Actually I was following as this happened, and no, they did not.
And you are a lying kike shill
Kike shill will shill
can mods just wordfilter more stuff like LARP and BBC etc.?
also either getting rid of flags altogether, or making all flags memeflags by default would be pretty nice
ps OP is a big gay baby
all that homo shit came here with the cripple chan refuges
>they just modified timestamps or some dumb shit. last time I dug through archives that's exactly what the Q larpers did to make it look like they predicted something.
What actually happens is that Q fag posts exactly an hour to the second after trumps tweet and then anons adjust timezones on their screencap to make the times appear to line up. The reason sometimes the times are off by a few seconds is because the server Q is posting to may be under heavy load and the post doesn't go through immediately
my femanon uncle who works at sega and is also Q predicted this and agrees
Qfags rarely make threads about Q. 1/100 are real Q threads.
You're pissed at the slide threads, like this one.
agree, janitors should instantly delete everything without a source other than a fucking twitter or whatsapp screenshot
Yas Forums has never done anything. its just a circlejerk of cucks LOVING how cucked they are by the all-knowing, all-powerful jewish master race. Literally the biggest larp on all of Yas Forums and you want the "larps" gone ahahaha
butt pirate flag
Trumps campaign manager is the one who does the posts for his social media... bet you’ll never guess who does Gretas
LMFAO. Are you scared they're legit faggot?
Kripplekikechan going down really lowered the quality of Yas Forums not only with bringing the Q schizos but also bringing all the /leftypol/ trannies.
You will never get rid of the reptile/dragon supremacist.
see here retard:
No Scavino, his media director does some tweets, not Parscale.
Tits and timestamp or GTFO, bleeder.
>LMFAO. Are you scared they're legit faggot?
I wish they were legit. Anyone can go check the timestamps on twitter and the archives and see what I said is true
dumbass Q started here newfaggot
>Q makes their own board that only Q can post on
>Q calls there will be a tweet after his post with a minute
>Q posts
>Trump posts seconds later
That's a shit narrative you got there faggot.
its funny because back in 2012 all the oldfags moved to cripplechan to get away from you cringey larping zoomer faggots
>ban... Q posters
cope harder
How about you get banned for trying to be Jannie jr? I'm sure the staff don't appreciate you having any ideas above your station. Challenging is a bannable offense.
Why do you say this? We’re you there for the Facebook glitch?
As if the kike jannies who wont ban pro race mixing threads would care enough to ban this
Post hand and timestamp nigger.
No I'm saying it's not Trump's campaign manager, it's his media adviser.
stupid faggot, we went to cripplechan to get away from newfaggots like you
Putin here. Show me your moobs. Now.
What's wrong with Big Dick?
>What R Timezone guize??
moo shu flu
beijing bug
shanghai shivers
>What's wrong with Big Dick?
He's a fucking LARP
Or you stupid faggots can figure out how to not respond or at least sage for fuck's sake.
Nicolas Cage?
you're a larp too, tough guy
Oh you mean that shit, yea he's the social media director for the team trump shit, he's not the campaign manager. I think Scavino admitted to doing things like that too.
I must’ve missed remembered thought he was. Had to go back to archive to find it
Adolph Hitler here. Banning is nicht gut. GAS.
Scott Morrison here, fuck you. I like my tendies when i'm in the parliment. Also stop hoarding, I can't be more blunt about it.
I do remember the Greta one, I know that got much more attention than the Trump one.
I'm still surprised Trump runs his twitter as much as he does, most people have some random person do it.
Scavino? Sounds like a villain from Just Cause.
>"I'm in the army' posts"
No fuck you. I guess you glowniggers didn't like the last thread from the Air Force user about the connection of digital certification and the vaccine. He posted his CAC for fucks sake, it wasn't a LARP.