Would you cook and eat pic related when food supplies stop?

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It will probably try to eat me first

As a final option, before that doggo would help me catch other food

>Food supplies stop.
There is no end to the fish and woodland critters. Your entire generation thinks hunting is the ultimate evil so there is no competition for the resources

I'd eat a pitbull. Definitely not other breeds though.

I unironically would cook alive a pitbull as if i were a chinese insect. I would not eat it though and i would do it even without a pandemic. Pitbulls are nigger dogs.

Not a chance.

Just think how many nigs that thing could eat when it gets hungry and turns on its masters.

you must go back.

Eating carnivores will give you vitamin a poisoning.

Stay away from the liver and you'll be alright.

during the siege of Leningrad, some slavs had to eat human flesh.
ye in a pinch people will do whatever it takes.

These "dogs" are the niggers of the dog race. I'd rather shoot it than eat it

Cut into small pieces and stir fried.
Chopped small and baked into a casserole with cheese, tater tots, peas and beef stock.
Pit bill Parmesean. Curried Pit bull. Pit Bull Pot roast. Cut into strips, and grilled.

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Before food supply runs out. Seems like it’d be good with the rice and beans I’ve been eating.

I would that fucker would eat me if I don't eat it first

I’ll ask a transient.
Ever notice how they seem to only have puppies?
Yea, fuckers are eating em

I wouldn't eat such a foul creature, fuck shitbulls.

Literally the only dog race id ever eat

Far more useful alive. Only a dumb nigger or chink would eat a dog while other food was available.

You must kys newfag or atleast lurk 2 more years.

You'd fuck it to death, disgusting Chang that you are.

No, pitbulls are the best breed of dog you can own.
Unfortunately niggers and women take advantage of their undying loyalty and use it to turn the dog into a killing machine or an undisciplined danger to others.
The hatred of pitbulls is skin to the hatred of Americans fighting wars for the jew.
Loyal to a fault and dangerous due to bad owners.

This breed yes. Chinese style: skinning and flamethrower barbecuing while still alive.

Fuck no I’ll teach the pup to hunt

Shitbulls are nigger dogs and anyone who owns them is a nigger themselves.

I imagine you are scared of pitbulls and own a cat.
Best people like you, the weak and non dominant don't own them.

I'd shoot it and feed it to my dog, sure

No i have these kerlew to snack on

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I was just thinking about how much I hate pit bulls but no. I would not eat a dog. They have a spiritual connection to the white man.

your ad hominem doesn't change the fact that pit bulls are shit tier nigger dogs.

around blacks never relax

>no end
That’s a pretty retarded statement.
Im not against hunting, especially for meat, but don’t be a dumb hick and kill everything

Other way around

Attached: pitbull.webm (960x540, 1.98M)

Weak response from a man fearful of pitbulls

Gonna want some lard, tallow, or at least Bacon to go with it. Way too lean.

No, I am white. Dogs are not food.

and torch it alive? Yes.

Built for BBC

I would eat people too if its what id need to survive
I > everything

I'm not the poster you replied to moron.

your lack of awareness reinforces the fact that your opinion is meaningless, as you are clearly a moron.

No! Carnivores taste like shit. I’ll find a vegan.

I’d cook it and feed it to my non nigger dogs

You didn't respond to my original post so I pointed it out for you
Don't be afraid of anything user, it's weak for a man to do so

If it comes nicely marketed, packaged neat and sterile in a supermarket, and also raised and killed humanely, then yes.

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is she ok?

I can never, ever look at those dogs the same way again after someone posted a video last night of one eating some guys dick off. A couple of Mexicans or Brazilians had the guy tied up and the dog was just casually ripping the guy apart and biting his dick off.

Hate people. Like dogs. I'd rather eat some woman's ass meat than eat a dog.

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I'd be more concerned about the Mexicans or Brazilians who owned the dog

>defending faggotry
>telling anyone else to lurk

Based and pit-pilled

That video is Mexican, Brazilian criminals only kill by shooting or beheading, but never with dogs.

I would just suckle those titties instead of eating meat

I would eat this and even YOU when food supplies stop

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Fucking coward wouldn't put a scratch on his own car to do some damage to at least one of those fucks, or get his back covered and assist in some, any other way. What a fucking fag.

Maybe, but the dog was so casual about it that it seemed like a regular occurrence. No excitement or aggression just munching away without a care in the world.

I have chickens. Doggo is last resort. Far more valuable as night-watchman than midnight snack

isn't there a problem with high vitamin A content in dog meat that makes it not ideal for humans?
i seem to remember reading about some problem with Mawson's antarctic group after eating the sled dogs.

Pretty gruesome death either way.

oh that's a good idea, too

Its been raised by those subhumans to do exactly that

Tough and gamy meat isn't very appetizing for many people, ideally probably marinated and grilled or in a stew with beer.

My doggo and I will hunt yellow-pork 'students' around the abandoned universities - and cook it thoroughly ofc

Shitbulls deserve to die slowly and painfully. All of them.

No, up yours Chink

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You're thinking of bear liver

cheers, i am rereading some accounts trying to find what i was looking for, i may have got my wires crossed.

What a way to spend your life. Training dogs to eat people alive.

Where is a knife? Where is a hard rock or a baseball bat?

yup. I hear dog meat is very tasty.

Yeah, pretty fucked up. I'm starting to think a chink made this thread judging by the lemming responses of how keen anons are to eat dog

Probably has a dog meat business back in China and is doing some customer research here.

Id kill it either case bc its fucking disgusting

Or some chink shill screencapping for chink shill threads

It would probably taste like apple sauce and mashed carrots.

Yeah, no doubt the replies will pop up in a thread sometime in the future. Anyway user I'm out of here, take care.

Wow chinks are such fucking pussies.

Absolutely. I couldn't keep it around. No way to feed it long term, I only have one toddler.

You guys are assholes. Why do you hate my baby so much? Trayvon never hurt anybody

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