>Get up, go to work, pay your bills, go to sleep, repeat.
Why? This is not an aversion to working. I’m not lazy. This is more so an existential question of life as a whole because the conclusion I’ve come to is this whole shebang is pretty fucking stupid. It’s laughable that people have created this cycle of misery. Better yet, it’s entirely self inflicted. Nobody has to do any of the stupid shit we do on a daily basis. Think about it - None of the shit is real. The economy isn’t real. Your money isn’t real. The fucking debt you have racked up isn’t real. What is the fucking point in any of this?
I’m tired of the hamster wheel of life
quit thinking long term and enjoy life in the moment
It wouldn't be so bad if there was a worthy national goal being pursued so you could feel like your work was contributing to something greater, but there's nothing. The societal machinery is just running on the spot accomplishing nothing.
it is my personal belief to get rich. and then help those in my close social circle get rich. then have a few laughs and eventually kill myself in an act of heroism.
One must imagine Sisyphus happy.
Matthew 6:25-34
I don’t have a bad job. I have money for things. I’m saving for retirement. But it all feels meaningless. I don’t necessarily subscribe to nihilist beliefs. I just fail to find a reason as to why we do the things we do outside of pure biological programming. I see others being happy when something as simple as a new nigger music album releases. It’s like everything is a cycle of work to buy things, sleep, work more. It’s not that I buy a bunch of shit either. I’m not a consoomer by any means. I live cheap as fuck and don’t have frivolous shit. But when I was talking to my dad about this he said all young people have lost their fucking minds because none of us want to work and he didn’t think he had raised a socialist. In none of what I said did any of it equate to being a socialist. My question is what made me this way? What happened with my programming that it broke down into me questioning these things? Am I fucking retarded or what?
unironically this
what do you do besides working and social media
this is literally the worst advice you could give
BONUS ROUND: All of the "systems" put in place by humans rely on said humans to not realize how pointless it is, and punish people with the thread of imprisonment should they not follow the system rules.
No one has to do anything. You are told you need to be part of the economy, but you don't. The problem now is that we can't have millions just moving suddenly to the woods. That would create chaos because human+human in the same environment with less technology is a breeding ground for absolute chaos.
In short, there is no escaping this hell permanently except for death. Even if you find your own meaning, it's still pointless. Even with religion is pointless. Heaven, what for? What do you do up there, and for what? Hell? What's the point? Why would evil punish evil? And so on. It's an eye opener but also a void of despair.
Read the myth of Sisyphus.
we are here to live, thats it, life is an end in itself, find something you like to do and thats it, learn to deal with your life's problems too and soon you will die anyway
become an artist and create something. I have a day job but I make music and I paint and it gives my life purpose separate from earning a living or interacting with other people. It doesn't have to be art either, just find something that you enjoy that you can do to add to your life outside of the normie bullshit everyone expects you to do.
i think it is information overload. we have access to so much information that we can't possibly absorb it all. when we look for a way to organize it all in a way that makes sense, we fail. that's how i feel anyway. over 2000 years of collected human experience and thought and we have only fragmented theories of being and purpose. i thought trump was going to complete the system of german idealism. :(
hey stoic, were you just in the book thread?
there isnt and its against biology. I had all these thoughts and was getting ready to "accidentally" die but then just got on disability for depression and play video games and play music...oh and post on Yas Forums. I went to a prestigious univeristy and got a job at a prestigious consulting firm and worked for 6 years.
Read industrial society and its future
>One must imagine sysyphus happy being wage slave to make some kike wealthy.
Not a chance Schlomo.
If there is no afterlife, then spread your DNA, enjoy life as much as you can and spread that joy with your loved ones.
What else is there?
If there is an afterlife, love as many people as you can to share heaven with and spread joy through good deeds.
Both sound like similar paths to me. How is this hard to understand? Just live a good life and be good to others.
hm not me
In the culture in which we now enjoy living what is required of us, seemingly, is that we get a job, pay for the privilege of having space in which to live and food to eat. This economic concern, namely, that each citizen will take care of itself and its dependents, ranks far above any consideration in terms of public policy of the spiritual evolution of its citizens
realize that there is a switch, shall we call it, in the deep mind, a toggle switch that is on and off.
And when it is on, you are in consensus reality and working within the strictures of society.
Move that switch in thought, not in action, but in thought, and you are a subversive element, as
far as time is concerned. know that within you there is the bliss of this present
moment. To get to it, often it is not a matter of adding things but of subtracting things and not
things that are out there but the things of the mind, the things of the intellect, the things that you may never have questioned seriously having to do with time and responsibility.
I know this feel.
>recently had a week off work
>went back a few days ago
>"why do I do this?"
I mean I felt that way before having time off, but shit man.
It's literally just: wake up, drive to work, work/deal with bullshit, drive home, drink, sleep, repeat. I don't even know why I bother. Sure I pay my bills and take care of myself. But god damn, is there anything else?
There's a reason drugs were invented, you need drugs in order to enjoy living in an industrial society, there's no such thing as real fullfilment in an industrial society.
>Get up, go to work, pay your bills, go to sleep, repeat.
One day we'll have loving wives and a bunch of kids haha.... gotta keep working so they'll have a better future...
yeah bro just get wasted 24/7 #yolo bitch. who cares if you disgrace yourself and produce 6 bastards with FAS?
Actually its all real. Its the product of leading a "highly domesticated" lifestyle. When I mean domesticated, I mean you are like a farm animal. Thats exactly what farm animals do with their lives too. Oh, you COULD go join the Army, a really dangerous unit too, the ones that got killed by the Taliban. You COULD do that, or goto Tibet and try and free those people.
Instead you are sitting around taking it easy working to pay taxes. Thats because you are an indentured servant. I can prove it too you because when you pay off your land, your "share", you still never own it. You still have to pay every year to live on it, so you are an indentured servant, because you cannot legally escape it.
You get what I am saying? Did you even go film your local hospital to show everyone here how we all being scammed right now?
Yeh go do that, kick the MAN in the balls. Fuck up his operation. You looking for something exciting to do.
I was talking about the book by Albert Camus. Talks about this shit OP is referring to and suicide. The world is absurd and we just have to accept it. Nobody”wins” lol.
Call me a faggot if you want, but you people that make up this board are unironically the most based and good natured people in the world. The majority of people I interact with on a daily basis have room temperature IQs and lose their minds to bring up these kinds of things. I often feel ostracized by society for holding the beliefs I do. And logically the conclusion I feel should be that there is something inherently flawed with me. It’s almost like society collectively has been given a daily dose of medicine, but like with any medicine, a certain percentage’s bodies reject the treatment, rendering it ineffective. I feel like I fall into that camp. It’s like the programming and conditioning failed to work. I have been this way since elementary school. It isn’t depression per se. it is a kind of “there’s something wrong with the world” mindset. I don’t know what you’re supposed to do, and maybe it’s ultimately futile to try and attached meaning to it.
Just stop living the way other people say you should live and do what makes you happy.
Not happy in a taking drugs and jerking off way, but in a way that you really just love being alive and waking up every day. Find purpose and meaning and help others.
We all feel that way user.
just accept the enemy that is the jews and blame all negatives on them. As long as you have christ there is nothing to worry about fuck all the kikes around move out to the country climb some mountains and life will slowly become nothing.
Funny you mention Camus. That’s actually the philosophical outlook I have found to be the closest to the truth - Absurdism. I think the mental roadblock I reached when reading Camus extensively is that I am failing to create the meaning I am supposed to, but yet I don’t fall into the other option being suicide. I’ve been stuck in this position for years. I’m actually a Christian too, ironically enough. But I have always found the argument for an afterlife inconsequential to here and now and ultimately a poor reason for buying into the raw deal that is living in the modern world. I think most Christians use that as a cop out to be like “yep, life sucks now, but just wait till I get to those pearly gates!” I don’t like that train of thought. I feel like I am adrift in a sea of shit, not drowning, but not going anywhere either. I’m simply treading shit in sea of shit.
people reject what is different or superior to them, hence smart people seclude themselves from the herd
what is your life outside of working? you realize you're supposed to build a family not just browse Yas Forums and play videogames and watch tv or whatever right?
The point is for you to be a slave without knowing you are. The entire system is setup that way.
>go to work
Found your problem.
Well the only social media I use is Yas Forums. Deleted faceberg 6 years ago. Outside of work, I enjoy reading and playing vidya as lazy activities. On the weekend I am typically doing some kind of manual labor whether it be house/car maintenance or yard work. I go fishing occasionally and work out about 4 days a week.
No one who regularly posts here can enjoy the present. They’re all schizos and autists
People bitch and suffer all the time. Its part of our condition.
So when I was in History II in College, the professor, shared some pages from a diary from the Civil War. It was very rare and from the South Texas Gulf Coast area, I am in Houston.
All the guy did in the diary was bitch and moan, every page about riding around and how fucking hot it was.
It was the most historically useless diary there was.
He said that they thought this was very illustrative of how it just sucked to be back in those times. He said the clothes were all wool and wool sucks in Texas.
So the life you are talking about is what was illustrated very well in the movie THX-1138. In the end Robert Duvall breaks free of the technocracy.
George Lucas really hit that one on the nail I think. Very relative to whats going on right now I think.
>It wouldn't be so bad if there was a worthy national goal being pursued so you could feel like your work was contributing to something greater
In the past, this is how many people got their fix in terms of achievement/power. it just doesn't work that way anymore. collective things are not a suitable proxy for the individual's need to achieve something. mass depression and suicide are the result of atomized, demoralized societies. read kaczynski
Yes goyim spawn some more slaves for us
If anyone is wondering why the west is collapsing, this is why. Fucking faggot hippy logic that the brain dead boomers started in the 60s
Why not do both?
Yes I understand that, and that is my goal eventually. I just feel I should without a doubt be very financially secure and have grown enough as a man before I begin that endeavor. Feelings of existential confusion out of your father wouldn’t spawn a very conducive home life. Beyond that, I am hung up on the idea of potential children living in this world. I see how much things have shifted since the 90s when I was a kid and have trouble picturing anything remotely positive for children to be around today.
Self aware slaves aren’t much use at all I guess
you arent being treated like a human. you're being treated like livestock. its been that way for a few hundred years. they use a lot of propaganda to keep you from realizing it. and a lot of people will fight you on that fact because they have a vested interest in the differential advantage position theyve leveraged within the system.
even if we lived in the paradise people would still butcher each other because of boredom
well no shit you're burn out on life if that's all you do
you're basically acting slightly better than a teenaged boy well into adulthood, do you seriously think its some fucking profound mystery that life seems hollow when all you do is work and play videogames and shit
>"D-don't be happy, goy! You WILL be a wage slave! No independent thoughts! No having fun!! >:("
The world has been made into a farm and humans are the livestock. The only way to end it is for a hard reset that sends humanity back to the stone age.
lmao you're right, they made us "free" because we're more productive that way, thinking we're actually "free".
A man cannon hold within himself both fire and darkness
The alternative is mad max. Life won't be good til we can be like the people in Wal-E (minus the fattness tho)
dang it. Epic post ruined by leaving off a "t"
>The only way to end it is for a hard reset that sends humanity back to the stone age.
thats fake. its another trick to keep you from thinking it could change.
If you have to make things up to have any sort of argument, maybe you're a fucking retard and you're wrong.
>never think more than a day ahead goy, who cares about your future YOLO bro
You have the mental age of a toddler
>People bitch and suffer all the time. Its part of our condition.
What do you think of the concept of us being in hell currently right now? As in we all failed to achieve salvation in a previous life we are unaware of, so we are stuck in a cycle of earthly hell? My concept of hell is eternity without God. Even as a Christian, this world appears to be absent of God’s direct influence in modern times. I have kicked around the idea that we are all already in hell. That fire and brimstone hell was metaphorical of a mental hell that manifests from living in this material world.
Did you think this answer through?
>all you do is work and play videogames and shit
I work outside with my hands maintaining my land, I build things with my hands, I help neighbors with their cattle, I occasionally will help relatives with nursery work, I participate in church. I’m hardly just going to work and playing video games. I’m curious what other activities I should be engaged in?
I feel it man. Hang in there. I used that same analogy yesterday when talking to my roommate. Does feel like we are deep at sea with no direction, but we ultimately have to pick a direction (doesn’t mean that’s a one all be all and could change) but if we choose to stay put, life will pass by us in that monotonous cycle. Do some things you’ve always wanted to do but didn’t because self doubt got in the way. Helps bring purpose.
>i thought trump was going to complete the system of german idealism
the problem is if hell is eternal so we are, if we are eternal we never were created but always existed and its not actually hell but just how things are
Very good point.
Don't worry, dying in a crowded ICU will break the combo soon enough.
Thanks for the chuckle, user. You might be right.
You need to get into that hindu shit.
Read some about hinduism, buhdism, alan watts, cosmic consciousness, meditation, semen retention, get in touch with nature, enjoy the moment, enjoy breatheir the air that mother earth gives you for free