This is from bunkerchan/leftypol. How would you refute this?
Refute this Yas Forums
>People who disagree with me are wrong because my views are so obviously correct
>Yas Forums is one person
Is this 8-kun? Since when does 8-kun have leftypol?
they can't accept that we want a lot of what they want; we just don't want it with jews, niggers, faggots, feminism, trannies etc etc and we won't be dissuaded.
These are just baseless presuppositions. I could say something similar about them just as easy and we would be nowhere, so i see no reason why i have to defend myself against accusations of no substance
>not getting dialectical materialism are Talmudic in origin
>not getting capitalism and communism are part of an elaborated scheme to trick people into thinking the distribution of goods is the entirety of organization of being in the world
fpbp... pretty much sums up the thought process of almost all lefties I know. The beginning point of their logic is that "I am right and you don't quite understand me." Doesn't matter what you have to say after that, you are already a damaged thing in their mind afterwards, who can only be fixed by a bullet, reeducation, and/or some hard gulag time.
Sounds like Christians
Accept communism, jesus fuck on a stick, I have been to enough memorials and museums to know where that will land us.
Horrible horrible people are the only ones to support this shit at this point.
The slags and dregs of society that should be necked.
Why is it so difficult for dumb faggots to realize we just don’t like niggers or jews
unless an ethnostate is part of the solution, it is not a solution
they are almost right and i would say the same thing about them. they come so close to understanding the true issue but refuse to understand the orchestrators of our society's pain is the jews, who use class conflict as a way to keep us distracted and fighting each other. If they saw jews as the inner party, late stage capitalist hegemony loving grifters as the outer party, and everyone else as proles they would think like us.
>Yas Forums is one person
i dont see a problem with distilling a group down to its most common shared beliefs so long as youre being fair about it and not doing to to create a strawman. I think in this case the guy in ops image is being fair.
i unironically accept class conflict, but see it as a form of tribalism.
And believe tribalism usurps all other conflicts, as the highest, most unifying and pivotal form of conflict in history.
Tribal conflict is the competition which makes civilisation move forward, class conflict is a micro version of this between people who want more resources and/or have been treated unfairly.
I want to move beyond class conflict, settle the dispute, so that we can focus on bigger things. The union of the classes, is achieved via homogeneity and a unity of the people by one identity; in race; culture; religion.
Once we all belong and identify with the same community, we will fight for it. If we're given the stimulus via a strong government.
And there we will achieve true unity, and true progress. Society is more than class, it is a national project, the most advanced social organism to exist is the nation as Mussolini said.
I love how they think we aren't communists because we've been "indoctrinated since birth" yet we hate jews and niggers
Exceptionally based
Go fuck a goat, Mohammad.
Yeah, fuck off.
I was a Communist myself for a while before I settled with Fascism. Most Fascists are and have been mainly fmr. Communists. As for "dude they just find an easy person to blame with the Jews!". They dishonest cunts. Communism historically has been influenced by Jews and Freemasons. Many Marxist writers including Karl Marx himself was Jewish and the man who wrote the Internationale was a Freemason. Even today many Marxist and Anarchist groups have plenty of Jews running them. Especially Anarchist groups in regards to the Anti-Fascist Movement today. I wish I was kidding, the higher ups in these groups tend to be rich kid Jews half the time and a lot of them are also pro-israel in private too. In any matter while Yas Forums has it's screwups, /leftypol/ is unironically made up mostly of druggie trannies and betabitches (just like modern leftism today wow!) with some exceptions here and there.
It's inane enough that it doesn't demand refutation. This is a take that could only be produced by an oversocialized midwit, a class of people that will never have an interesting opinion in their life
How is blaming Jews a larp, i dont get it. Do these people even know larp stands for live action role play?
/leftypol/ trannies always whine about the rich elites. But they NEVER name who are said rich elites, that's the real difference.
I understand everything and this is why i figured out that National Socialism is the best solution
Israel killed itself it's the gayest country in the world just give that time. Nobody really thinks Jews will have power in twenty years. The threat has always been China. PS religion is dying.
Class reductionist who doesnt get the cultural relativism of class is determined by other identities. These guys gorget that intersectionalism killed Marx outright. They have to rely on bioleninism.
Wow, somebody's going to get laid in college
I dont want to refute it, this place is full of people unwilling or unable to learn and adapt. Just call eachother names, identify eachother using broad terms and then see that person as the enemy. Call them a faggot, shill, kike, glow agent, nigger, spic. Identify them as left or right, etc. Trash
>refute the lazy, "I am psychic!" smugness of a being made euphoric by its own intellect
Like "refuting" a middle aged man who insists he's a female teenager.
>Is this 8-kun? Since when does 8-kun have
nice non-answer, brainless faggot
marxists are gullible retards who think you can give the state absolute power and then it will hand it back instead of executing everyone who's a threat to their power
Rent free
I understand dialectical materialism very well. It's just that it's wrong.
Also lmaoing hard at being a Marxist after the 19th century, labour theory of value is woefully outdated.
t. economist
Why are you here niggerfaggot?
It's complete projection just like all typical leftist observations
I've lurked on commie sites. They unironically defend north korea
Yas Forumstards are half edgy 13 year olds whose lives are so good, they need to invent something to rebel against, and half 35 year old neo-nazis with an agenda who are all too eager to give those 13 year olds the boogeyman they crave.
Literally none of what Yas Forums shouts from the rooftops makes any sense if you give it even the slightest ammount of thought, so they create pre-programmed arguments and charts to bury it. Unless it's about one single modern political talking point, zero statistic or chart or "fact" spouted by a Yas Forumstard is any newer than 2011, and is, at best, a new spin on propaganda decades old.
No one on Yas Forums wants to think, they just want to be right, and all else is jews.
>offended by namecalling
Found the imposter
its meant to be a non-answer
>/leftypol/tards are people who have moved beyond the mainstream neoliberal "end of history" narrative due to being edgy political nerds, but are at the same time unable to accept national socialism due to being indoctrinated with antifacism and loving black people from birth
see? i did a thing and its just as valid as their thing. NO SUBSTANCE, NO REFUTATION NEEDED
I would take a shit in my own hands and show them, then we'll see who looks dumb.
>everyone here except me is X
Such cheaply bought nobility. So brave.
Why don't you get a job you teenage faggot?
all ideology is stupid and incomplete. Final redpill is realizing that the world is how it is because of random chance and the millennia long dynamic evolution of technology and culture that together shape history. There are no massive conspiracies, "they" do not exist, everybody in power is either clueless or in it to benefit themselves. I think it's there's a tendency for the 20 somethings and below on Yas Forums (and other places) to think of things in terms of ideology and conspiracies because they don't realize that life changes very little from 20 to 40+ and that the system is still way to complex to understand even for those older people in power.
Still partial to old Teddy K, though. But that's less ideology and more common sense.
>I can spout meaningless platitudes. That means you're wrong
Found the 13 year old.
>buzzword buzzword buzzword!
>/leftypol/tards are half edgy 13 year olds whose lives are so good, they need to invent something to rebel against, and half 35 year old neo-marxists with an agenda who are all too eager to give those 13 year olds the boogeyman they crave.
>Literally none of what /leftypol/ shouts from the rooftops makes any sense if you give it even the slightest ammount of thought, so they create pre-programmed arguments and charts to bury it. Unless it's about one single modern political talking point, zero statistic or chart or "fact" spouted by a /leftypol/tard is any newer than 2011, and is, at best, a new spin on propaganda decades old.
>No one on /leftypol/ wants to think, they just want to be right, and all else is piggy.
you see why noone listens to you? its just waffle waffle waffle and we have zero reason to believe you didnt pull it out your ass.
unable to accept Marxism due to the truth. Hegelian dialectic, and race matters class does not.
>blaming jews is a larp
>having never ending evidence is a larp
And there it is.
Who even mentioned religion? You're just trying to start shit.
I just look at the guy saying it, his pasty complexion, his bitch tits, his seemingly endless ability to think he’s an expert on things despite his day job is working at Bruxie or some shit, his fat ugly girlfriend, and then I turn around and say to myself, “W E L I V E I N A S O C I E T Y”
But fr, fuck commies, fix China and then come back to me. No, it’s not my job to suspend my disbelief that communist societies always fail, just for your childish benefit. This is America, we believe in RESULTS
It's a generalization. Yas Forums isn't ideologically homogenous (unless they meant the pedochan one, but this analysis doesn't accurately describe pedochan Yas Forums.)
Poster looks to me suspiciously like one of those leftists who complains that we shouldn't worry about racism, sexism, or homophobia until after the class struggle is won. These people wind up undermining the very class struggle they think they're championing - when you tell most of the population that the MOST CONCRETE problems facing them have to be ignored until AFTER the wealth is redistributed, you alienate a lot of them.
Ironically, in spite of the blinders (if you reject Marxism it's obviously ignorance or anger at SJWs... can't POSSIBLY be anything to do with some of the actually existing Marxist groups having been massive cunts or anything), the poster nonetheless lurches to the correct conclusion at the end. They simply fail to understand that it's the postmodern leftists they don't like who have the better vision for society than the collection of dead wankers quoting each other's work.
>b-but lefties are just as bad!
Literally the oldest anti-intellectual trick in the book.
>is the group of people historically shunned from everywhere they've ever settled due to unscrupulous lending practices and hostility toward their hosts at fault for their own actions?
>no it's everyone else who's wrong!
>spout meaningless platitudes
>found the x
ok jew
>I am not equipped to back up my shit posting because I literally think I'm a special soul on an image board for no other reason than it makes me feel like mommy's favorite boy
Imagine drawing your sense of self from such a thing.
>a literal commie
The USSR is why no one listens to you idjut lmao
>You just want to hate jews.
Come on man
>Class reductionist
repeat what you just said without the commie buzzwords
Respond to this reply if you are older than 22 years old.
There's nothing for me to "back up" when no one's actually tried a coherent counter-argument, boyo
kid you didnt even read it. im not doing a "no u" im just demonstrating how easily the same thing can be switched round on you by changing a couple word. Its supposed to show that we have no reason to believe any of what you're saying has a grasp in reality, and so it just sounds like a self absorbed rant about what you HOPE Yas Forums is
I think he’s shitposting
What’s this fucking wordsalad?
Pol is a Christian, capitalist board. Neck yourself
Makes me sad that you didn't get digits
post deserves it
Why do you even bother, you retarded nigger?
thanks user. I didn't know about bunkerchan.
There's no coherent argument to counter, lad. You just said
>everyone here is X
>but not me, I'm above that
That's it. It's why we're laughing at you. You have nothing but empty, unsupportable smugness backed by your dubious claim to vast psychic abilities. It's clownish.
ok Jew
Because commies are faggots and even the most lowly of nerds wants to live in a functioning society and elevate themselves
first off
yeah keep lurking kid
ahahahhahaha if you think there is a semblance of religious concensus here you are sadly mistaken
yeah you wish
>kid you didnt even read it. im not doing a "no u" im just demonstrating how easily the same thing can be switched round on you by changing a couple word.
That's not an argument, though. You can say words mean things that they don't actually mean and suddenly anything can mean anything. That's the exact opposite of an argument.
Marxism will never work because it has never worked and the price to try is too high. Sage