Chicago youth showing off money and guns

You’ll never guess what happens next!

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Why are people like this?

Read evolutionary psychology.

It's a nigger.

Hundreds of years of slavery, segregation, police brutality, mass incarceration, racial discrimination and systemic racist oppression


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Imagine if one of these people breached 100IQ and put their money in a bank, then put it the stock market and started collecting dividends, or purchased a home. Or anything.

Nah, the world keeps turning as it is.

Great, now do the whole continent of Africa.

/no different, lower IQ, violence.



Got caught lacking by the opps

>putting drug money in a bank
u dumb?

ALL of those are terrible ideas at the moment

fuck i miss chicago, between the after parties, dancing nogs and easy polish girls i was never more alive


It's fascinating that in the age of internet and viral videos like that leftists continue to claim that the ONLY reason blacks are at the bottom is due to "muh racism".

....yeah, because apparently people don't have eyes and don't see shit like this, that instantly overrides a mountain of any type of propaganda. Reality is a stubborn bitch.

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fuck niggers

“Those damn Democrats”

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>no one ever gets murdered on screen during these nignog stream shootings
it's staged

>Mup da doo didda po mo gub dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfug

Lower IQ, Higher Estrogen Levels.

Niggers aren't exactly known for their marksmanship

Niggers should just be enslaved again at this point , fucking hopeless and worthless savage race.

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Hahaha you dumb fucks, I like how the one guy flashing his gun like a gangster didn't shoot back, fuck you even got that gun for if you're too scared to use it? Pussy. How you gonna explain that video to your "niggas"
>>>Ya see, the way my gun is set up.....
Hood pass revoked


>in a bank, then put it the stock market and started collecting dividends, or purchased a home
I hope you reach your goal of 100 IQ some day yourself.

>Why are people
they're not people

Racists see a drug dealer, I see a future corpse

Don’t forget low IQ

>The one nigger who lost his shoe

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I wonder why

but this lil was born not even 20 years ago
you people are sick int the head

Looks like it would've been a decent neighborhood if wasn't overrun with nigs.

boogaloo now, take their money

Mentally retarded niggers
>but but that's racist!
I fucking hate liberals

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Is that his trumpbux?

So glad I moved outta Chicongo, fuckin corrupt and blacked as hell!

At least one died, that lone shoe left behind is proof of that.

Nigger gonna nig

fucking stream snipers


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fucking topkek, based leaf

why they need money tho?
when they just steal everything anyway

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That's what I was thinking. How are there that many people standing in on spot and the shooter couldn't hit one single person? That's not just bad some, I could close my eyes and guaranteed to hit at least two people

Niggers aren’t human.

so what happens in the video?

imagine the smell


Yeah, fuck off.

Imagine getting in a firefight with these retards. That’d be a wet dream

Why don't you fix it then if you are such a black nationalist. Quit crying and do something you lazy nigger

I'm ESL and cannot translate what this young gentleman is saying into english. Could you please explain: why does he surprise his friends with firecrackers?

No you are, apparently.

honestly they'd be really shitty slaves. Teaching them to be useful would be like training dogs to play the piano–possibly entertaining, but ultimately too much effort for too little reward.

click it idiot

You can't rob drug dealers all the time or they catch on.

You have to travel miles into the bowels of Chicago. By that time your white ass has been spotted, and they either think you are a cop and scatter, or start sniping you.

And nots 1 of dem blew back nigga tf
No cap these niggas bitches

Democrats allowed this to happen to black communities. Ever since the 1960s the life of the black man has degraded in dignity by the black man's own hand.

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We all know it wasn't a white man shooting, they'd be dead

They donated the money to st judes hospital and enrolled at MIT to become aerospace engineers

Don’t care, didn’t ask, plus you’re black

>Hundreds of years of slavery, segregation, police brutality, mass incarceration, racial discrimination and systemic racist oppression
because you act like animals. all that shit happens cause you are low IQ brain dead apes.

The white translation:
>We reside in this neighborhood, and we aren't afriad to gather socially and use drugs in our own neighborhood. We also don't care for our rivals.

Hello, boomer. What pot stocks should I invest in?

Just black face your way into their hood and take them out

Whiter than you, Ahmed. You commented on the poster blaming democrats for the state of black youth in a dismissive tone. I supported his conclusion by referencing old successes in the black community back when it actually was a community.

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All of that couldn't it beat it out of them, there may not be hope for a cure

OP was right I never would have guessed that

anybody remember what the videos were called shot in the hood. it wasnt hood vines. they basically filmed themselves shooting aks at night and other criminal shit and somebody put that into youtube compilations .

Arabs and Jews have known blacks are the slave race for thousands of years.

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this is autism

Damn, them niggas getting money out there.

Used to be a decent neighborhood. Probably kikes or Pollacks.