Anyone want to discuss today's episode?
Strike and Mike Ep. 105
Yes, I also liked the last one.
Someone just post the fucking episode and cut the bullshit.
I am eagerly anticipating a discussion of the latest episode of Strike and Mike
Paging Dr. Web Rip.
I like Strasserism what about you guys?
Prob more left leaning
How about you jews go fuck off and quit shilling garbage
Don’t know enough to say, really. Cultured Thug did a video on it I really need to listen to again
This is the number one anti-Jewish show in the universe, kikerino.
Strasser's only real crime was wanted to fulfill the true nature of the revolution by starting a revolution from within to gut the old aristocratic shitbags out instead of the long march through the institutions and generations of work to eventually get there Ala NATSOC-Hitlerism. Wasn't a bad idea in retrospect considering the same people Strasser wanted to physically remove also lead the assassination attempts on Hitler (multiple times) with only the last one being found out before getting the rope. Problem is you have 3 levels of vastly different understandings and everything ultimately being fucked. The old aristocrats that sided with Hitler later trying to kill him were right whom also hated Strasserites (getting them killed). Hitler's POV was also right on a level neither Strasserites or the stupid fuck aristocrat class understood (big brained jew agenda). Hitler was also right to deal with both how he did but failed to realize both would later come back to haunt him when it became obvious World vs Germany could not be won.
General-Aristocrats saw Hitler from a basic bitch duty Germany First perspective and thought overthrowing him would end the war and reset the board not knowing the power change from Gentile to Jews that already began in 1880 and drastically picked up prior to WW2. Later many of them after the war that survived regretted their actions after seeing the Allies not giving a fuck about them and punishing the German people unaware this was a war of total annihilation.
Hitler was too fucking soft on the old aristocratic class but needed them in some respect to get power and sustain it long-term. It was a balancing act on all fronts that was largely masterfully done. It's why you always hear in his speeches it was fate he came to power just in time to fight Bolshevism and he was right. Imagine if things were still Weimar by 1941 with Soviet build up.
Strasserites were the typical victim of being radical ideologues.
i.e. a soldier whose been in the fight so long he doesn't know when he's won. Only knows the fight.
I can't believe Striker called Keith a mumbling Irish faggot and left the podcast, can you
>produced by the FBI's A/V club
My jaw dropped when that happened. Mike's diatribe after about how badly Striker lost to Destiny really convinced me how much they hate each other. What does this mean for the future of the show I wonder?
This sums it up
Come on payhandsomes..
Keith's perspective on the need for morality is important. Spencer/BAP-style homosexual nihilism is adolescent and cancerous. We cannot give up the moral high ground. link please
You realize spencer and Keith do a show together and are basically on the same page. Spencer and Keith both criticize bap
What are their criticisms of bap? I've listened to a lot of their material and never heard anything about it.
Hes a fag
What is Bap?
Bump for the paychads
Bronze Age pervert. Don’t know anything about him besides the name
They're incoherent. Spencer is a wannabe globalist aristocrat who hates right-wing populism, is pro-eugenic but suddenly loves left-wing populism. Woods is a Buddhist who rejects the core nature of identity politics but sees it as a vehicle for his goals.
Pay Kaisers pls
Why the fuck does spencer talk like that?
He picked up left wing populism from the girl he now has a kid on the way with. Hitler knew that chasing pussy would put the white race at odds.
was he a fag like rohm and the other SA brass?
Bump for paykangz
Paychad upload machine goes brrrrrr
Ah great, more alt-right drama.
Honest question - whats with the constant beef and feuding with these people?
Can't we just talk about the leader of the Moobment instead?
It's how they keep is from doing anything
Has to be bait. Striker was all over Irish people and history on the People's Square ep with KW.
Its a joke moron.
No donald trump you can't retweet Charlie Kirk. Nooo im the leader of the movement. No agghhhhhhh
>Striker lost to Destiny
Listened to an hour of this and striker got btfo.
>hurr durr muh classical music
Then the part about about economics, destiny sounded like an intelligent and whiny sperg. While striker just sounded like a brainlet. SAD!
What was Striker wrong about? Be specific.
Oh and the part about
Holy cringe, striker needs to stop sniffing his own farts.
post it already
Random question - what do you think Isayama's politics are?
Don't care bout specifics, its just how it came across.
He's probably center right. Not super extreme but probably a bit conservative.
Well, ok, then yeah I guess I agree with you that Striker got btfo. Destiny is a very obnoxious debater that talks very fast. Striker was trying too hard to have a good faith discussion with him and 'looked' bad as a result. It would have been better if he was belittling and condescending towards Destiny.
The 2 times I remember when he did do that he just repeated the same btfo. He gotta up his trash talk.
This show just makes me angry and frustrated.
I don't get why people like it.
It’s not for black people.
I'm not black. I'm a spic.
Much like Striker. So suck my dick.
Can somebody just fucking discuss it already? Paykangs?
are you a (((capitalist))) or something?
The part when striker was like "don't call me dog" then immediately says "bro" fkin lol and face palm.
Its just like they start talking and talking and eventually they come around basically saying everything is hopeless. Every episode I've listened to. Maybe striker throws some last minute brainlet optimism but you can tell everyone knows its bullshit.
What are they saying about the virus?
I usually don't like bringing this kind of stuff up, but there's some really weird interplay going on between Spencer and Keith Woods during the Spencercasts or whatever they're called. Not quite homo but getting there. In one of the recent ones Spencer referred to Keith as his Miss Moneypenny (the woman James Bond was always hitting on in the movies). WTF?
Do you mean that it makes you mad because you think they say stupid shit, or because the subject matter is depressing? If the latter, I agree. I'm rarely in a good mood after listening to this. Try lifting during the show.
Debates are gay. It's time for white people to look out for their interest. If you disagree, we shouldnt be debating you, we should be separating from you. Send the kike destiny to Madagascar or whatever
yea you figured it out. they're fucking and sucking each other. congrats
I think Spencer is kind of mentoring the kid to be his replacement. Let's face it. Spencer is starting to grey. He's getting old.
Its like, every show:
>look at this awful shit a jew got away with 100 years ago
>yeah! fuck that, there is also this similar thing another jew got away with 50 years ago
>agreed! its bullshit, and right now there is one jew getting away with pretty much the same thing!
>yeah! that's terrible!
>well, that is why its important to build a community and that stuff see you next week
It's obvious that Striker knows very little about debating. He thinks it's going to be like one of his podcasts where he can info dump for 10 minutes at a time before being interrupted by Mike. People make fun of Destiny a lot, but it's obvious that leading Striker into a musical discussion at the beginning was done intentionally by Destiny, and Striker gleefully went into the trap head first.
paychads plz
in b4 morpheaus
in b4 moike posting a fake file
in b4 sven complaining about mcnabb behind an user account
in b4 gibs plz
in b4 payfrens
in b4 catbox
in b4 anonfile with 50 minute download times
in b4 "is that a virus"
It wasn't even a trap, destiny was just flexing on a topic striker brought up. As I said here the whole classics crap is like wtf and fyi I hate rap.
Inb4 paychad posts the actual file