This kills the Q-shill. Now please fuck off to /x/ or some other site

This kills the Q-shill. Now please fuck off to /x/ or some other site.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why so mad shill? Why so upset about Q? Why are you so emotionally invested? Is it because you are a hateful person? Or maybe because you are paid to post? Your shilling is not unnoticed.

Also, that doesn’t prove anything. Future proves past. What proves Q is real is how much you shills flood the board when Q topics come up, it’s pretty obvious.

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Buy my merch

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But surely you’ve heard of the sealed indictments right?

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>Couldn't end DACA
>Couldn't pass the RAISE act
>Couldn't end Birthright Citizenship
>Couldnt replace and repeal obamacare
>Hillary not in jail
>Epstein either dead or chillin
>Gave the 1% a tax cut
>Farmers bill
>Omnibus bill
>Amnesty bill

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>rent free.

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Wait he sells merch..? Source?

Kill yourself faggot

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I love how this list gets shorter and shorter

/x/ is based go back redditor

And people wonder what good comes out of the wait?
Imagine the people who have lived with constant anxiety for 3 years.

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Q user people, convince me that you're right.

the arrests already happened moron, holy shit how retarded can you be! they were done in SECRET so people dont PANIC fucking moron

Cope. Demographics are destiny

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Imagine accusing someone else of being emotionally invested while you're in the middle of reeeing.. lmao

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Always conveniently forgets to mention that Netanyahu was indicted like 4 hours after that lol.

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purple! fuck ron!

There are "people" who actually believe this btw

Look the kikes cant even hide it any more!

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You brought it up retard

Qproof thread? No shill can debunk this. I challenge an user to post a photo of a celebrity one month before they die and have it be at the exact same time that celebrity dies.

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LOL look how every shill will just ignore these two posts

And he is still in power, going strong and leading the coalition, Q grug

Having white kids :)

and you conveniently forget to mention that Netanyahu had been under investigation for months, and the media was talking about a potential incitement long before that Q post

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You fuckers really blew it when you started talking shit about Ellen and my boy Chet

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We call this poisoning the well

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thats only the Letter A maybe shitskins have alot of A last names i would need to see the whole year book

Yeah and then some edgy Zoomer bases his whole world upon that single line and dismisses everything.

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>blocks your path
Thanks Trump

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Everyone who makes fun of my schitzo bullshit is a shill! There's no way anyone could organically hate my consistently-disproven conspiracy theories!

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Nothing stops them. 20 years from now they will still be digging through vague and shitty Q posts and trying to connect those statements to whatever is happening then.

Q is a shitty larp created by glowniggers. The worst part is that Q posts a few lines of meaningless garbage and the Qoomers then perpetuate the larp, build upon it, and turn it into their larp. They do all the work for him.

So tiresome.

Nothing ever happens ever and if it did happen you wouldn’t even know about, endless money and resources you will never even hear a whisper of the true narrative

question can anyone just walk up to that base? because from their bodies they look like old fat boomers not army guys

We’re doing what we can

Hooray! We finally have a wall! Too bad the enemy is already inside.

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>Q aM fAkE BeCuZ U gUiSe TaLkEd AbOuT A CeLeBriTy, ThAt MeAnS iT wAs A PrOmIzE-PuHrDiKsHuN aNd QaNoN iS tOtAlLy FaKe.

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Kek not bad

Because I see what you people are doing. I see what this whole thing is. 'Q' is an attempt to discredit any sort of right-wing conspiracy research by associating it with stupid bullshit that never happens. Instead of substantive political matters, Q-shit is obsessed with celebrities and increasingly-bizarre 'theories' about John McCain being put to death or secret underground bases. Instead of helping people understand the nature of the system, Q-shit divides everything into comic book archetypes like 'white hats' and 'black hats,' or 'the cabal' vs. 'the patriots.'

The end goal is to corral people back into mainstream politics, prevent them from looking into the actual nature of the political system, and to NEUTER them as any kind of political force. I see right through your fucking games, you shameless grifters.

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Hardly matters. Once the new census takes place in 2021, and as Texas becomes more blue, the Republican party will experience an electorate winter and will be unable to elect another Republican president

Since there are some real Q supporters here i'd like to ask you all a real question, no bullshit and no shit talking.

I have an image that's allegedly Q, if I post it can you source it or tell me if it's legit? pic related

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the internet is for public indictment
nuke area 51

Anyone can photoshoop you god damn leaf, whats your point?

>OmG FaT BoOoMeRz CaNnOt Be CoNtRaCtOrS oR vIsItOrS.


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I still think it was you that created that "why don't high IQ women have children thread" and created that fake bimbo Swede persona to hide your own.

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Countershilling Qoomers with basic bitch Alinsky-isms IS a dead giveaway...
Q is obviously a thing or you fucking libfaggots wouldn't bother,stupid

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>swedish flag
we meet again

Please go back to 8kun

What do the brackets around 2019 mean? That theyre coming after 2019?

> 'Q' is an attempt to discredit any sort of right-wing conspiracy research

That is a new one.

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Oh are you guys gonna bang?

why are you getting mad? it looks like some tourists stopped by and took that pic not like some insider army guys who took it which is the impression its trying to give off

>implying you haven’t seen all of the instances of illegals being deported
Ur a fag

neat story about that guy, he got caught, by his mommy, fucking his sister. that's why he drove all the way to that walmart to kill his sister. he actually confessed on pol, then the glowniggers edited the post. he's half jewish half mexican.

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What is that from?