The results speak for themselves. The treatment is promising, and they didn't combine HQC with either zinc citrate or azithromycin.

Of special note (SLE means Lupus, Lupus patients take HQC):
>Interestingly, through a follow-up survey, we found that none of our 80 SLE patients who took long-term oral HCQ had been confirmed to have SARS-CoV-2 infection or appeared to have related symptoms. In addition, among the 178 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 pneumonia in our hospital, none were receiving HCQ treatment before admission.

If there weren't efforts to suppress this treatment, we would already have statistics of how many people already on HQC (for Lupus, arthritis, etc.) are being admitted for COVID-19, and how many of those go critical and of those, die. We would then compare these numbers to the general population, and the statistic would either show significance, or not. This would cost almost nothing. Now ask yourself, why hasn't this been done?

Key finding from the study:
>But for [the HQC group], the body temperature recovery time and the cough remission time were significantly shortened in the HCQ treatment group. Besides, a larger proportion of patients with improved pneumonia in the HCQ treatment group (80.6%, 25 of 31) compared with the control group (54.8%, 17 of 31). Notably, all 4 patients progressed to severe illness that occurred in the control group.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>and they didn't combine HQC with either zinc citrate or azithromycin.
Note that if they did, we could expect to see even better results. Trials in NY and other places will begin to be published next week. Expect this to become a HUGE deal over the next few days. I've already gotten reports from MDs on the ground getting very good results with HQC, zinc, and z-pak combined together.

fake and gay
wait for the vaccine you fools.

Holy shit. Good work OP. Bump. Shills will slide and kvetch let's keep this up boys

Why would azithromycin, an antibiotic, help recovery from a virus? Serious question.

Fuck off vaxxer.

One of the corona "symptoms" is getting pneumonia, azitrho cures that and fixes your lung.

Weakend immune system from COVID allows bactierial pneumonia.

This drug is not for liberals. They need vaccines and ID 20 20.

HAPPENINGFAGS BTFO!!!!!!! BACK TO WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It's no good an American bloke died when he drank a fish tank full of it. It's poison.

200MG Hydroxychloroquine 3x daily for 6 days, with full load of Z-Pak antibiotics, and a couple zinc tabs and CoronoChan BTFO - Happenfags BTFO, Libshit niggers praying for millions of dead americans so orange man bad gets out of office - BTFO. Chinese bioweapon BTFO


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It's likely that HQC alone is effective because of its status as a zinc ionophore allows more of what ever zinc is present in the diet better access to the cells.

There are also other zinc ionophores that are OTC supplements (quercertin) or in foods (ECGC, in green tea).


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>implying a couple weeks is anywhere near long enough for a proper clinical trial

Chinese study... Only america can save us. Only you guys can publish a study that everyone will follow.

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We need the US results. Nobody is going to listen until US results are published. I thought the hysteria would be gone by friday because of this treatment but it's not getting the traction I expected.

25 vs. 17 out of 31. Lulz this is completely useless data and the worthless lupus data makes this even fishier. Why do you keep shilling this so hard?

yea because jews can't bank off of it and it makes orange man good, why would you expect it to have traction?

Texas here. This shit is no joke. I felt absolutely awful for many days. It even turned me gay. I now can not get through the day without taking dick for several hours. The more dicks the better. Fuck this virus dude

Because it's so promising I thought the public would be worked up in a Facebook frenzy demanding it

I get the feeling that (((someone))) doesn’t want this virus to be cured. I don’t know if it’s the jews, the Chinese, the democrat party, or someone else entirely, but SOMEONE really wants this thing to stick around forever, that much can’t even be disputed at this point. Hydroxychloroquine is clearly very effective against coronavirus, and it would be available at every hospital in America if some group(s) of people weren’t doing everything in their power to stop it.

Reported to the FBI for spreading dangerous disinformation that can get people literally POISONED TO DEATH.

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You do realize libs HATE the idea of a solution Trump promoted against their wishes would work right? Like REALLY HATE it

The antibiotic is to destroy your gut biome to ensure you remain a good customer for the medical industry.

they will die then

>sources: literally t. chang

imagine being one of the poor dumb bastards chosen at random for the control group. rip in spaghetti, niggers, ya had to be sacrificed so we could try to convince these greedy kikes to let us treat people with cheap medicine instead of whatever “miracle cure” they’re about to unroll for $5000 a pill.

Pneumonia is more of a symptom, fluid in the lungs, if I understand correctly after having had it very badly myself. Antibiotics wouldn't necessarily treat viral pneumonia.

That I could buy, but it wouldn't help everybody, just those who also manage to get a bacterial infection at the same time.

Some dumbass couple overdosed on fish tank cleaner and killed themselves, which put a damper on the whole thing. Plus, it's not like you give people a dose and they're leaping out of the ventilator and running back to work same day. That's the kind of cure people want.

>us death rate keeps growing

>implying two dumb boomers put a damper on things, and not the kike media that manufactured and promoted the dishonest story for a week

treats the pneumonia symptom

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Dude seriously fuck the medical industry. If you know anything about diabetes at all, you know more than doctors who make millions "treating" it by actually making it worse. It's utterly disgusting. I'm actually doing the groundwork right now to start my own diabetes clinic, type 2 diabetes can EASILY AND RAPIDLY BE CURED/REVERSED. You can have someone off insulin within a week at the outside, most people off insulin within three days.

I know you're being snarky but I'm pretty mad about it.

I do but I've been telling everyone about it and nobody cares or even bothers to look into it. Pretry much what they did when I told them about Kung Flu back in January. I thought bitches on Facebook at least would jump on this. With treatment it could be like chicken pox.

Last press brief from the White House trump is talking around 5 mins about how high level very intelligent and powerful people told him to "Just let it ride out" and "Do nothing".

This is a culling and the powers want people dead. Fauchi is a Clinton asslicker as seen in the Wikileaks emails and thats why he hates Hydroxychloroqine. When Fauchi was asked about the different trials and how many trials have to be there to proof it he got quite aggressive too. Fauchi wants deads. Also jeered rosenstein cuckner gave trump bad advice after trump realised It he kicked his jew ass out and told Ivanka to get out the room so daddy can handle it.

What you said is what I meant.

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Something’s up and shenanigans are afoot. There are people heavily invested in making this seem a lot more deadly than it is.

Fish tank cleaner retards didn't matter. That was fake from the start. Thing is, if he didn't OD, it probably would have helped.

Read the french study. They didn't choose drug randomly, they are the best expert in the world. Half a million budget/year, 300 peoples, a P3 lab (the most advanced in Europe) mixed with a medical school mixed with an hospital. It doesn't come from a fake jewish doctor from New York. The guy just refuse to let people die to publish a double blind trail and he doesn't give a fuck, he's treating the whole south of France.

His wife killed him and fake the whole story.

In most large scale studies, if a treatment can be shown to work midway through the study period, the study is stopped and the treatment is given to the control group.

Sounds more like a you problem, dude. You can't spend all day telling everyone what you read on Yas Forums. Yes, you're almost certainly more informed than them, but after a while they tune it out even when you're inevitably proven right.

For instance, I warned my family to prep food about a month ago, and they told me they'd get around to it. Did I harass them about it? No, I got my ass to the store and bought the last rice beans and oats. It's not the good stuff, it's the at least you're not hungry stuff. They eventually went out and got their own food (not nearly enough though), so now I just have extra in case we as a family need it. Harassing them about it would not have helped and would have made them resistant. By giving them time to come to terms with the necessity of it on their own, every one of my family members at least attempted to prep.

$5000 pill. CDC wants to look like heroes here and are going to look like useless fucks because they couldn't develop a vaccine for this. FDA and CDC has always been at odds. Yeah, they're both full of corrupt assholes, but the FDA always had a different agenda than the CDC. Watch next how the CDC will claim that it doesn't help and ya'll need to listen to us. CDC is full of niggers, poos, chinks and traitors since the Obama era, it hasn't changed.

Bump, damn this is getting slid hard

You're probably right. I guess my takeaway is that most people don't care about anything they're not directed to care about. And sadly much of what they care about is meaningless. Rah chicfila! Reee Paula Dean. Oh, a potential treatment that could stop corona deaths cheap and easy? Meh, let's social distance for an undetermined amount of time.

>just have extra in case we as a family need it.
I told my sister that I would let her die if she doesn't prep, late january. Now, she's begging me to go get her some groceries and to give her a UV-C lamp, masks and gloves. Nope.

CDC and WHO recommending everyone NOT wear masks when it's clearly airborne is utterly despicable. It wouldn't hurt and it might help, why not recommend it, or at least make no comment? Oh muh doctors need masks, fuck you why didn't you have ample supplies on hand? Did chinese medical students steal them and mail them back to China? Yes, they did.

Fuck, it's actually infuriating.

And they will credit cuomo with saving new york

Just have a box ready for yourself. I have enough for 3 peoples, costed me $30. When it will be clear than it's the only treatment, it will disappear like the masks.

Wanda Jo Lenius, the woman who fed her husband a lethal dose of aquarium cleaner and then it on blamed Trump, is a big democrat donor who hated Trump.

I hope everyone’s screencapping the blue checkmark HQC salt for future use.
>t. guy who knows a guy


Does this mean that the happening is cancelled and we should buy stonks and LINK now before Big Line goes back up?

You seem to be upset, sir.

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What the fuck, so she basically just murdered him and blamed it on HCQ?

Only reason I could see justifying letting your kin die is if she burned the coal.

1. What else did you expect the (((media))) to do? 2. NYC is going to be a fucking bloodbath, skyscrapers will burn by the end of it, not even kidding. Nobody's getting any credit whatsoever for NYC when the food trucks stop coming in and they close the bridges.

need to make a viral compilation/collage driving home the point media liar clowns trying to sow fear and cause death/cover up for kike pharmaceutical industry

have a bump (of cocaine)

Wanda Jo Lenius blamed poisoning her husband with aquarium cleaner on Trump, but she was a big democrat donor who hated Trump. So why would she blindly listen to him?

there will never be a vaccine you dumb fuck. no vaccine has ever been created that provided permanent immunity to any coronavirus.

if this fails
>trump is dumb. guy drank aquarium cleaner. this dont work...go back and hide

If this works
>Cuomo saved New York. Trumpy was trying scare people. Jew doctor from new york came up with the idea

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It’s all on record.

>What the fuck, so she basically just murdered him and blamed it on HCQ?

Most likely


Okay, Jew.

She isn't dying, it will teach her a lesson. She can feast on the shitty pasta she bought during the panic, it has only been 2 weeks. It's just the flu, bro. I also have a respirator and if someone start to coof, we are going to straight the P3 lab in Marseille.

it's effective as an anti-viral for Zika as well




the studies are endless, and those are the ones in english, there's countless others in portuguese as well

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fuck off newfags we love corona-chan

It's also an antiviral, google it plus "antiviral"

Thanks for the gold, kind stranger.

Yup. Because everybody knows out media wants to take down trump for being hopeful so they will punish any lies.

>Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430060, China
Yea I am not buying this bullshit.

I've been hyping hydroxychloroquine for well over a week now.
Lefties ALWAYS pretend like they came up with an idea.
Even though days before they called you a Nazi for proposing it.
I fucking hate Progressives.

>the laowai know
>shut it down

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>cure diabetes
Uh... how?

there are problems though
it doesn't work if the disease has progressed too much and you only get hospitalised when your lungs are already fucked

A lot of the cases in NY/NJ are from the Hasidic Jewish communities. They are ignoring warnings and having big gatherings, and rabbis keep dropping dead.


It seems that azithromycin also interferes with the ACE2 receptor in much that same way that chloroquine does. Completely unrelated to its antibiotic properties.


Trump could cure cancer and the headlines would read "What took him so long?"

You realized it failed, right?

a large enough population can effectively substitute for time given consistency in results. The only caveat is that you can't measure long term effects without conducting longer studies.

Even better