Will you ever eat Chinese food again?

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Fuck no

yes.....will you ever stop?

Yeah, it's cheap and great after workouts
I'd be more concerned about that Israeli bagel shop

no and that looks fucking disgusting

It's all disgusting greasy shit anyway, I never did.


American Chinese food is not the same thing.

Yes. I wont eat at any restaurant atm though

I would but they're all closed.

yes but all the sleeper cell chinese restaurants closed in my area

Fuck the chinks. They need to pay for what they have done to the world.

Only if it's made and served by non Chinese.

Plenty of other slanteyes that can do it.

I never did and we should boycott all Chinese restaurants.

not very good food in the first place. that's a no from me.

stopped buying chink food when i realized they used gutter oil in China

I fell for the Asian wife meme. It's all she can cook, so yes.

I never liked chinese food

bag of CJ Changs stirfry tonight.

Sure, if its made by Mexicans and filipinos

Definitely not from take out or even a restaurant. I'll make it every now and then though.
Mainly because of seeing all the webms and images of chinks eating animals alive.

Nevar again

Yes. My gramps and a couple big name wrestlers used to eat at buffets and stuff meats in their sweatpants with food back in the day. I will continue to honor that tradition

No, fuck china.

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Only shawarma for me

i don't think most people would if they realized how easy much of it is to make. ethnic food is always made from the lowest quality ingredients anyway. even if you want to eat it, you're so much better off making it on your own

thai or vietnamese is where its at

I've always perceived Chinese restaurants as dirty, with greasy food made with the lowest quality ingredients.

I never did to begin with

it's all just variations on the same few ingredients.

stopped years ago

where do all their sauces and meat come from? china, no doubt

I stopped years ago when I got food poisoning from it.

only bats...

thai food is great when i want the meal to somehow look less appetizing than the feces it turns into

That's American food and it looks disgusting.

yes, i'm planning on ordering from my favorite local chinese restaurant because it helps support small business.

Nope and its a shame cause its good but the stigma from this will likely never fade

You never ate Chinese. Those are all gooks cooking spagetti

Sure. Can you read Chinese? Speak the language?understand the culture? Chinese Americans are going to be an invaluable asset in the coming Cold War

General Tso's "Chicken"

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No. Japanese, Thai and Vietnamese are superior anyway.

Yes. Chinese is the best cuisine.

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Reality... all the Chinese restaurants in my area are actually ran by Hmong

His eyes look so dead inside

I ate some yesterday. Panda is doing delivery now.

>Will you ever eat Chinese food again?
Not sure about Chinese restaurants but I still cook it at home.
>inb4 chinkpocalypse, it's called a cookbook, newfags

Why would I eat Chinese food when Vietnamese food exists?

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It's bland and taste like shit. Vietnamese and Malaysian are at least spicy.

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Yeah. Getting some Panda Express tonight.

Chinese food outside china is just local food.

unlike most americans, i'm not infatuated with ethnic food

only at a local chink place been going to since I was a kid. The chinks there fled the commies and are trustworthy and love Americuh

Probably, and then I’ll be hungry again an hour later.

I don't eat Chinese "food" and I'm not going to start anytime soon

You are fucking right

Lo Mein looks the same pretty much everywhere you deranged sodomite.

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>8000 ventilators

Yes except for panda express only because it's cooked by Mexicans.

Fuck yeah, americanized chinese food is delicious. I still get takeout.

I only recently found out the reason chinese food has that certain taste to it is all the MSG they throw in it, turns out i fucking hate the taste of MSG.

He's trying to look cool.

I live in metro Detroit and all the Chinese takeout restaurants I know of are closed. The thai restaurants are open though. It’s actually kind of suspicious

Can't wait for bat soup and a side of Pangolin tartare.

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Imagine not stomping all Chinese on sight. Don't worry other asian friends, I can tell the difference.

this is why we are overrun by trannys fags and sjws. weak white american men who have no principle and only care about stuffing their fat face, watching netflix and sportsball, and trying to get lucky with whores on tinder

What is with people who can't tell the difference between chinese and other asians?
is only hard to tell chinese apart from Japanese and even then it is pretty fucking easy.

>assumes I don't want to die
Nigger please, fuck quarantine I'm going to Panda Express literally right now.

that isn't even chinese food. that's something white people in america invented and called chinese food. actual chinese food is nothing whatsoever like chinese takeout.

this is like thinking that taco bell is what mexicans eat, or that olive garden is what they have in italy. leave your country for once in your life and learn about the rest of the world, fatass.

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Correction, Panda Express is open and so is PF Chang’s. They don’t count though

>is only hard to tell chinese apart from Japanese and even then it is pretty fucking easy.

yes, the chinese are fucking ugly, poorly dressed, and unbelievably rude. that's how you know.


>eating covid-19


>that isn't even chinese food. that's something white people in america invented and called chinese food. actual chinese food is nothing whatsoever like chinese takeout.
Yeah you're right, there's no dog in it.


they also have sharper facial features than other asians.
Japanese and Koreans have a hmm... idk how to word this... softer look about them???

unless I make it myself

I've never noticed how disgusting and soulless chinks are till now.

fucking suck on a revolver boomer

No. I might get fed bat-flavored "mystery meat" disguised as beef. Japanese food is better in any case.



Fuck, I thought I was the only one that noticed this. All other takeaway places are open fine. But the Chinese have gone from around 25 in a 5 mile radius to 2.