Nationalize everything I don't even care what it is

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Nationalization is the only logical solution. Australia is about to nationalize QANTAS ;)

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Nationalize the mass media.

nationalize important shit

Leftists: "The government is incompetent, that's why we're in this crisis!"
Also leftists: "Give the government control of everything!"
Can we stop pretending leftists are people, and start sterilizing them yet?

Nationalized penis is the reason your's no longer has a skin.

Nationalize her womb.

maybe we can combine the notion of Nationalism with that of Socialism?

Government should be limited to protecting private property and enforcing contracts. Socialism always creates inefficiencies and ultimately collapse.

Nationalize her vagina? Really?

Nationalize socialism!

I want free bussy

Sit down, beaner goblina. Thankfully your incredibly retarded ideas never go farther than social media.

>da gubbermint will fix it!

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Nationalize pussy. I don't even care who's it is, in 2020 "Nationalize it" is the new "no means no" because considering the state we're in, y'all [sic] lost your picking privileges.

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We should. And we should have a strong man tell the rest of the world to get bent, make,our own plastic and steel, our own pharmaceuticals, everything we rely on Chiiiina and Poo land for, erect fortress America and tell everyone else they're on their own. And for,good measure, annex Canada. We'll have enough natural resources to last forever.

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Based, fucking close the border, nationalize everything and turtle on for awhile. Fuck globalism.

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We arent going to make it but we also arent going to die.

>it's capitalism's fault a communist nation covered up an outbreak of a deadly virus and crashed the global economy

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>nationalize everything
Careful what you wish for.

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>communism unleashes disease on world
>blame capitalism

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>Nationalize everything I don't even care what it is
I care, now fuck off socialist faggot.

Also this At least Repugnantcans pretend to be pro constitution.

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She's the reason I miss Pinochet so much.
Take her for a flight.

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>y'all lost your privileges
Why do thots and beta leftists talk like this?

Also also this too

If they hadn't deconstructed the concept of nation and whored the country out to unaccountable globalists and internationalists, they might actually have had some support.
As it stands, "nationalized" now just means
>Privatized into the hands of the conglomeration of international Jewish NGOs our governments are beholden to

Start killing chinese
don't give up until the commies surrender

Black privilege

Swastika spinners would be fucking dope


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That's a little extreme, they'll learn their lesson if we literally just stop buying cheap shit form them and get cheap goods from India, Vietnam, and Korea instead.

Commie Boomer at work was preaching to everyone when the store was closing up how great this would be to stymy the spread of the virus. I tried to explain to her over and over that this would be terrible for the economy and that this was only marginally worse than the regular flu, and that the regular flu kills countless old people every year. She was having none of it and was in religious ecstasy.

When we were laid off, she called me for help because she couldn't find our company's federal ID with which to apply for unemployment benefits. She insisted "I told you it was gonna be a big deal." I patiently attempted to explain that it was the government crackdown and the media hysteria which lost us our jobs, but she couldn't mentally make this differentiation. Liberal females are unable to compartmentalize government, society, the economy and the television feed. It all runs in on itself.

>Socialist faggot
Do you know where you are? Most of this board is Socialist.

Nein. Not here.

They're doing it just to make me mad, aren't they?

The Venezuela Strategy. Zero percent of the time, it works every time.

Social nationalism?

My "privileges" aren't determined what some stupid bitch on the Internet thinks. If you want to take my shit you better be willing to die for it.

I unironically do volunteer work every once in a while and donate to local food pantries.
Your just projecting

If borders where privatized they'd be a lot more effective than the incompetence we're experiencing now.

So do I need to continue to make my truck payments?

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What is a women doing on social media?

I think social media should be nationalized and a law should be passed that prohibits women from using internet. Our world would instantly improve so much.

Lol. It’s really funny that people don’t understand this. Everything is essentially “globalized” on behalf of gods chosen. To nationalize everything withi; the nation, would be to succeed from globe-homo

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It is in my best interest to help people in my community.

Why don't commies understand that humans cooperate for selfish reasons?

The last time a country tried to nationalise everything and expel the globohomo jew, they were destroyed by the said jew's golems (including you)

Cool anecdote mother Theresa, I donate my time and money as well but our country would run better if had a more stable safety net, when people have more they can give more. After all, that’s been the idea for jacking off billionaires the last 40 years or so at the cost of everyone else in the country. It’s wild to me that people like you hate the government, but it’s fine if Disney or Lockheed Martin is more powerful than it.

open calls for balkanization already?

I don't even know if I fully agree with her unless there is also a lot of major changes in government as well before they are given control of anything... BUT.

Lets be fucking clear, you just strawmaned her argument, you noxious lolbert piece of shit. She was refering to the CORPORATIONS losing their capitalist priviledges. Or are you going to claim their endless lobbying against the american people, demanding H1 visa workers when USA grads cant get STEM jobs in their fields, constantly outsourcing our jobs, then offshoring their profits in tax havens.

We are supposed to be in the richest country on earth, we have a banking system set up for endless money printing with little inflation - and all the working people get out of it is endless immigration, golden parachutes for some of the worst performing businessmen in history - like quite literally, their losses are beyond all compare.

Anyway - could you even follow what I am saying here? She isnt blaming government, that is your strawman. She is blaming the capitalists. Personally I blame both the globalist-capitalists and the banking system and the government. Above all the banking system

NATIONALIZE THE FED. For real - not give it to (((BlackRock))) and claim it is nationalized.

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That's anti-semitic.


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I hate to tell you this: the borders are privatized now. That is why they are being subjected to libertarian ethics and reasoning. The borders are practically wide open.

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>siding with a person that uses y’all and isn’t from the south
Kill yourself

As long as the nationalization is under National Socialism.

Dumb people feel empowered when posting because they can always find at least a hundred online that think like them

I swear, nothing brings out the misogyny in me more than actually dealing with these stupid cunts. I really don't try to see things inherently this way, but interacting with women really speaks more to the truth than any naive hopes for human nature ever could.

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I approve of this message.

I didnt side with her. I am making my own arguments here.

The federal reserve and many large corporations have gone too far in their looting of the tax payer via bailout. It is too much. They are NEVER paying back any of those QE loans. It is beyond ridiculous that we have taken on like 10 trillion dollars of new debt for these clowns in the lasy 6 months, 1/3rd of it before the virus was even a thing.

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psychologically people that donate anything are still getting something out of it. People like to be recognized and appreciated. And even depended on in some cases. Theres no such thing as a selfless act.

I think that people not understanding that is proof that not everyone thinks that way. A lot of people are absolutely apathetic to their neighborhoods and communities until it starts to get bad. When it gets bad people wait for the boiling point and flee. Not many people are interested in preventative care.

>make America communist for the phirst time?
aw shit

This is actually based

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nationalize pussy.

American always say ‘y’all’...and refer to people as ‘folks’... when they are trying to sell themselves as ‘authentic’.

It's funny because Trump is actually nationalizing financial markets through the Fed.

Pedophile anime poster.

Ja! Nationalize es all!
sehr gut fräulein

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o-oy vey!
l-let's not get too crazy here goyim!

Canadians always say aboot and it’s painful

And wahmyn's suffrage continues to be a demonstrable mistake.


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Read Gaddafi's Green Book.

nationalize the prison system

everything else i'll hear arguments for, but this gotta be nationalized


Nationalize women's vaginas and give them to incels. You lost your pussy privilege

Nationalize dat poozay and dis cock. Some stimulas package action.