This shit is real

I personally know 2 people who have died from this. One of them was 27 and his mom is posting Facebook pics of him partying 2 weeks ago, urging people to take this seriously. He died this morning.

Yas Forums doesn't understand because it's just a big circlejerk of denial. Look out into the real world to see how serious things are getting, and protect yourself from the misinformation spread here.

Attached: tenor.gif (493x498, 1.35M)

Other urls found in this thread: young people lungs&oq=covid19 young people lungs&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzoFCAAQgwE6AggAOgcIABCDARAKOgQIABAKUMcNWNU4YM05aAFwAHgAgAFfiAHZDpIBAjI3mAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpeg&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwiAwba898XoAhUKOs0KHTkzDPYQ4dUDCAg&uact=5

proof or get the fuck out

Every time you see deniers, they are either corp/gov shills from around the world or actual scared autists (whom in their hearts, know they fucked up with meme magic back in January /cvg/ threads, praising Corona Chan).

No you don’t.


Jerk me off bro’s, yeaahh, jerk it

I'm not a nothingburger, but facebook screencaps with timestamp or we have no reason to believe you. That said, do stay safe anons

oh man, this thread is going to get flamed to hell by trumpkike shills. RIP OP

Westchester NY here - it’s real, know multiple people as well

>media calls it a flu
>Yas Forums is in full panic mode
>media starts taking it seriously
>Yas Forums says it's real but being overhyped
>media goes full panic mode
>Yas Forums says it's a jewish hoax, the virus doesn't exist
Most people here are low IQ contrarians whose beliefs are fully controlled by the establishment. They just believe the opposite of what they're told.

Is his mom hot? Pics or btfo

Need a doctorfag to weigh in. I thought this was limited more or less to old people or people who are immuno compromised. Is this really not the case? And what is the true survival rate of this shit? God, it's scaring the fuck out of me.

well i dont no anyone so it's nothingburger

Texas here. This shit is no joke, I felt truly terrible for several days and it even turned me gay. I can't get through the day without taking dick for several hours, the more dicks the better. Fuck this virus dude.

yeah fucking jerk this shit you little bitch

>I personally know 2 people who have died from this.
yea and I was adam lanzas best friend

We did it with Ebola-chan, and nothing happened back then, stop being an alarmist shill

even if you survive, it SEEMS like it can rekt your lungs young people lungs&oq=covid19 young people lungs&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzoFCAAQgwE6AggAOgcIABCDARAKOgQIABAKUMcNWNU4YM05aAFwAHgAgAFfiAHZDpIBAjI3mAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpeg&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwiAwba898XoAhUKOs0KHTkzDPYQ4dUDCAg&uact=5

Italy. Not a single death under 30. Every US person claiming to know multiple people under 30 dead. .0001% of the population is dead yet somehow everyone knows multiple people. Fucking schizophrenia is rampant on the left.

>They just believe the opposite of what they're told.
and heres why thats a good thing

Ebola didn't have the power of the Once-in-a-century major epidemic we get in the 20s.

Also, while Ebola is extremely lethal for those who get it, it spreads poorly, because it's extremely lethal for those who get it.

your friend had a weak ass immune system and deserved to die

so does literally any pneumonia, what's your point?

Canadians are getting brain damage form this at an alarming rate. It’s happening

A healthy 13 year old was one of today’s 400 to die of covid-19 in Great Britain.

Attached: 6E47C447-A5D4-41DD-8761-3239466BD2D6.jpg (768x768, 126.94K)

Fuck off, this shit is nothing. Yas Forums fell for the biggest fucking modern holohoax

>protect yourself from the misinformation
That's becoming increasingly difficult honestly. In general I mean, not just for Corona.

There's so much information and people don't fact check anything so they just parrot potential bullshit even further. Fucks sake even journalists don't doublecheck their findings these days. If they bother to check it at all in the first place.


I have proof but HIPAA prevents me from sharing info :(

no shit, if it wasn't real they wouldn't have already been proved by several countries is a modified virus

>Ebola didn't have the power of the Once-in-a-century major epidemic we get in the 20s.
neither does coronavirus

apparently not

Post pictures of the body so we can call them a crisis actor

>>Yas Forums is in full panic mode
you means the shills ramping up their alarmist posts

guys a corona virus just flew over my house

literally this


>healthy 13 year old
I'd wager my left nut he had asthma

No, JIDF and the CIA are done gay-ops to get people who don't trust the lying media to kill themselves by getting the virus.

Attached: pol jidf.jpg (3668x3284, 1.01M)

Do not listen to Chinese shills.

Attached: Fuck china shills.png (700x901, 325.14K)

no it doesn't

Fuck off larper

Link to fb which wouldnt even be proof in and of itself?

I had it. I stopped being sick two weeks ago. I’m 29 and can’t go around the block walking without being winded. I ran a 9 minute mile last year in November. I hate this.

"healthy" isnt healthy when it comes to corona. it's always obese people, smokers, etc etc

Hello plebbit. You're doing God's work debunking the tinfoilers. Globalist totalitarian crackdown and power-grab is completely justified and sniffles is very scary. Take meds schizos btfo. We did it, Reddit!

Can you post pics of his dead body, and the photos of his mother please.

Oh shit a bat just flew over my house!!

What were the symptoms like?
I honestly think there's a chance I have it, but I have no cough or fever.

Medfag here, well the virus targets everyone, not just elderly. However the majority of the people getting major complications and ending up on the IC are elderly. That doesn’t mean childeren and young adults aren’t affected. Apart from just age, comorbidity might be more important. People with chronic disease (especially heart problems) are at risk for secere complications. All in all, if you’re young and healthy, stay that way. If you’re old and unhealthy stay away from others.

And on a side note, the healthcare in the US is fucked because people there can’t afford quitting their jobs for a couple of weeks to go into quarantine

Every lung disease causes some lung damage. If you're normally healthy your lungs will be fine again after a while. Don't listen too much to shills and the media.

New Jersey age breakdown today.
Department of Health Commissioner Judy Persichilli provided age ranges of those who died.

3 people less than 30 years old
12 people ages 30-49
46 people ages 50-64
80 people ages 65-79
126 people over 80

9 minute mile as if thats somehow impressive, or considered anywhere close to “fit”

oh look its a retarded kiwifarmer

>"hurrrr... I might be Nordic, but I'm more of a nigger than my fellow future Somali brethren Norway inheritors"

Attached: apustajaaaa durrrrrrrrrrrrr.jpg (519x544, 50.82K)

>And on a side note, the healthcare in the US is fucked because people there can’t afford quitting their jobs for a couple of weeks to go into quarantine

It isn't really that bad. I just signed our company up today for some more Trump Bux. Basically the CARE Act means I get a loan that's going to turn into a grant if I keep paying my employees for the next 8 weeks.
Everyone gets paid plus their extra Trump Bux they receive separately and on top of that they won't end up with a lapse in their insurance because of it.
Everyone can shit on the 2T stimulus but it was well put together so that a lot of people will still get paid to do nothing without bankrupting the business owners.

>or people who are immunocompromised

The problem is you think immunocompromised means on death's door and dying if AIDS, when it really just means you're immune system isn't operating at 100% strength.
Not getting enough sleep compromises your immune system.
Not getting enough vitamins compromises your immune system.
Exercising too much compromises your immune system.
Exercising too little compromises your immune system.

It's all a crap shoot.

I sent a funny picture meme to my friend in Chine back in you die.

Checked. I'm a doctor and can confirm. My wife is also a doctor, and a nurse, and she says this is the most scary and dangerous disease she's ever seen. My mother, who is a doctor, died yesterday from corona. My father, also a doctor, died today from corona. There are dead people all over the hospital where I work, as a doctor, and now all my friends have corona. Most of them are young, healthy children, who die all the time from corona, just like all the /cvg/ CIA niggers say. Stop listening to tinfoil schizos, and listen more to me, a doctor instead. Be extremely afraid and let the kikes do what they do best: run your government the way it should.

Thanks for listening. Now I, a doctor, is dying from corona. Bye.

Attached: me.jpg (200x200, 12.17K)

It doesn't? WAAAAAAIT. Are you lying?

It’s 9/11 all over again where people claimed they knew someone there or were in NYC for online sympathy and attention.

Is it real? Of course. It’s also killing 2% or less of Americans, with 98% of them being elderly or with pre-existing conditions. No one young and healthy is dying.

Yes, 80-100k people are going to die. It’s awful, but we’ve been beat up with so much phony data and MSM bullshit that it’s hard to take seriously. No one knows shit.

So it begins...

Drop this niggas facebook so we can share our sympathy

No joke, hard af to breath here
Idk if it's getting better or worse

I know someone who has it but they basically just had a cough for a few days and got over it. Mortality rate for 30 year old is like .1%


Nice LARP, shill

Attached: 1585227476424.png (1523x726, 246.24K)

Stop sucking so much dick and you'll breathe easier.

>Yas Forums doesn't understand because it's just a big circlejerk of denial.

It’s not Yas Forumss fault. The virus denial thing is artificial. It’s a ploy or an attack, to get anons killed, by way of convincing them to not prepare themselves for what’s coming, thereby leaving them vulnerable.

exactly THIS. it's obvious to anyone with an IQ over 40

Empty hospitals in Italy

Empty hospitals in the US

Empty hospitals in Berlin

Empty hospitals in Spain

Empty hospitals in New York

Dublin Ireland

Louisville KY

Berlin Germany

Brooklyn New York

Attached: three.jpg (1080x627, 48.24K)

>Trust me, I am a doctor.
>I personally performed surgery on OP because of a dick stuck in his throat
>I failed
>dick is still stuck in OP's throat

You personally know 2 of the 3,800 people who died? Out of a population of more 330,000,000?

castrate liars

This is completely, unironically true. Every word you said.
Yas Forums was right, and then because everyone else finally saw the truth as well Yas Forums went hard wrong.
I imagine if hitler came back and started rounding up jews Yas Forums would turn commie.

I don't know anyone with coronavirus and I work with hundreds of people.

my dog works for blizzard entertainment too