"HARD TIMES AHEAD. VERY TOUGH TWO WEEKS. SEE SOME REAL LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL. VERY VERY VERY PAINFUL TWO WEEKS!!!! Military people going into battle. Going into war." Lots of graphs. Sounds like shit is about to get real bad. New York getting BTFO, they "got off to a late start." Seal is back on the podium. A scarf works too like a mask.
>Trump knew the virus could maybe be bad, maybe be good Does he even think before he speaks This is well beyond what anyone could possibly defend This is downright retarded >Don't need a mask just wear a scarf No words
>.0006% of the population OMG IS HAPPENNINGG!!!!!!1 kys doomers and bump those numbers
Christian Rivera
He really doesn't want to admit things. On the one hand he did great on stopping inflow of new sick people and more stuff. On the other hand he really, really doesn't want to admit that some measures were too late like stopping fucking spring break
I'm going to tell you some real shit. Most stores aren't diesfecting correctly and the shit can last on surfaces for up to a week. It also has been proven to be spread through animals so if you get and meat or new animals you should clean it thoroughly. (Also funny how they are telling people to adopt animals now when they don't test in animals at all when it is known to spread through them and the fact that is stays in an animal for up to a month after they get it) They want everyone calm right now since panic is much worse and would make the virus spread even fucking more. Also due to how long things last on surfaces and how long before symptoms kick in we will face a second wave eventually.
Thomas Jackson
This briefing has been going for almost 2 hours.
Imagine Sleepy Joe handling this crisis?
Josiah Jenkins
The 6ft was chosen purely because it was practical while providing little protection That is a fact
Logan Taylor
chekd and kekd
Camden Myers
trump just said he spoke to billy graham a few weeks ago even though he died in 2018
“He will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all. Instead of them, he will honor a god no one will have heard of before: the god of fortresses. And he will worship this god with a lot of money.”
Caleb Parker
Does this madman plan on doing 2 hour pressers every day
sleepy joe or hillary would have already face-planted by now
Julian Sullivan
>trump just said he spoke to billy graham a few weeks ago even though he died in 2018
“For false Christs and false prophets will arise and appear to perform ‘great’ signs and wonders so as to lead astray, if possible, God’s own people. He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction…”
Jaxson Gonzalez
lol trump can't take it much longer. he wasn't ready for all this lol
Dominic Reyes
So we've gone from "N95 is useless goy" to "a thin cloth helps".
I don't process any of the information, but the old lady who nods approval, tells me he's basically a god-level genius in epidemiology and is attempting to share his insight, with my best interests in mind.
Both flags are back on the stand now, along with the Presidential seal.
Sebastian Hill
Are you watching the same thing as me?
Ryan Gomez
People have become addicted to fear porn. The Great Depression in the US was 1929-1939 or 1948 depending on which economist you listen to. Some of them think that WW2 actually lengthened the GD and that the real economic recovery didn't happen until afterwards. Anyway, we'll be fine, shit will just be tough for a few years. There's nowhere for individuals to even buy them anymore. Target tried putting them on sale again but got shamed into donating them to hospitals.
Chase Rivera
Birx can walk on my dick with her post-conference sweaty tights
Are you wearing your scarf? >Orange man says no-one could predict this >Orange man doesn't know Yas Forums
Nathaniel Jackson
What is Sophie's choice?
Thomas Bennett
Lucas Cooper
Now the media will be hyperventilating to tell you every day for two weeks that it isn't even close to 200k. Great times!
Isaiah Torres
all of our states are shutdown
Luis Walker
We shut the entire country down about 2 weeks ago and are seeing the results now.
It would literally defy everything we know about virology to continue seeing an exponential new case count after reducing interpersonal interaction 90%.
Hudson Morris
I’m pretty sure this virus has been blown way out of proportion but I’m also pretty sure that the scarf comment was just to calm people.
Lincoln Torres
No they aren't.
Jackson Wood
Our entire country is more or less shut down except for necessities.
Benjamin Jenkins
pic related, i was that post. And yes, people love freaking out over shit. Life is pretty boring these days and excitement is fun. I'd rather do stims for excitement myself.
fine MOST of our states are shutdown with the exception of Mississippi
Aaron Stewart
like mcdonalds
Luke Reyes
The rate that you're slowing down is way faster than any country in Europe. Is it because of high levels of testing now? Every other country in Europe is on lockdown too and not seeing this
We’re winning so much that I’m frankly tired of it and wish it would stop. I Love Trump but this fear mongering bullshit that is being pushed by the media absolutely needs to stop before our economy shits the bed any further.
Camden Mitchell
Florida isn't either, I live here, a few others too are ignoring shit completely in the south and flyover states.
Xavier Diaz
They're shut down as much as they can be without causing riots.
Carter Kelly
i just realized that by the time of the election we will probably know the true extend of the virus in china which would mean that the media won't be able to put the blame on trump since the CCP and W.H.O both lied about how contagious it is.
>reporters not shouting at trump as he leaves what time line are we in bros?
Kevin Perry
I hold my shirt over my nose when Im outside in the Texas wind smoking my Southern Cut.
Ethan Baker
Most food places are open for take out. My local diner has been open too. But yea mcdonalds too He's called it out. The high estimate is now 200k dead, and I don't think it'll be anywhere near that.
Jace Baker
we have on average lower population density and less usage of mass transit. i think the level of social interaction for us is lower than europe during shutdown
Adrian Hill
Aren’t police pointing fire arms at niggers in Miami for being outside right now? I wish that was standard practice but I’m pretty sure it isn’t.
Justin Ramirez
Every country will
You can't stop airborne SARS
Jayden Long
But when is he going to hang them for treason?
Bentley Brown
Birx admitting the medical community misjudged this early as SARS-like is also big and explains so much.
Media narratives annihilated today by the very people — Fauci and Birx — the media held up as the true professionals.
Very bad day for fake media today.
Jeremiah Lopez
"Goyim, Israel has a COVID-19 vaccine, only 666 shekels, but today, just for Jew, only 660 shekels! Such a deal!"
Israeli Scientists Claim It’s ‘Pure Luck’ They Were Already Working On A COVID-19 Vaccine Prior To The Outbreak
If you were paying attention, he mentioned that in the briefing. He said something like "the american people won't take it".
Daniel Brooks
A Hegelian dialect
Joshua Barnes
yeah that was weird
Michael Flores
I dislike israel too but blaming anybody besides chinks is wrong
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Joshua Sanchez
Sebastian Richardson
Can't wait to see the comeback of tacticool shemaghs Yeah that adrenaline hit feels good. Mountain biking and motorcycling gets me there. The lockdown means that I'll be less likely to die in April than I normally am.