Lmao! Muh super power got exposed
Russia Help America fight Covid-19
White country's offer to help eave other stupid fairy skinned homosex
Thanks for the vodka, Russbros.
Vodka will be delivered by next plane. That one hauled Natashkas.
Thank you slavbros
Let’s all glass China
Thanks Rooskies. The help is appreciated.
US + Russia shall demolish Iran and China and enter the planet into a new era of prosperity and peace.
R for Respect, thanks slav bros
We can fill the plane up with Adidas apparel for its return flight to Russia.
Trade you AR 15s for AK 47s?
Russia is being so kind.
Can america and russia finally be friends?
It makes so sad to see you guys fught
Russia should be a natural and close ally of USA. That they are not is one of the great tragedies of our lives. Same goes for a few other countries, meanwhile, 'our closest ally' isnt officially an ally at all and has no extradition treaty with us.
Thanks russia. May all our revolutions be velvet, and hopefully more effective than history suggests.
Whoever taught you people english should be shot.
based rooskies ty bros we'll forget about Crimea
We're glad to have Russian aid. Fuck chinks
Russia isnt china.
You obviously didnt read it. That aid to italy is a trojan horse for the ruskies to do something else. It was not what was needed.
I bet those slavshits are going to distribute heroin and coronavirus laden blankets
>The comment left everyone scratching their heads, as no one in the US seemed to know anything about the plane in question. It appears the US president was referring to the aid arranged on the phone call as something that had already happened.
>no one in the US seemed to know anything about the plane in question
More proof that COVID is a hoax.
Don't listen to him, user. You English good
Finally we have an excuse to spite the kikes pitting us against one another. Trump before he even was elected wanted a good relationship with Russia. We should be taking steps to mend that and tell the muh hacking criers to fuck off.
Thanks Russia, Send captured eastern Europeans for us to rape plox
Russia\Putin is also ruled entirely by international bankers. They keep us from allying for what I think are obvious reasons.
>Accept help from Russia
>Relief Plane carries women, cheap booze, semetchki and a recipe for pelmeni.
Why is it bad to have friends in foreign places? Shouldn't we be proud to have some friends in case of emergencies? I honestly don't understand why people are so anal about our relationship with Russia
I don't know any Americans who don't like russians. It's our political elite who don't like each other
Name the country more powerful than the United States. Who is the superpower? Land mass, economic output, natural resources? Apple bottom bitches in every color? Flanked by TWO mighty oceans and a massive gulf just for shits and giggles? Military? Finland has 55 combat coded aircraft, which superpower did you purchase them from?
Fuck outta my face you insignificant snow peasant.
Watch as US media turns this into "OMG TE RUSSHUNS ARE INVADING" or something about trump cooperating with russians
Lmao all the Americans playing nice and friendly once they got humiliated in front of the whole world. Americans claim to be a world hegemony is gone. It’s Chinese era, mofos.
And to think we would have already colonized Mars by now together if it wasnt for a certain ideology brought to Russia by a certain tribe of people...
Except this shit was sent without asking just to make Trump to accept the Putin's call.
holy moly! is this picture real????
>Sends a plane with some masks on it.
Well that disproves everything doesn't it?
All that counts nothing as you’re helpless to do jack shit form the chinkvirus. The chinks sent aid first, now the Russians are doing it. How does it feel to be outperformed by your sworn enemies “playing” friendly while spreading their geopolitical influences on your expanse?
Why is it bad? US and Russia should get along and cooperate more. Both countries are corrupt af and jew ridden, but cooperation is a NOT bad thing.
Of course it's meme, John.
Fuck off, cock slurping, cum guzzling faggot.
This whole crisis has made me realize that the Russians have been good guys all along
Don't listen to the nigger. He is upset because his dog chewed up his butt plug and the adult toy shop is closed because of SARS-COVID-19
Repeat after me fellow clowns: TRUMP IS NOT A RUSSIAN PUPPET
>We can
no, you should
based brosephs
Cпacибo, тoвapищи!
Based and adidaspilled
WW3 confirmed between Russia/USA and Israel/China
Where's the nearest recruitment office? I'm ready
Okay Gookopodopolis
these are very interdasting times
I like how China took a shit on the world and Russia offered to help clean it up for free.
When will we learn not to trust the bug people?
I'm liking this new greatest ally a LOT better than the old one.
based and borispilled
Thank you based Putin
> Unironically posts RT article
> Believes it
Get cucked, former soviet satellite
>tries to breathe
Just kill the damn Jews once and you will be best friends forever