Porn must be quarantined

A consequence of the quarantine will be an increase in the use of pornography. The government needs to order porn sites to close just as it ordered restaurants. During this time you need to stop watching porn if you want to actually please a real woman. You are conditioning your brain to use ineffective techniques. It must be banned to prevent this damage.

>I hate porn because fucking men who have watched a lot of porn is the worst. The absolute worst.
>Most porn is about watching women pretend to enjoy sex acts that are unpleasant to them. It doesn’t have to be this way, but it is. Men who watch this type of porn are basically being taught sexual practices that will not work in real life
>the only moves you’re learning are moves that will leave your partners miserable.
>More than that, however, is men become accustomed to watching women pretending to be turned on

Research on mutually effective sexual techniques. Essentially, make sure everything is aligned:
And another here: JSMT- CAT Overview 2000 (corrected).pdf

Petition to the government and other entities to begin the banning process:

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just lost a 10 day nofap streak. it feels bad man,and the pleasure is not worth it.

>takes away from womans pussy monopoly
>much cleaner than real roasties because no chance to get herpes, other stds or babys
>not degenerate like hookup culture
>can be obtained for FREE
>makes men spend much less on roasties
>even guys who cant get laid can see naked 10/10s
>boosts your immune system to fight off Coronachan

yep Porn and Masturbation is based (and life saving)

Attached: kas1.webm (720x480, 2.85M)

One of my favs

But I can hit the mute button watching porn.

>just lost a 10 day nofap streak. it feels bad man

You're doing it wrong.

And miss the quality acting of xev bellringer?

I'm gonna masturbate to this webm and you can't fucking stop me

Porn should be mandatory.

Abstinence and/or marriage.

ewwwww fucking pedo

Shoes on the bed. What a mess.

I agree, she's being pretty blatant about it

honestly, you'll figure out porn sex techniques don't work out to well after the first couple times you have sex. like just try them, the best most effective sex positions are missionary cowgirl and doggy, all the wacky porn ones are a meme you'll figure out really quickly. you'll learn to make your partner feel good after a couple times. Trust me, Im a proffesional

Why are you memeflags concern trolling about this again?

Like I said, all psychological conditioning, trafficking, crime... could be reduced by banning any middle man in porn and asking content platforms to keep track of the actors in some way.

> inb4 that's anti-semitism and can't be used in a redneck psyop

Let the weak degrade themselves into oblivion. In the end it's them who suffer from the abstinence of the soul in their life even if they don't understand the direct cause of porn on the quality of their lifes. Nofap movements tried their hardest to educate general public on the effects of porn/masturbation on man's life, it is up to the people to decide whether living life to the fullest is better than 1-5 minutes of extreme and abundant pleasure with meaningless conclusion and overwhelming dissatisfaction afterwards.

Ban porn

She looks vaguely familiar

It's Ana de Armas, le epic blade runner hologram gf

most women actually want it rough these articles are satire

On my third day, saw porn but it was kinda not to masturbate to.

Retarded but this video is a classic.

>that video

I want this so badly, bros.

>On my third day, saw porn but it was kinda not to masturbate to.
You won't last long with this mindset, brother. One day (I expect this to happen on the 7th day) you will relapse. Abstain from any nsfw content for 3 months to rewire your brain and afterwards all pornos will seem to you as degenerate and disgusting. That is the only way to defeat the Devil, to ignore him completely until he is nothing but nothingness itself.

me too user, why does it hurt to want to be happy?

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You could potentially take care of single mother with child, they have kinda desperate for man mindset, but I don't know how you'd feel about that. Taking care of the women who's husband died should be ok tho.

You think keeping men from looking at porn makes them good at sex? wew lad. You ever hear about this religion called "islam?" you might be interested.

>trinidad and tobago
Fucking witnessed the rarest of them all.

>If you say doing X makes you bad at something, you must mean that not doing X will make you good at it

commie logic at work

As they degrade, our society degrades, and so too does everyone in it. The strong drive the same roads to work as the weak drive to the strip club

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I don't need some fucking cuck telling me how to please a woman, fuck off

It's not possible if you're a sterile autistic faggot who weighs over 200 lbs and is only 5'6" don't give him false hope.

I know you communist maggots like to project, but your arguments are fucking irrelevant on anonymous boards. Check your own life if you have to spill your bitterness on others.

Your the one buying into snake oil about no-fap. You think the modern day nofap movement is new? Men have been jacking off and have been convinced that it is causing them to lose potency since time immemorial. Besides the main thing is that the reason young men aren't starting families is not because they "don't know how to please a woman" that's ludicrous. It's the women who are being overly selective and hypergamous. Wealth inequality is making them go on strike and we're getting cucked as a result.

I remember being impressed when a Japanese resident of Vatican City was posting

>implying I care whether a stupid roastie from Tinder enjoys having sex with me

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If I were that kid I'd be popping a stiffy

Bros I need someone to talk to I can't talk to anybody in real life about it but I have degenerate fetishes and I don't want to relapse tonight

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If that's a porn set rather than an amateur in her own dorm, I'd kind of want to wear shoes on the bed too.

That's nothing, the rarest flags in my collection are Antarctica and Saint Pierre

Oh yeah, the infamous "there have been degenerate behavior in the past therefore it is normal for us to embrace it in modern times". I will abstain from pornography and masturbation, I will enjoy high levels of Testosterone and energy it gives me, and I will direct this energy towards something good and there is nothing you can do about you degenerate fuck.

Imagine unironically being russian.

As soon as all that snow and ice melts literally every other country is going to sail over and portion out siberia to all the countries that don't suck. inb4 "but we have nukes" yeah you have nukes that's why Putin will "sell" the land in exchange for "russian integrity" and it'll just become a paper regime like the ottoman empire was for imperial germany. Enjoy going extinct you reactionary dumbass. You guys never should have stopped the Coup.

What about that North Korea post in thread where they had an article of covid infected getting killed by NK?

Someone get this nigga a convo, stat

Just talk here user



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Imagine basing your life around not fapping instead of having sex. This ladies and gentlemen is sub optimal beta logic at its finest.

Yeah, I've got NK in my collection too, it's not as rare as you'd expect. Haven't seen the article that you're talking about tho

Because you didn't direct your efforts towards this, my friend. Where is the fun if all things are just given to you?

>if you want to actually please a real woman
well i dont. I only want to impregnate one. I could honestly give a shit wether a woman is pleased or not.

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>imagine basing your life on pointless sex for pleasure rather than procreation
I am still not falling for your degenerate mindset, commie

i just want a better half to complete me. Why must I be forsaken?

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>Because you didn't direct your efforts towards this
lots of men do and end up with nothing. Planning your life around doing things to get a girl is a recipe to be miserable.

Never ever do anything or plan anything around a woman. You can make sacrifices for your kids but never your wife or possible wife.


Are you white?
Can you speak at least passable Spanish?

If you answered "Yes" to the previous two questions then I guarantee you could get a qt Latina gf within a week if you travelled to South America, especially places like Colombia. They're almost as thirsty for white cock as Asian chicks. It's really not that difficult to get a cute latina wife user, you'll have to be prepared to tolerate her annoying spic family tho.

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Yeah I never sorta implied to base your life on "getting the women". You just gotta sort of make yourself better, do your own things, get good experiences and hopefully the Lord shall reward you with good women along the way.

>Planning your life around doing things to get a girl is a recipe to be miserable.

It's really not tho. In high school I lifted weights, played sports and learned how to play guitar solely because I knew those things would make me attractive to women and as a result I'm not a bitter incel like a lot of anons.

>no chance to get babys
stopped reading right there, fuck off dysgenic cunt

>Are you white?
>Can you speak at least passable Spanish?
I can speak at an 8th grade level.

I would like a trad wife that can cook, clean, just generally be a homemaker. I can spoil her with things and she can soothe my aching heart.

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Anyone got a link to the full version, I haven't fapped to that video since I was like 13 years old.

Ok, mutt

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Latina women are either skanky as fuck or trad as fuck, there's no middle-ground. That being said if you practice your Spanish a bit more you'd have no problem getting a qt trad wife in South America, the girls from poorer areas there would literally kill for a chance to marry an American man. They have very low standards tbqh, they think any woman who has a husband that supports her and doesn't beat her and/or cheat on her is incredibly lucky.

I splashed cold water on my face, I'm good.

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how old are you dreamer boy? They want a green card sure, but they are not blind or brainless

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God I wish that was me

And i did all the same things you did (but not for the same purpose) and i had a beautiful girlfriend for years and she dumped me out of the blue for an ostensible loser and my story is not at all unique.

Women are fickle creatures and men should make their foundation of life on rock, not women--who are quicksand.

I like to watch whores suck off animals, shit themselves, stretch their holes so large you could stick your head in them, and puke and piss on each other. I also jerk it to trannies, which is the only thing I regret.

Most women are blind and brainless leeches. You are just a product of Jewish brainwashing after losing 2 world wars.