It was literally just a flu. We shut down the global economy because some Chinese and Italian old people died. Fuck everything
It was literally just a flu. We shut down the global economy because some Chinese and Italian old people died...
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Then why can't I breath?
Why are you surprised the boomers shut it down then they were the most at risk?
>kill yourself for big line
(((It's just a flu bro)))
It’s hurts to breAth deeply
I am from the future. I send this message in hope that there is time to change your cause of action. Shut down everything... Prevent the d͍̭i̯̦̠͡s̙̫̝ͅęá̠̥s̮͔̻̼̟̯̕e̢̪͎ͅ ͔̣͕̩͚̪̣͝d͇̻̼͚̥̙e͍͝a͍̻̼̻̬̗̦t̢͙͓ẖ̻͚̱a͙̟l̤̤̙̞̤̹̕o̱͓̻̞̙̰̘
Yup. It was sensible the first go round, now it's just Trump being Mid-Life Crisis or listening to Pharma Faggots. Alternatively, he's the lawless one who will force everyone to get the mark of the beast.
At least YangGang got their neetbux!!!
Hear a first world Medical Doctor outline how covid-19 is technically a flu, but might be the worst virus we've seen since bubonic plague.
time to get culled faggot
high IQ posts
If anything, it's the jews themselves protecting themselves. They're all old fucks anyway. You've been zogged
2.5 million max is .75% of the US population, that's about what the flu gets every year, isn't it? Maybe 2x as much?
But it's still all people who are ripe to be dying. This is what has happened since before we had written language. Our elders died off, and our youth had to become adults and struggle on.
Teach them while you can, and it's very sad for everyone. But stuffing, this stopping our youth from their lives is just childish.
The moment anyone can prove to me that this is more dangerous to people under 40 than .4%, I'll turn around and agree that we should seriously consider staying in, especially if that group is age 8-25.
>They're all old fucks
Jewish fertility rate is almost double that of whites. Also the average age for a white person in America is 57. Please tell me more about how I should commit ritual suicide to appease the S&P500
March 18. We've had 2 weeks, and this isn't killing (or doesn't seem to be reported to kill) people under 60 at anything outside of basically noise.
>We shut down the global economy because some Chinese and Italian old people died.
Nope, its finally happening, and Deep State Glowies obviously knew it was coming a long time ago. IG released their report on the FISA shit yesterday. Now you know why Trump made a 2 week extension.
>“Our testing of FISA applications to the associated Woods Files identified apparent errors or inadequately supported facts in all of the 25 applications we reviewed, and the interviews to date with available agents or supervisors in the field offices generally have been confirmed the issues we identified.”
>“We could not review original Woods Files for 4 of the 29 selected FISA applications because the FBI has not been able to locate them and, in 3 of these instances, did not know if they ever existed, FBI and NSD officials we interviewed indicated to us that there were no efforts by the FBI to use existing FBI and NSD oversight mechanisms to perform comprehensive, strategic assessments of the efficacy of the Woods Procedures or FISA accuracy, to include identifying the need for enhancements to training and improvements in the process, or increased accountability measures,”
Of course.
>When you release a virus to shut down the worlds economy to own orange drumfler
>Sorry kid but the big hoax is over, there's not going to be a boogaloo. The hysteria was way overblown, only the old and weak are dying. time to go back to work now, you had enough days to stay home and watch cartoons. Grown ups have businesses to run, and the world needs to get moving again. Flatten the curve cultists would have us flatten the economy. See you next week. Don't be late, there's a lot of people looking for jobs right now if you know what I mean.
the bubonic plague was not caused by a virus it was caused by bacteria
Same for me bro
If you have fallen for the quarantine meme you are low iq. God, people are just like cattle for the jews
Fuck you faggots. I get to work from home for two month. I have it my laptop rigged with a fake mouse dongle and I just answer emails on my phone all day in bed.
Now I'm waiting for Trump bux for a new computer.
This is Max comfy
What a shit source, the bubonic plague was not a virus.
Wtf me too
Is corona or weed m fags tho
Because of that BBC lodged in your throat maybe
I literally have it now. It's not a flu. It will kick your ass, but it's beatable if you're not obese or a smoker. I THOUGHT I had it and bought the immunity memes. Then I went to work (natl guard) and wasn't careful, now I'm on my third night of fever.
Cucks law
The real question is: who is forcing It? I have seen an uncomfortably high number of sites lying about the virus to make It look worst, or using It as a political tool, like X or Y people would be responsible.
Don’t you mean the BBConic virus was started by the Jews
god i love black cock so fucking much
sounds like the flu
What a disabled freak
Stage of grief: Depression
You think the flu kills about 1 percent of the population each year? Lol.. how high are you right now, or are you just really bad at maths. I increasingly think the “just a flu bro” people are just bad at math and/or have bad intuition when it comes to numbers. You guys don’t seem to understand exponential growth, like at all. Since most people know at least 100 people between family friends, coworkers etc, if wuflu kills 1% of the pop, everyone will know someone that dies of this. I do think our reaction to this is a bit too much from the information I’m aware of anyway, especially considering that when we drop measures there’s no reason the virus won’t just get right back to spreading, so I wonder what the end game is here. It makes me wonder if the worlds governments know something they aren’t telling us. It’s not so far fetched, it’s conceivable they could be withholding how bad it is to prevent panic.
Well either everyone actually did go crazy over a hyped up virus story and got scared, or its cover for something, maybe to rob the tax payer again , who knows. I know this much. I can look outside, and just like with the Global Warming crap, I can see with my own too eye, THE SKY IS NOT FALLING!!!
So all you stupid fucks can lock yourselves inside. I am gonna live my life, and just have to deal with stupid people with guns telling me otherwise.
This. Resist any potential shutdowns burgers. Down here we are in an absolute police state lockdown and literally 1 woman in her 70s who was already sick has died
Uh oh, I’m fat. Does that mean I’ll die if I get it?
>Kidney and testicular damage
>Tcell depletion (AIDS)
>Just a flu
>wojak poster
>saying some retarded shit
Flu or not. The Chinese deserve hellfire
It’s a real life apocalypse drill to see how things will go. The plasma is coming watch out for squatter man.
>It was literally just a flu. We shut down the global economy because some Chinese and Italian old people died. Fuck everything
Wow cool lmao thanks haha woah like plasma? Haha the nwo is so scared of bluuuuuuuuurrrrppp
>trump is the lawless one
>after literally 8 years of one literally broke the law
get fucked idiot
100-200k dead americans
>bubonic plague
>60%+ mortality rate
>killed 80% of Italy
>.5% mortality rate
>will kill 100,000 elderly people in the USA
I don't really see the resemblance, user.
>It was literally just a flu We shut down the global economy because some Chinese and Italian old people died. Fuck everything
not nearly enough
>the flu can last several days on surfaces and can have no symptoms for 14 days
Neck yourself.
Don't worry. The Fed will create 4.5 trillion dollars for their kike banker friends and stockholders.
Meanwhile, tens of millions of Americans will be forced into poverty, losing everything they have to those same kike bankers, who got their money for nothing.
This virus is simply misdirection for the greatest theft in the history of the world. The idiots being stolen from are cheering the thieves on.
I'm very happy I do not have children and never will have children. They would just be slaves, because most "people" on earth are mindless subhuman scum, especially the MAGA retards. Keep cheering for team red or team blue, and the only ones to win are team red and blue.
Is that supposed to be an impressive number?
Big brain science guy thinks so
LMAO It will not be more than 20,000, retard. The death numbers are already starting to go down. Most of the people to die would have died of anything, including the "normal" flu, which kills 60,000 to 80,000. Americans every year. You idiots just speed up your own enslavement and poverty.
I fully agree, however on the upside this massively contributes to acceleration. Which, shitty though it may get, is technically a good thing. Our only chance is the quick awakening. It might still fail, but the slow death is almost assured to equal our destruction.
Because you’re a fucking retard
>destroy the economy because a small fraction of boomers might get sick
What a massive faggot.
Tell your gf to stop sitting on your face.
The thing is, if it was just a handful of countries taking these extreme measures i could believe it was “just a flu bro” and those particular counties were overreacting. But it’s literally most governments all over the world, capitalist, communist, dictators, nog countries, Asians, whites, all of them are locking down. I just don’t buy that all these countries with different alliegences, goals, different systems of government and politics would all do this if it wasn’t serious. I really think that if anything it’s much worse then what we have been told and we are being placated to keep us calm.
legit jelly
Which strain of influenza was it?
Yeah actions speak louder than words and right now their actions are screaming.
Too many dicks in your mouth at once
Too big to be a hoax. I wonder what that reminds me of. Uhm. Maybe something from WW2? A hint you fucking idiot.
>Trump being Mid-Life Crisis
At 70?
Yea just trust all if its big enough then we believe in it 6 gurillion fucking goy. arrhh
Look around you
Everyone is a fucking pussy bitch
Everyone is shitting themselves over a fake ass virus
Remember this for the rest of your life
Don't listen to Chink shills.
They're trying to spread the virus.
My friend is dead, another in critical condition and can't get better.
anyone got any black cock pics
what did he mean by this?
what point were you trying to make?
So glad Sweden and Brazil aren't shutting down. We need evidence of what a load of crap this is in a few months when they are still shilling le 2 week away pandemic
The plandemic has truly 100% proved to me that normies really are nothing more than disgusting cattle. I were why the elites have such contempt for them.