Why would elites do satanistic rituals if there is no god?

I dont get why guys like Alex jones claim that elites do some occult rituals and sacrifices. What is the benefit? Why would it even work. Its like everybody takes occultism and black magic serious although there is 0 evidence for it to work. And even if it did work, why wouldn't I stick with god to reach heaven instead of serving satan for a short life on earth? its just doesn't add up. Can anybody explain me how occult/black magic is supposed to work?

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Assume you're already in Hell

Didn’t read your post but there is a God

>repent faggot

Try it yourself, if it works, god exist i guess? You would become famous and you would have made the ultimate sacrifice for your god, no one would doubt that god exists after that, if you write a scientific paper about it.

Kind of makes you wonder if there really is a God and Satan is real doesn't it? Make no mistake user. God is real. The devil is real. There's things out there far beyond our comprehension. Demons roam the earth and are trying to get inside of you if they haven't already. Repent my friend. Start believing. We've been at war between good and evil since the beginning of time. Make sure you're on the right side.

I agree and I unironically think it’s a good argument for the existence of god

cause there is a God.
What people don't understand is Nimrod, Nimrod, Moloch and all them are literally in the Bible and are evil. Nimrod is the dad of occult worship.
Nimrod and his mom/wife and their son is the reason people use that shitty "FUR HUR DID YOU KNOW JESUS CHRIST IS JUST COPIED FROM ANCIENT EGYPT GOD HORUS HURR DURR" argument
Just do some research on it, I think all of this is either on the satanic or Masonic Bible. And some of the story of Nimrod is in the Holy Bible in Genesis.

Yeah right, people belueve scientific papers.

There is not one thing in this world people can agree on. Not even that the Earth isn't flat. Or that the human life starts at the zygote level.

>Alex jones claim that elites
they do though, you even posted a picture of it, he exposed the shit out of them

Rituals work in the sense that they engender loyalty and belief. Ritual has a lot of psychological power.

If you are already the .0000001% of wealth hoarders, there is still just ONE MORE guy to exceed in wealth, you will try anything to get it. At that point....why the fuck not? All the conventional shit has already been done. You gotta at least try the stuff which other people havent, or aren't willing to do.

For them, they already have it all. Why not? Might work. If not, no big loss.

Checked. Group, collective focus and intent.

Some things to consider: Why are the elites actually the elites if it doesn't work? Why have secret societies and sacrifices been operating for millenia despite our breakthroughs in science and tech? Who's really running our sciences and tech? The elites? Why are Christians and God the enemy of science? Why is science held as the only true measure of reality? Why are Christians and God ridiculed so much?

from the satanic elite perspective there is no absolute God, but they acknowledge some kind of spiritual hierarchy with a myriad of entities that can help them acquire power.

But remember, Satan doesn't want what's best for them either. It's not like they are benefitting in the long term. They will rot in hell for eternity. Satan will chortle about it. Satan is ultimately no body's friend.


he predicted it

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Elites are (((demons)))

that's why Christ said don't fear the man that can kill the body. Fear the Man who can destroy both body and soul.
Satan can give you wealth, women, and all things the common person chases, but it's not worth to sell your everlasting soul to Lucifer. To burn in eternal fire, and then maybe ceasing to exist(some people think that'll happen)

Of course God exists.
God is the sum of everything that ever existed and will exist.
God is all the laws of nature and logic systems.
God is the one that chooses the next random number.

Thereby, denying that God exists is denying reality. That's why SJWs hate reality so much.

Because they are Zionists

They encourage blood sacrifices because they worship demons and are granted things in return (alchemy)

How do you know there is no god

This is the best I’ve ever seen it put. Well done, user.

This is where you come to terms and step off the fence (existential premise) - God exists or not.

You could logically come to the conclusion that: What if God DOES exist? Would it be better to live according to His will? If this is the case I do not lose eternal life, and gain everything.

What if God Does NOT exist despite believing so? What do I lose? Being a good person engaging in favorable societal contract behaviotr and losing out on the opportunities to cheat ,lie, and steal which at this point would hold little to no bearing because morality isn't upheld by a higher purpose other than societal contract, integrity, and priciple?

Even with all the options - It is best to assume there is a God.

Read Aquinas for more logical deduction my friend.

if there were a god, why would they be worshiping a weaker and inferior "god"?
they would want to kiss ass to the most powerful entity, unless either they knew god doesnt do fuckall for us, or they know that semitic religions are wrong and one of the various "pagan" religions is actually right. which would mean that the whole "satanic" cult is actually a ruse to keep the general populations following an unnefective meme religion while they have a complete world of gods that will actually do stuff for them, leaving us literally powerless.

Well that sure puts a new perspective on FMA.

why do the masses go to church even though there's no god?
it's symbolic

The Bible supports a hell in which the attendee's worst experience is the knowledge that God also runs hell.

The father who is no longer terribly interested in his child. Is there a worse form of wrath?

Read evola

Really makes me think. Maybe God and satan are both real and they get powers over people with their rituals. Hmm... Nah.

It's in the Epistles: they know God exists, and tremble in fear.

But they sell out their eternal souls for power in this life.

James 2:19
"You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!"

They do believe. Demons can be convincing

Jesus doesn't promise much tangible shit.

Satan does. His contracts are pretty clear.

8Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9“All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”

8Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9“All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”


What if the elite use the idea of god to keep the masses from exercising the innate spiritual magic advisable to practice for those who want riches.

>Group, collective focus and intent.

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The elite surely dont want us to covet. what they have. They want more, and they want us to have less.

But if you read the NT, that's neither here nor there for a Christian. There is vastly broader agenda beyond who has the most stuff. A different game is being played altogether

If I said the panic and paranoia the media is spreading is part of a mass ritual would you believe? Italy is being hit the hardest because the world is due for a mass exorcism, if priests everywhere did it at once I'm sure we would notice something unusual.

Wow. Looks like you might have answered your own question there Muhammad

Attention all christfags: can donkeys talk?

You aren't going to get a good discussion about this on nu/pol/, it's full of people who believe in magic. Unless you also believe in magic and are just b8ing.

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Yeah, and unfortunately the media has free reign to suppress it as much as they want because normies don't believe in demons.

Normies are "spiritual"

There is no magic in this world, and no rituals work. It's just LARPing.

I mean you can pretty much talk to animals by telepathy by looking at their expressions, everything is in the eyes.

No rituals?

That has fuckall to do wtih what I said
you cant just quote random irrelevant things from whatever bible you follow and treat that like a valid answer. Its the type of escapism a woman uses when she justifies doing a wrong by saying its what her husband wanted her to do

Are you retarded? That was a direct and succinct answer to why power mongers might dig Satan. He promises tangible earthly shit.

That was exactly your question. Ffs.


The Jewish/Christian/Muslim god is Satan. Satanists are just those who are initiated deeper into the (same) religion. There is no divide, there is no opposition.

It was a miracle you scorner.

God has done many miracles.

There aren't any gods, but there is magic.

Why would you masturbate if you had no woman?

There is no scientific paper to write as the auditory and visual experience is entirely within the minds of the participants. Imagine it like dreaming but you’re awake.

This is why it's odd for atheists to care about satanic rituals, why should they care if they don't believe?
Why should the celebrities and jews care to do the satanic ritual?

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Iluvatarism literally explains everything. Melkor has a lust for power and will work with agents on earth to increase it. They've corrupted their own souls to gain in life, but when the theme of the Music turns towards the light they will pay for their dark deeds.

Damn. We really wuz after all

They are drawing on ancient unconscious memories to make the goyium afraid. They're doing it just to FUCK with us.

so satan is willing to give more to people than god?
is satans offer really better than "eternal life"

Who do you know what any given person believes?

If its satanism, maybe they, ya know, lie.

God does exist, god the father is Deus in Latin, Zeus in greek, Odin for the norse. Zeus and Odin were born of Giants, and both rebelled , Zeus banished the titans to the tartarus , which is hell, and many of the stories are metaphors and allegories, such as satan and the forbidden fruit and his banishment and prometheus being cast down from Olympus and tortured for eternity foe bringing mankind the fire of knowledge, all of these believes are embedded in our collective consciousness for a reason, God the father is indeed real, now question as wether christianity was made as a tool to unite those pagan beliefs and nations under the banner of the roman empire is another story

you're in Hell

The eyes are the window to the soul and you can literally see a person’s soul dim in their eyes. For this reason I believe that hell is just your soul dying for all eternity.

>Why would elites do satanistic rituals if there is no god?
Once you figure out the answer to this, Satan's plan on earth to steer as many as he can away from God becomes clear. You're beginning to see the bigger picture user.


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Giants and titans are different beings

There's a reason Hollywood is associated with Freemasonry, elaborate performances, and acting go hand in hand with distraction and deception.

Honestly this. Unless you actually are autistic you should be able to read people an animal's thoughts, emotions and status just by their eyes and body language.

Feed their occult system (including your sandnigger god).

Some people clearly don’t want eternal life because they’re jealous and filled with hate. They want to be God or dead.

all religion is larping faggotry, doesn't matter if its odin or jesus or animal spirits or the fucking sun

What is so good about eternal life?

There is a god and they are against him.

That's like asking:
Why do catholic priests fuck little boys if there's a god?

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As an excuse for their sexual deviancy.